at a map of Israel in relationship to the Arab world and Iran tells
us that Arabs and Iranians don't need land; they
need tolerance. There is no shortage of land. There is a shortage
of freedom.

The surface area of the Arab
League (not
incl. Iran) compared to Europe (without Russia) and contiguous USA
Jan 16, 2010)

of Freedom 2006 - The Middle East
Arab state or Iran scores "Free" (Freedom House, Mar 10,

stamp :
on tyran Saddam Hussein's birthday flowers from the dead
Sic semper tyrannis is a Latin phrase meaning
"Thus always to tyrants"
Apr 10, 2006)
& Iranian dictators have killed more Arabs & Iranians than
any other goup. To
be sympathetic and supportive of the aspirations of the Arab people,
as we should, we must be adamantly against their present governments
— and many of their most prominent state-sponsored and -bought
clerics, intellectuals, and journalists as well
real War - Fighting the worst fascists since Hitler - Arab
Rulers: Thieves, Agents, Slaughterers, and Contemptible - Arab
despots star in Forbes Report 2003 "The World's Richest People"
United Front Against Fascism in the Middle East - Bring
Them Freedom, Or They Destroy Us

spent on Mid-East oil supports dictatorships and international terrorism
7 out of the the world's 19 most repressive regimes are Arab
out of the
world's 7 state sponsors of terrorism are Arab states and Iran
Silent Partner at the UN - the Organization of the Islamic Conference
(56 of the UN's 191 members) defends terrorism as a right
heartless, Machiavellian Arab leadership bent on violence, war,
terrorism, destruction and genocide subordinated Palestinian hopes
and aspirations to their own dark plans
Arab states and Iran claim for themselves
the right to self-determination,
but they are not willing to grant it to other national groups in
the Middle East: Kurds, black Africans, Jews, Berbers, Maronites
League asserts right to 22nd Arab state, 2nd
one in Palestine.
In 1964, the Arab League founded the Palestinian
Liberation Organization (PLO) whose raison d’etre was to destroy
Israel, three years before the West Bank and Gaza Strip came
under Israeli control.
Case for Democracy - Democratically governed nations are more
likely to secure the peace, deter aggression, expand open markets,
promote economic development, protect Western citizens, combat international
terrorism and crime, uphold human and worker rights, avoid humanitarian
crises and refugee flows, improve the global environment, and protect
human health. Arab countries and Iran among
the wealthiest in natural resources and the poorest in human resources.
liberals - endangered species - In
every Arab state, the main opposition movement is not liberal democratic,
but radical Islamist
and Iranian dictators' propaganda is insidious: sponsors
of terrorism establish human rights organizations, victims are
turned into aggressors and savages, barbarians are painted as victims,
imperialists and warmongers are declared moderates, defense is aggression,
offense is defense, democrats are denounced as imperialists, dictators
are lauded as democrats, and there are no problems that could not
be resolved through the destruction of Israel,
the Middle East’s sole democracy.
inevitably rely upon external conflict to sustain themselves - Iranian
President calls for the destruction of Israel - What
if it's not Israel they loathe? - Small and Democratic Israel
Alone in Gigantic Neighborhood of Evil
out of the the
world's 19
most repressive regimes are Arab (Freedom House, 2003) PDF,
384 KB
Freedom Score of Palestinian Authority
(Not Free) and Israel
Source: Freedom House
Human Development Index of Israel (0.905), 22
Arab regimes (0.662) & Iran (0.719)
(PDF, 670 KB) Source:
United Nations Human Development Report 2003
Human Development Index of Israel (0.905) & Palestinian
Authority (0.731)
(PDF, 670 KB) Source:
United Nations Human Development Report 2003
Corruption Index of Israel (7.3), Germany (7.3) and USA (7.7)
and 22 Arab regimes & Iran
(1.7 - 5.5), Source: Transparency International
(PDF, 1.8 MB)
Corruption Index of Palestinian
Authority (4.3),
Israel (7.3), Germany (7.3) and USA (7.7) Source: Transparency International
(PDF, 1.8 MB)
World Press Freedom Ranking of Israel (best category) and Arab
states & Iran (worst three categories)
of Reporters Without Borders website, Aug 12, 2004)

Arafat ‘has £1.8bn fortune’ (William Tinning,
The Herald, Nov 7, 2003): "...
