is the outpost of democracies in face of Islamic terrorist offensive.
De-legitimizing and weakening Israel – the role model of counter
terrorism – would be a tailwind for Islamic terrorists –
the role model of international terrorism - facilitating their assault
on the Free World.
Israel embodies democracy, rule of law, anti-racism, religious freedom,
rights for women, gays and Arab and Muslim minorities - Israel
is one of the most gender integrated regimes in the world, and has
had a female prime minister, a female chief justice, a female foreign
minister and leading female military officers.
Israel seeks peaceful coexistence while Arabs and Iranians seek
to eliminate Israel, as evidenced by their violent actions including
terrorism, voting patterns, replies to polls, political rhetoric,
media messages, school textbooks, mosque sermons, wall graffiti ,
and much else. Israel
is the only country in the world which is regularly slated for extermination.

Republic of Iran stamps with
guns pointing at Israel,
blood dripping
from Israel's map
survived against all odds and made democracy and the desert
bloom in a region hostile
to liberty and greenery
- Freedom and terrorism cannot coexist
- 99.5%
of U.S. Congress commends
Israeli democracy
debate regarding the solution to the conflict with the Arab Palestinians
is an exercise in futility as long they do not end their civil war,
choose democracy over tyranny and terror and stop seeking Israel's
destruction and Islamic global supremacy. Israel
is not the root cause of many problems in the Middle East but
is a front line in
the Islamo-fascist war against all non-Muslims.
The war directed against Israel
is really the global war of fundamentalist tyranny against freedom
and democracy. The Arab-Israeli conflict has never been about Palestinian
statehood but really about the destruction of the Jews and the only
Jewish State on earth.
the Islamists, Arab states and Iran put down their weapons, there
would be no more violence. If Israel puts down her weapons, there
would be no more Israel and no more democracy in the Middle East.
In Arab and Iranian dictators' propaganda there is almost no problem
that is not caused by the existence of Israel,
the Middle East’s sole democracy. Most Arab and
Muslim states do not recognize Israel's right to exist. Misperceptions
of Israel shape Islamist and Arab strategy.
Builds for Nobel Prizes, Arabs Destroy with Suicide Bombers (Farid
Ghadry, Reform Party of Syria, Oct 21, 2004)
has suffered the largest number of terrorist attacks worldwide since
- Half
the world's major terror groups have anti-Israeli agenda
- Fundamentally, Israel is the target of terrorist
organizations and despotic regimes precisely because of its virtues:
Oasis of freedom in a desert of Arab and Iranian tyranny
Oasis of independent judiciary in a desert of Arab and Iranian
Oasis of religious rights in a desert of Arab and Iranian
religious persecution: at the same time as Christians are
fleeing the Palestinian Autonomy Israel's Christian population is
Oasis of women rights in a desert of Arab and Iranian discrimination
against women:
the most sexist
regimes in the world are Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian

Entrance of the
the Israeli Parliament's official Arabic website
(Feb 3, 2004)
Authority TV Sermon, May 13, 2005: Muslims Will Rule America, Britain
... and the Entire World; Israel is a Cancer; Jews are a Virus Resembling
AIDS; Muslims Will Finish Them Of
volunteer for combat units of the Israel Defense Forces.
government of Israel is the only one in the Middle East that is
elected by free citizens -- including Arabs and Muslims:
Israel is a free, Western country, which recognizes the individual
rights of its citizens (such as their right to liberty and freedom
of speech). It uses military force only in self-defense. The enemies
of Israel, by contrast, are state sponsored terrorist organizations
and dictatorships. They do not recognize the individual rights of
their own subjects, much less those of the citizens of Israel. They
initiate force indiscriminately in order to retain and expand their
achievements are vast and have no parallel in any other country
of comparable size or age. They have been reached against an unremitting
threat of violence, war, terror and delegitimation that might have
defeated any lesser people. In almost every sphere – economic
development, technology, integration of immigrants and the maintenance
of democracy – Israel should today be internationally heralded
as a model for others to emulate.