[Arafat] has amassed a personal fortune of between £602m and
£1.8bn. ... Arafat's wife, Suha, 40, who lives away from the
struggles of her homeland, is given more than £60,000 a month
from Palestinian Authority funds."

Up the Neighbors (Thomas L. Friedman, The New York Times, Aug 6,
2003): "Shortly after the 25-member Governing Council was
appointed in Iraq, the head of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, questioned
the U.S.-appointed Council's legitimacy. "If this Council was
elected," complained Mr. Moussa, "it would have gained
much power and credibility." I
love that quote. I love it, first of all, for its bold, gutsy, shameless,
world-class hypocrisy. Mr. Moussa presides over an Arab League in
which not one of the 22 member states has a leader elected in a
free and fair election."
Popular Idea: Give Oil Money to the People Rather Than the Despots
(John Tierney, New York Times, Sep 10, 2003): "The
studies have shown that resource-rich countries in the Middle East,
... are exceptionally prone to
authoritarian rule, slow economic growth and high rates of poverty,
corruption and violent conflict. Besides financing large armies
to fight ruinous wars with neighbors, as in Iraq and Iran, oil wealth
sometimes leads to civil wars over the sharing of the proceeds,
as in Sudan and Congo."
Sharia (Center for Religious Freedom/Freedom House, Mar-Jun 2002
Newsletter): "In its most recent survey on the state of
political freedom and civil liberties around the world, Freedom
House found that there is a dramatic, expanding gap in the levels
of freedom and democracy between Islamic countries and the rest
of the world. Only 11 of the world's 47 Muslim
countries can be categorized as "democracies." This means
that a non-Islamic state is more than three times more likely to
be democratic as an Islamic state. There
are no electoral democracies at all among the 16 Arabic states of
the Middle East and northern Africa. There is
an even more dramatic freedom gap between majority Islamic countries
and the rest of the world. In countries
with a Muslim majority, there is just one Free country,
Mali, while 18 are rated Partly Free and 28 are Not Free. Of
the ten lowest ranking countries in civil liberties, most are Muslim.
This defies the trend in the rest
of the world with 2001 being a high water mark for democracy and
freedom in general. The Center for Religious
Freedom's own survey on religious freedom found that the
religious areas with the largest current restrictions on religious
freedom are the Islamic countries. In July,
the UN released its "Arab Development Report" validating
our findings and warning that Arab
societies are being crippled by a lack of political freedom, repression
of women and intellectual isolation. One statistic that stands out:
In the last 1,000 years the whole Arab world translated as many
books as Spain does in one year. Another is the fact that half of
Arab women are illiterate." The
2001-2002 Freedom House Survey of Freedom. The Democracy Gap.
(PDF, 187 KB)
religious and morality police launch website (MEMRI, May 13, 2003)
: "... the arrest of an
Asian man belonging to the Sufi sect of Islam who "engaged
in witchcraft," a study on the role of the Authority in the
struggle against "ideological invasion, ... On the photo, under
the heading "The Jewish Doll," is a story titled "The
Strange Request." The story reads: "One girl said to her
mother: 'Mother, I want jeans and a shirt open at the top, like
Barbie's!!' The dolls of the Jewish Barbie in her naked garb [sic],
their disgraceful appearance, and their various accessories are
a symbol of the dissolution of values in the West. We must fully
comprehend the danger in them."
With a Terrorist (Review & Outlook, Wall Street Journal, Aug
12, 2003): "It's been 15 years since Libyan terrorists
downed Pan Am Flight 103 over
Lockerbie, Scotland, ending 270 lives; four
years since Libya finally turned over two suspects in the bombing;
and two years since a Scottish court in the Netherlands convicted
one of them."
of a letter sent to the U.N. Security Council Friday from Libyan
U.N. envoy Ahmed Own, accepting responsibility for the 1988 bombing
of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland (CNN, Aug 15, 2003).