all, Israel has pursued peace. In a mere 10 years it made a cognitive
leap for which it would be hard to find a precedent. The "peace
process" whose main watchword is "territories for peace",
involves a paradox whereby a minuscule democracy is being forced
to provide its totalitarian enemies - scores of times its size -
the only thing it lacks: territory. In exchange, the surrounding
tyrannies are being asked to provide the one and only thing that
they lack: peace. In 1990 Arafat's PLO was a proscribed terrorist
2000 the Israeli prime minister had offered a Palestinian state
in the whole of Gaza and 97 per cent of the West Bank, with east
Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian terrorist regime turned
this down and started the present terror war targeting Israeli civilians.
The Palestinian terrorist regime does not want a Palestinian state
by the side of Israel but one replacing Israel and the destruction
of her free society.
case for Israel should be apparent even to thoroughgoing supporters
of the Palestinians. Who else has offered them a genuine future?
Egypt? Jordan? Syria? Lebanon? The Gulf States? It takes only a
cursory glance at the history of the Middle East to realize that
for the most part, neighboring states have ruthlessly exploited
the Palestinians for their own ends with callous indifference to
the consequences. Israel, alone in the Middle East, has attempted
to construct, with and for the Palestinians, a viable and peaceful
future - and a Palestinian state.
strategy of winning Palestinian hearts and minds failed because
carrots could never overcome the intimidation
applied by Palestinian terrorist regime's sticks.
of Israeli policies in a reasonable and informed manner is legitimate
and something that Israelis themselves do on a regular basis, as
is the norm in a healthy democracy. Israel is certainly not infallible
and makes mistakes - just as all other states have the capacity
to do when confronted with the dilemmas that Israel faces in trying
to protect its population from terrorist attacks. Israel must be
treated by the same standards as any other country in the world
and not singled out for special treatment at the hands of those
who prefer to ignore genocide and human rights abuses in places
such as Darfur, Chechnya, southern Sudan, Tibet and any number of
Arab states and Iran.
of the Islamic Conference (OIC) official website, Sep 6, 2003:
"... is an inter-governmental
organization grouping fifty-six States. These States decided to
pool their resources together, combine their efforts ... in absolute
priority, with liberating Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa from Zionist occupation."
Freedom Score of Israel (Free)
versus 22 Arab regimes & Iran (18 Not Free, 5 Partly Free)
| Source: Freedom House (PDF,
187 KB)
Freedom Score of Palestinian Authority
(Not Free) versus Israel
Source: Freedom House
Human Development Index of Israel (0.905), 22
Arab regimes (0.662) & Iran (0.719)
(PDF, 670 KB) |
Source: United Nations Human Development Report 2003
Human Development Index of Israel (0.905) & Palestinian
Authority (0.731)
(PDF, 670 KB) | Source:
United Nations Human Development Report 2003
Corruption Indexes of Israel (7.3), Germany (7.3) and USA (7.7)
versus 22 Arab regimes & Iran
(1.7 - 5.5) | Source: Transparency International
(PDF, 1.8 MB)
Corruption Indexes of Palestinian
Authority (4.3),
Israel (7.3), Germany (7.3) and USA (7.7) |Source: Transparency
International (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Competitiveness Index 2006 -
Israel ranked 15 | Source:
World Economic Forum
Comparison Maps (IRIS): Compare the map of Israel with maps
of other areas drawn to the same scale, to put Israel's size into
perspective. In these maps, Israel is portrayed including all land
currently under its authority. Still,
Israel is small compared with most countries around the world, most
states in the U.S. and most other countries in its region.