Arabia. The West can no longer afford to ignore repression in the
Mideast. (Claudia Rosett, Wall Street Journal, Aug 14, 2002)
of mutilating execution method with hand grenades in Saddam Hussein's
These pictures are not suitable for children. They are extremely
You . An Iraqi poet celebrates the dictator's fall.(Awad Nasir,
Wall Street Journal, May 8, 2003):
"It is not only the people of Iraq who are grateful for the
end of a nightmare. A majority of Arabs and Muslims are also grateful.
The chorus of lamentation for Saddam consists of a few isolated
figures espousing the bankrupt ideologies of pan-Arabism and Islamism.
A Moroccan Islamist tells us that the American presence in Iraq
is "a punishment from Allah" for Muslims because of their
"weakening faith." But if the toppling of a tyrant is
punishment, then I pray that Allah will bring similar punishments
on other Arab nations that endure despotic rule."
Lounes, president of the USA-based World Amazigh [Berber] Congress,
wrote an open letter to Libyan leader Mu'ammar Qaddafi (MEMRI, May
3, 2007): "... ... 30 Million Amazigh Speakers in North
Africa ... We like to think that colonialism no longer exists…
But there is no worse colonialism than internal colonialism - that
of the pan-Arabist clan that seeks to dominate our people. It is
surely Arabism, in that it is an imperialist ideology that refuses
any diversity in North Africa, that constitutes a betrayal and an
offense to history, truth, and legality."
Up the Neighbors (Thomas L. Friedman, The New York Times, Aug 6,
2003): "Shortly
after the 25-member Governing Council was appointed in Iraq, the
head of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, questioned the U.S.-appointed
Council's legitimacy. "If this Council was elected," complained
Mr. Moussa, "it would have gained much power and credibility."
I love that quote. I love it, first
of all, for its bold, gutsy, shameless, world-class hypocrisy. Mr.
Moussa presides over an Arab League in which not one of the 22 member
states has a leader elected in a free and fair election."
in Darfur (Arab-American activist Mohamed Buisier, Wall Street Journal,
Jun 2, 2006): Once again, the international community, and the
U.N. in particular, is being shamed into acting to stop the massacres
in Darfur, and once again the Arab League and Arab leaders are unwilling
and unable to face facts, or to deal with them in a civilized and
humane manner. Indeed, the most recent Arab League summit, which
took place in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum -- presumably as a
show of support to the host government -- ended with a resolution
denying that any massacres had taken place in Darfur and expressing
resistance to any outside intervention in the "internal"
affairs of an Arab country. (Not surprisingly, this stance is identical
to that taken by Osama Bin Laden.)
Care of League Business (Walid
Phares, NRO, March 28, 2003:
"1) Speaking of withdrawal from Iraq, shouldn't
the Arab League be asking Syria — a League member —
to withdraw from Lebanon? That small country
was invaded in 1990 by an Arab army following an Arab League decision
— which, let us remind Mr. Mahmassani, was never authorized
by the United Nations. Since 1976, the Arab League has sponsored
armed interventions in Lebanon quite independently of the U.N. Worse,
it legitimized the onslaught of the Syrian forces in Lebanon —
complete with 15 years of shelling, massacres, kidnappings, and
terrorism, and the forceful imposition of a new regime in October
The League's representative warned against the "harm that could
be caused to the peoples of the region." But the League shows
such thoughtfulness only to certain populations. Kurds are not on
its list, nor are the Berbers or the Copts. The
Kurds are massacred by the Iraqi regime, the Algerian government
suppresses the Berbers, and the Copts are persecuted by both their
own Egyptian government and by fundamentalist
organizations. The list goes on. Despite a range of atrocities stretching
from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, the League has remained heavily
Last but not least, the Arab League charges that its people do not
want change, especially if it comes from the outside world, and
particularly if it is to be at the hands of the United States. It
claims that Arab matters are settled among and by Arabs. But if
that's the case, why don't we call
for free elections in Damascus, Riyadh, and Tripoli, and learn more
about the real will of the people of the region?
Let's grant the masses there what the League wants to grant the
Palestinians — nothing more, nothing less. Why should the
United States be urged to intervene in one Arab matter (the Palestinian
one) and not in another one (Iraq)? Are the Kurds and Shiites second-class
League Revives Boycott Against Israel (Shearman & Sterling LLP,
Jan 2, 2004): "On March 28, 2001, at a two-day summit in
Amman, Jordan, Arab heads of state adopted a resolution calling
for the reactivation of the Arab boycott against Israel. In response,
U.S. antiboycott laws are expected to be more vigorously enforced
in order to counteract any enhancement of the Arab boycott that
may result from this resolution. The resolution directs the Arab
League's Central Boycott Office (CBO) in Damascus, Syria, to hold
regular boycott conferences with the aim of preventing dealings
with Israel."
of Arafat's Fatah (Fatah official website, Sep 20, 2003):
Article (12): Complete
liberation of Palestine, and eradication of Zionist economic, political,
military and cultural existence.
democratic reform. Arab reform, or Arab performance? (Economist,
Jul 17, 2003): "Across the region, including Iraq, the
Islamist trend remains the one most likely to succeed in open elections.
... Arab regimes are simply too addicted to power. They can make
the right gestures, but even a small relinquishment of authority
produces ugly withdrawal symptoms."
Intellectual Al-Afif Al-Akhdar On the Arab Identity Crisis and Education
in the Arab World (Elaph.com/MEMRI Sep 21, 2003): "Why
is it that our countries are among the wealthiest in natural resources...
and the poorest in human resources?
Why does the world's human knowledge double every three years...
while with us, what multiplies several times over is illiteracy,
ideological fear, and mental paralysis? Why do expressions of tolerance,
moderation, rationalism, compromise, and negotiation horrify us,
but [when we hear] fervent cries for vengeance, we all dance the
war dance? Why have the people of the world managed to mourn their
pasts and move on, while we have established, hard and fast, our
gloomy bereavement over a past that does not pass? Why do other
people love life, while we love death and violence, slaughter and
suicide, and [even] call it heroism and martyrdom...?"
thwarted civilization. Arabs Have Nobody to Blame But Themselves
(The Wall Street Journal, Arab-American professor Fouad Ajami, Oct
16, 2001)
for me, not for thee (Professor S. Avineri, JP, May 17,2004):
"The issue is that the Arab
political narrative sees the Arab nation – and it alone –
as the sole legitimate repository of national self-determination
in the region. While Arabs have, of course,
the right to self-determination, one of the problems that have accompanied
Arab nationalism from its inception is that what the Arabs rightly
claim for themselves, they are not willing to grant to other national
groups in the Middle East. This exclusivism borders on political
racism. The Kurds are one example. Different in language, culture,
and traditions from the Arabs, Kurds have been oppressed for decades
Corruption [in the Arab World] is Like Fighting Catholicism in the
Vatican." (Excerpts from an article by Dr. Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Effendi,
a Sudanese author and researcher who resides in London, appeared
in the London-based Arabic-language daily Al-Hayat, MEMRI, Aug 14,
the Arab Obsession with Vengeance (Excerpts from two articles by
Tunisian intellectual Al-'Afif Al-Akhdar, who resides in Paris,
appeared on the website Elaph, MEMRI no. 499, May 4, 2003)
do Arabs Hate the West, Especially the U.S.? (MEMRI, Aug 12, 2003):
Zuheir Abdallah, columnist for the London-based Arabic daily Al-Hayat,
blames Arab fascism and Islamism for failing to achieve any accomplishments
for the Arab world since 1948, leading to its backwardness today.
"Most Arabs hate the West,
especially the U.S., for many reasons; some date back to the Crusades
and the Andalusia period, and more recently,
because of Palestine and Iraq. I don't intend to delve into this
historical turmoil, but for the
sake of history, the Arabs should remember that they invaded and
occupied important parts of Europe hundreds of years before the
Crusades wars. ... Let
us stop for a minute and ask ourselves, Arabs and most Muslims,
what did we offer for ourselves and the rest of the world, since
the beginning of the industrial revolution to this day, from human
sciences and inventions or any other added value to civilization?