of U.S. Congress Commends Israeli Democracy (Feb 11, 2003)
( PDF, 31 KB) The House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly
to “commend the people of Israel for reaffirming their dedication
to democratic ideals”. The resolution, which passed
411-2, also reaffirms the “close bonds
of friendship” that have “bound the people of the United
States and the people of Israel together through turbulent times
for more than half a century,” and urges the Palestinian leadership
to act on President Bush’s June 24, 2002, call to elect new
leaders, dismantle the terrorist infrastructure, end incitement
and embrace democracy. 99.5%
of U.S. Congress Commends Israeli Democracy (Feb 11, 2003)
fight is our fight' Tom DeLay, Majority Leader of the US House of
Representatives, Aug 3, 2003): "Freedom
and terrorism cannot coexist. This is the irreducible truth
of the 21st century. The battle between terrorism and freedom has
been waging for years, but has only been joined in earnest since
September 11, 2001.
war will be relentless until it is ultimately decided. In the end
terrorism will either destroy free nations, or free nations will
destroy it.
around the world have a choice, best articulated by President George
W. Bush: "You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists."
is no doubt where Israel stands in our post-9/11 world. The solidarity
between the US and Israel is deeper than the various interests we
share. It goes to the very nature of man, to the endowment of our
God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It
is the universal solidarity of freedom.
transcends geography, culture, and generations. It is the solidarity
of all people - in all times - who dream of and sacrifice for liberty.
It is the solidarity of Moses and Lincoln. Of Tiananmen Square and
the Prague Spring. Of Andre Sakharov and Anne Frank. And in its
name I come to you - in the midst of a great global conflict against
evil - with a simple message: Be Not Afraid."
will not go away by itself. It's up to people and nations of good
will to stand up to it wherever it attacks. Evil cannot be negotiated
away, appeased, or pacified. It must fought on every front with
every resource at our disposal.
terrorist organizations around the world are being hunted and destroyed.
State regimes who support those organizations are being ended. The
civilized world has made a conscious decision to tolerate the metastasizing
cancer of violent hatred to threaten it no longer. World leaders
who fail to join this struggle endanger their people and threaten
the peace of the world.
free nations meet aggression with capitulation, history is clear
about the results we should expect. Some things never change.
its heart, the terrorist ideology is indistinguishable from its
murderous forebears, responsible for tens of millions of deaths
in the last hundred years. Like Nazism, fascism, and communism,
terrorism is borne of the idea that human cruelty can subdue human
like Nazism, fascism, and communism, terrorism is a lie.
because of state-sponsored animosity, controlled-media propaganda,
and the economic abuses inherent in all terrorist organizations
and regimes, it is a lie - like its 20th century forebears - with
millions of adherents.
the miracle of liberal democracy will ultimately rid the world of
terrorism. Democracies neither enable terror nor instigate war.
They do not starve their citizens or torture dissidents or threaten
democracies build stable civic institutions, celebrate religious,
political, and ethnic diversity, create unlimited economic and educational
opportunities, and protect the inalienable human right to self-determination.
The liberty democracies tend to protect is the overwhelming force
that can destroy terrorism once and for all.
WHY the US is so adamant about the need for real democratic reforms
among the Palestinian people. An immediate and total end to Palestinian
violence is not a "concession" in the peace process. It
is a perquisite to any peace process in the first place.
Israelis and Palestinians shouldn't tolerate any more fool's games
in which the "Middle East peace process" becomes more
about the "process" than it is about the "peace."
Peace is impossible without a viable Palestinian democracy committed
to serving the needs of the Palestinian people.
terrorist leaders who have used the Palestinian people like pawns
for decades have no credibility any more. President Bush is right
to ignore communication from Yasser Arafat, and instead focus on
making peace with those men - not compromised by terror - who are
capable of peace in the first place.
is why Arafat must be isolated and ignored by the international
community. His continued influence in the Palestinian Authority
jeopardizes the hopes for peace. Nations who consort with him validate
him, and perpetuate the violence.