Unfortunately, the answer is: almost nothing!"
if it's not Israel they loathe? (Paris-based Iranian Amir Taheri,
JP, Dec 2, 2004): "There are no free elections or reliable
opinion polls in the Arab world. So no one knows what the silent
majority really thinks. The best one can do is rely on anecdotal
evidence. On that basis, I came to believe that the Palestine-Israel
issue was low down on the list of priorities for the man in the
street but something approaching an obsession for the political,
business, and intellectual elites. ... The reason why the elites
fake passion about this issue is that it is the only one on which
they agree. In many cases, it is also the only political issue that
people can discuss without running into trouble with the secret
Bush Presses on Peace and Liberty in the Middle East, May 9, 2003:
"After September the 11th, 2001, your generation and our whole
country knows better. In an age
of global terror and weapons of mass destruction what happens in
the Middle East greatly matters to America.
The bitterness of that region can bring violence and suffering to
our own cities. The advance of
freedom and peace in the Middle East would drain this bitterness
and increase our own security ... Free governments
do not build weapons of mass destruction for the purpose of mass
terror. Over time, the expansion of liberty throughout the world
is the best guarantee of security throughout the world. Freedom
is the way to peace ... The Middle East presents many obstacles
to the advance of freedom. And I understand that this transformation
will be difficult. Recently, a group of 30 Arab scholars issued
a report describing a freedom deficit in Arab countries, citing
in particular a lack of human rights and poor education. They also
identified the social oppression of women as a major barrier to
progress. And they are correct. No society can succeed and prosper
while denying basic rights and opportunities to the women of their
of U.S. Congress Commends Israeli Democracy (Feb 11, 2003)
( PDF, 31 KB) The House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly
to “commend the people of Israel for reaffirming their dedication
to democratic ideals”. The resolution, which passed
411-2, also reaffirms the “close bonds
of friendship” that have “bound the people of the United
States and the people of Israel together through turbulent times
for more than half a century,” and urges the Palestinian leadership
to act on President Bush’s June 24, 2002, call to elect new
leaders, dismantle the terrorist infrastructure, end incitement
and embrace democracy. 99.5%
of U.S. Congress Commends Israeli Democracy (Feb 11, 2002)
Arabs love Israel (Joseph Farah, WND, Apr 9, 2003): "Arabs
in Israel vote. They elect leaders to the Knesset [Israeli parliament].
They have their own political parties. They have their own newspapers.
They have full rights to citizenship. They are free to speak their
minds. As an Arab-American journalist who has spent a good deal
of time covering the region, I can tell you there is more freedom
for Arabs in Israel than in any Arab state."
you're a headstrong Arab or Iranian, bent on protest, Israel is
in every respect a paradise compared with any other state in
the Middle East:
In Lebanon, don’t try speaking out against
the Syrian occupation. You won’t live long.
In Saudi Arabia, don’t try converting from Islam. You won't
live long.
In Somalia, don’t try refusing sexual mutilation of your sister.
She and you won't live long.
In Tunisia, don’t try saying the government is corrupt. You
won't live long.
In Egypt, don’t try being a homosexual. You won't live long.
In Sudan, don’t try being a separatist. You won’t live
In Iran, don’t try having an affair. You won’t live
In Iraq, don’t try to be a party activist. You won’t
live long.
In Algeria, don’t try to be suspected of Islamism. You won't
live long.
In Libya, don’t try asking about her role in international
terrorism. You won’t live long.
In Mauritania, don’t try helping a slave run away. He and
you won’t live long.
In Syria, don’t try throwing stones at police. You won't live
In Oman, don’t try demonstrating for women rights. You won’t
live long.
In Morocco, don’t try saying Arab Saharawis have been displaced.
You won’t live long.
In Yemen, don’t try apostasy. You won’t live long.
In the Palestinian Authority, don’t try supporting democratic
Israel. You won’t live long.