leaders must emerge. It's not enough for these leaders to condemn
terror. They must stop it. They must also recognize Israel's right
to exist, secure in its borders, and urge their neighbors in the
Arab world to do the same.
new leaders emerge - and we can hope Abu Mazen is such a leader
- who can finally deliver on the promises of the past, great things
will be possible for Israeli and Palestinian alike.
will be able to forge ahead, one of the great democracies of the
earth, safe to be free, and free to be prosperous.
the Palestinian people, committed to a lasting peace, will have
a new ally in the US. Just as we helped Western Europe and Japan
after World War II and Eastern Europe after the Cold War, the US
will help the Palestinian people build the infrastructure and institutions
necessary to accommodate and foster democratic politics, market
economics, and civil liberties.
US has fought evil before, in many forms, and, with the help of
allies like Israel, we are committed to defeating global terrorism
now. Once this battle is won we will put all our resources toward
winning the peace, too. But while this battle still rages, it is
the position of the people of the US, as expressed by their representatives
in Congress, that Israel's fight is our fight.
so shall it be until the last terrorist on earth is in a cell or
a cemetery. It is for this purpose that Providence has put the current
challenges before the free nations of the word."
I Admire Israel (Farid Ghadry, Leader of USA-based Reform Party
of Syria, May 5, 2007): "Israel’s democracy and its
economic prosperity are all needed in our midst in the hope that
we can learn self-empowerment. It is not hard to imagine our young
people learning about empowerment when they watch Israeli democracy
on their television sets, but it is hard to imagine they will be
able to apply it living under an authoritarian system of government.
That is the reason why Arabs send their own young people as suicide
bombers instead of nurturing them to grow and become citizens of
the world so that one day they can use their connections to help
their people ..."

you're a headstrong Arab or Iranian, bent on protest, Israel is
in every respect a paradise compared with any other state in
the Middle East:
In Lebanon, don’t try speaking out against
the Syrian occupation. You won’t live long.
In Saudi Arabia, don’t try converting from Islam. You won't
live long.
In Somalia, don’t try refusing sexual mutilation of your sister.
She and you won't live long.
In Tunisia, don’t try saying the government is corrupt. You
won't live long.
In Egypt, don’t try being a homosexual. You won't live long.
In Sudan, don’t try being a separatist. You won’t live
In Iran, don’t try having an affair. You won’t live
In Iraq, don’t try to be a party activist. You won’t
live long.
In Algeria, don’t try to be suspected of Islamism. You won't
live long.
In Libya, don’t try asking about her role in international
terrorism. You won’t live long.
In Mauritania, don’t try helping a slave run away. He and
you won’t live long.
In Syria, don’t try throwing stones at police. You won't live
In Oman, don’t try demonstrating for women rights. You won’t
live long.
In Morocco, don’t try saying Arab Saharawis have been displaced.
You won’t live long.
In Yemen, don’t try apostasy. You won’t live long.
In the Palestinian Authority, don’t try supporting democratic
Israel. You won’t live long.
religious and morality police launch website (MEMRI, May 13, 2003)
: "... the arrest of an
Asian man belonging to the Sufi sect of Islam who "engaged
in witchcraft," a study on the role of the Authority in the
struggle against "ideological invasion, ... On the photo, under
the heading "The Jewish Doll," is a story titled "The
Strange Request." The story reads: "One girl said to her
mother: 'Mother, I want jeans and a shirt open at the top, like
Barbie's!!' The dolls of the Jewish Barbie in her naked garb [sic],
their disgraceful appearance, and their various accessories are
a symbol of the dissolution of values in the West. We must fully
comprehend the danger in them."
if it's not Israel they loathe? (Paris-based Iranian Amir Taheri,
JP, Dec 2, 2004): "There are no free elections or reliable
opinion polls in the Arab world. So no one knows what the silent
majority really thinks. The best one can do is rely on anecdotal
evidence. On that basis, I came to believe that the Palestine-Israel
issue was low down on the list of priorities for the man in the
street but something approaching an obsession for the political,
business, and intellectual elites. ... The reason why the elites
fake passion about this issue is that it is the only one on which
they agree. In many cases, it is also the only political issue that
people can discuss without running into trouble with the secret
Arabs love Israel (Joseph Farah, WND, Apr 9, 2003): "Arabs
in Israel vote. They elect leaders to the Knesset [Israeli parliament].
They have their own political parties. They have their own newspapers.
They have full rights to citizenship. They are free to speak their
minds. As an Arab-American journalist who has spent a good deal
of time covering the region, I can tell you there is more freedom
for Arabs in Israel than in any Arab state."
religious freedom for all - including Moslems:

at Al-Aksa Mosque in
Israeli capital Jerusalem
churches in Jerusalem/Israel (Israeli Yellow Pages)
for all religions in Israel vs.
religious apartheid in Saudi Arabia and
Palestinian Autonomy:

National Authority Official Website, Jul 2, 2003: "President
Arafat Condemns Israeli Decision to Allow Non-Muslims into Al-Aqsa
... Officials from the Waqf—the Islamic trust running the
site—banned Jews and other non-Muslims from visiting the site
Pretense & Israeli Reality. What the world knows, but can’t
say, to be true (Victor Davis Hanson, NRO, Mar 18, 2003): "Much
of the problem, then, quite simply is also psychological and arises
because a Jewish state is right smack in the middle of the Arab
world — and by every measure of economic, political, social,
and cultural success thriving amid misery. Without
oil, without a large population, without friendly countries on its
borders, without vast real estate, and without the Suez Canal, it
somehow provides its citizenry with a way of life far more humane
than what is found in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, or Egypt. Yet
the world listens to the Palestinians' often-duplicitous leadership
— despite the corrupt nature and murderous past history of
Mr. Arafat's regime — because its sponsors sell a good part
of the globe's oil. And to risk their wrath, one would have to support
a few million Jews, not hundreds of millions of, say, British, Swedes,
or Italians. And so we give not a damn over millions of innocents
elsewhere butchered over millions of acres each year worldwide,
but instead focus on what the Palestinians lost while attempting
to destroy their neighbors."
"Friend of Israel" is a friend of democracy.
Israel is the sole democracy of the Middle East.
"Friend of Israel" is a friend of peace.
The Israeli people, in its vast majority, yearns for peace. This
has been proven by multiple efforts and concessions, which remain
unanswered to this day.
"Friend of Israel" is a friend of human rights.
We equally desire peace, welfare and democracy for all of Israel's
"Friend of Israel" is a friend of civilians.
We denounce the use of civilians in any armed conflict.
"Friend of Israel" is a friend of the values of justice
and equity. These humanistic values are threatened
by any form of fundamentalism.
"Friend of Israel" is a friend of non-violence.
can ever justify resorting to terrorism and hatred.
"Friend of Israel" is a friend of the free world.
call upon the free world to favor the emergence of Arab leaders
who sincerely seek peace and democracy and choose negotiation rather
than confrontation.
"Friend of Israel" is a friend of Jerusalem.
As long as religious freedom, and any freedom, shall be respected
by the State of Israel, we shall recognize Jerusalem as its capital.
"Friend of Israel" is a friend of the oppressed. Israel
is the land of refuge for millions of oppressed Jews and their non-Jewish
voice from Bangladesh (Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, editor of Weekly
Blitz in Dhaka, Bangladesh, published in JP, Aug 3, 2003):
is the only country in the Mideast that has been able to create
an educated, cultured and civilized society. We know quite precisely
how little respect an economically weaker Muslim national gets from
Arab sheikhs. Mostly they term us miskins - beggars. Is there any
valid reason why a rich Arab sheikh - or any other Arab, for that
matter - should term a poorer Muslim a miskin? Definitely not. But
if someone had the chance to visit Israel, he or she would see the
clear difference between Israeli Arabs and Arabs elsewhere."