End of 'Arafat'. Even if he lives, the idea of him must die. (Wall
Street Journal, Sep 17, 2003): "If you look at the Nobel
Prizes' own biography of Yasser Arafat, you find this remarkable
sentence toward the end: 'Like other Arab regimes in the area, however,
Arafat's governing style tended to be more dictatorial than democratic.'
That is to say, Arafat by his own choice of governance--dictatorship
over democracy--bears individual responsibility for the legacy he
leaves. That legacy includes: the
contemporary crime of hijacking and blowing up civilian-filled airliners;
the attempted destabilization of Jordan and Israel and the successful
destruction of Lebanon as a formerly sovereign nation; and decades
of violated international agreements, culminating in the collapse
of Oslo. ... has made possible any crime, culminating in the anti-moral
act known as suicide bombers."
Regime More Criminal than Saddam's Regime. Ahmad Al-Jarallah, editor
of the Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyasa, wrote a series of articles which
were critical of the Syrian regime (MEMRI, Apr 22, 2003): "Syria,
and with it the same supporters and mercenaries, say that it is
a Zionist game, and that Iraq was conquered by the American-Israeli
forces. It says that the U.S. is carrying out a Sharonist program
in this country, the goal of which is to impose Pax Israeliana on
the region, and every one of the statements are part of the game
of cat and mouse and are aimed at gaining time. What is demanded
from Syria is self-examination that will show that the Damascus
regime suffers greatly from sadistic behavior, and that it is identical
to Saddam, in the parameters of dictatorship, of single-party rule,
and in its refraining from development, change, and adopting the
principles of freedom and democracy."
Bush's call of June 24, 2002 to the Palestinians, to dismantle the
terrorist infrastructure, end incitement to violence in official
media, elect new leaders not compromised by terror, and embrace
Emergency without End. Rushed Renewal of Repressive Legislation
(Human Rights Watch, Feb 25, 2003)
& Iran are 2 out of 3 states in axis of evil
as classified by U.S. President Bush
(State of the Union Address, Jan 29, 2002): "States
like these [North Korea, Iran, Iraq], and their terrorist allies,
constitute an axis of evil, arming
to threaten the peace of the world. By seeking weapons of mass destruction,
these regimes pose a grave and growing danger.
They could provide these arms to terrorists, giving them the means
to match their hatred."
and Arab Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria
are 5 out of the world's 7 State Sponsors
of Terrorism as
classified by the U.S. Department of State
out of the world's 33 Foreign Terrorist Organizations as designated
by the U.S. State Department are
Arab or Iranian or have an Arab or Iranian agenda:
Nidal organization (ANO)
Martyrs Brigade [belonging to Arafat's
Islamic Group (GIA)
Asbat al-Ansar
al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group, IG)
(Islamic Resistance Movement)
(Party of God)
(Egyptian Islamic Jihad)
Khalq Organization (MEK or MKO)
Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Liberation Front (PLF)
Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Command (PFLP-GC)
Group for Call and Combat (GSPC)
out of the world's 33 Foreign Terrorist Organizations as designated
by the U.S. Department of State are Palestinian or have a Palestinian
Martyrs Brigade [belonging to Arafat's
Nidal Organization (ANO)
(Islamic Resistance Movement)
Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Liberation Front (PLF)
Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Command (PFLP-GC)
al-Ansar [Palestinians in Lebanon]
(Party of God) [Lebanese with Palestinian agenda]
[Muslim with Palestinian agenda]
Comparison Maps (IRIS): Compare the map of Israel with maps
of other areas drawn to the same scale, to put Israel's size into
perspective. In these maps, Israel is portrayed including all land
currently under its authority. Still,
Israel is small compared with most countries around the world, most
states in the U.S. and most other countries in its region.