in Dhaka (Bangladesh-based Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, Sep 7,
2004): "We expect people to be punished for crimes, and
that immorality will have its consequences. We do not expect people
to be arrested, tortured and imprisoned for favoring global peace,
interfaith dialogue and ending religious hatred. But that is precisely
what happened to me. What
was my "crime"? Being a living contradiction: a Zionist
and a devout Muslim living in Bangladesh, the world's second-largest
Muslim country. As a journalist, I counteracted the biased "news"
that promoted hatred of Israel and Jews; condemned terrorism, promoted
the free exchange of ideas and urged Bangladesh to recognize Israel.
My colleague, Dr. Richard Benkin, and I worked together and saw
the start of real debate. We were ecstatic and hopeful. But on November
29, 2003, police grabbed me as I was about to board a plane for
Tel Aviv ..."
letter from a friend of Israel (Bangladesh-based Salah Uddin Shoaib
Choudhury, June 13, 2005): "After getting released of 17-month's
imprisonment, I though to write you to let your people know the
feelings that I am proud to hold. I am honored to stand before you
perhaps as a living contradiction: a Zionist, a defender of Israel,
and a devout, practicing Muslim living in a Muslim country. Like
you I believe in the justice of the Zionist dream. I also acknowledge
this historical reality: that the world has endeavored to crush
that dream and, yes, even destroy the viability of the Jewish people.
At the same time I live in an environment where people believe just
as passionately in an opposing view that sees Israel as illegitimate
and the Jewish people as evil incarnate. Witness the statement of
former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed that 'Jews rule
the world'."
light unto the immigrants (Yair Sheleg, Haaretz, Jul 28, 2003):
"They came from the Philippines and Croatia, Mexico and Poland,
Nicaragua and Sri Lanka - immigration officials seeking to learn
from Israel's extensive experience in integrating newcomers from
around the world into the local society."
the Forbidden Country (Nonie Darwish, FrontPageMagazine, Jan 5,
2005): "I am an American raised in Gaza and Egypt
... Israel has passed a test of amazing endurance, surviving and
thriving in a sea of hatred, violence and terror. Its people remain
optimistic, but they desperately need relief from the fear and violence
that dominates daily life. I wish the Arab world could see Israel
as I see it -- as a diverse society of people living in peace. After
my visit, I am even more committed to supporting Israel."
is not an abnormal democracy (Haviv Rettiv, JP, Oct 23, 2008):
In 2001, ..., a commission of European legal scholars was convened
to advise the Council of Europe on constitutional issues "that
conform to the standards of Europe's constitutional heritage."
It concluded, in the authors' words, that "it is a recognized
European norm that a nation-state can maintain official ties with
its [ethno-cultural] 'kin' outside its borders and treat them preferentially
in certain areas, including immigration and naturalization."
... In fact, legislation offering both favorable naturalization
and some benefits without naturalization to non-citizen "kin
minorities" can be found in Ireland, Greece, Slovakia, Poland,
Hungary, Bulgaria, Russia and Armenia. International agreements
protecting kin minorities exist between Austria and Italy (establishing
specific rights for German-speakers in Tyrol), Denmark and Germany,
Italy and Slovenia and among several "new democracies"
in Eastern Europe.
Support Israel? It would certainly be easier not to. (Victor Davis
Hanson, NRO, Feb 4, 2002):
"The answer is found in values ..."
World Without Israel (Josef Joffe, Foreign Policy, Jan/Feb 2005):
"Imagine that Israel never existed. Would the economic malaise
and political repression that drive angry young men to become suicide
bombers vanish? Would the Palestinians have an independent state?
Would the United States, freed of its burdensome ally, suddenly
find itself beloved throughout the Muslim world? Wishful thinking.
Far from creating tensions, Israel actually contains more antagonisms
than it causes."