Slaves website (Sep 15, 2003): "Founded in 1995, SOS Slaves
is a human rights organization dedicated to eradicating chattel
slavery in Mauritania. ... the
Mauritanian government banned SOS Slaves and arrested several of
its leaders. ... Slavery has been a part of
Mauritanian society for centuries. Over 800 years ago, Arab and
Berber tribes descended from the Mediterranean peninsula and launched
slave raids against the indigenous African population, abducting
women and children as slaves. Those enslaved were converted to Islam
and raised to believe that their religious duty was to serve their
masters faithfully. The relationship
of master (bidanes) and slave (haratines) continues to this day,
with thousands of haratines families owned as inheritable property
by bidanes and denied basic human rights by Mauritania's Islamic
Arab Human Development Report 2002. Read/download the complete 178
pages report in one big file (5,209 KB) which the UN has commissioned
from a group of distinguished Arab intellectuals: The
GDP of all 280 million Arabs combined is less than what the 40 million
inhabitants of Spain produce. The 280 million-people-Arab-world
translates about 300 books annually - this is 20% the number that
the 10 million-people-Greece alone translates!!!
Freedom scores of ALL Arab states: Better don't ask ... Interestingly,
while the category "Occupied Palestinian Territory" is
included in practically ALL comparison tables of the report, most
must conclude that the comparison of the Palestinian with the other
Arabs' data would rather indicate that the Palestinians live in
a paradise, compared with most other Arabs, and that the allegedly
poor and desperate Israel-repressed Arabs in the "Occupied
Palestinian Territory" are simply the richest, most educated,
healthiest and freest Arabs in the neighbourhood. However,
the report reveals SOME of the Palestinian data: See for yourself
that the allegedly poor and desperate Israel-repressed Arabs in
the "Occupied Palestinian Territory" have the highest
annual growth rate (4.78% p.a.) of ALL Arab states, and twice as
high as the average of ALL neighbouring states (Jordan: 2.90, Egypt:
1.82, Lebanon: 1.97, Syria 2.59). One must conclude that Israeli
health care is good for Arabs' growth ... Number of frequently cited
scientific papers per million people: Egypt: 0.02, Israel: 169 -
this is 8,500 - eightthousandfivehundred - times more than in Egypt,
and 17,000 times more than Algeria. The rest is history ... So
why does Palestinian society appear to be suicidal? That's a long
story, but remember most advanced and sophisticated Germany and
Japan trying very hard to destroy their neighbourhood and disgracing
themselves. The USA/GB liberated these people from their own dictators
and their "occupation" resulted in democratic education,
free press, free market etc. Within a decade, the German and Japanese
people became most respected partners and even allies of their former
178 pages UN Arab Human Development
Report 2002 (PDF,
4511 KB)
of UN Arab Human Development Report 2002 (PDF,
Arab Human Development Report 2003
development. Self-doomed to failure (The Economist, Jul 4, 2002):
"WHAT went wrong with the Arab world? Why is it so stuck behind
the times? It is not an obviously unlucky region. Fatly endowed
with oil, and with its people sharing a rich cultural, religious
and linguistic heritage, it is faced neither with endemic poverty
nor with ethnic conflict. It shook off its colonial or neo-colonial
legacies long ago, and the countries that had revolutions should
have had time to recover from them. But, with barely an exception,
its autocratic rulers, whether presidents or kings, give up their
authority only when they die; its elections are a sick joke; half
its people are treated as lesser legal and economic beings, and
more than half its young, burdened by joblessness and stifled by
conservative religious tradition, are said to want to get out of
the place as soon as they can. Across dinner tables from Morocco
to the Gulf, but above all in Egypt, the Arab world's natural leader,
Arab intellectuals endlessly ask one another how and why things
came to turn out in this unnecessarily bad way. A team of such scholars
(it is indicative of the barriers to freely expressed thought that
there are almost no worthwhile think-tanks in the Arab world) have
now spent a year putting their experience to diagnostic use in the
Human Development Report 2002”, published this week by
the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)."
Development in the Arab World: A Study by the United Nations (Dr.
Arab Intellectual and Poet on Illiteracy in the Arab World, "Backward-Looking"
Islam, and the Complex of Arab Secularists (MEMRI, Mar 31, 2004):
"The Arab world does not read. According to various reports,
the Arab world is largely illiterate. ... A book selling 5,000 copies
across the Arab world is a rare achievement. The average book published
in Israel sells more copies than a successful book in the entire
Arab world. ... "We here [in Israel], with all our problems,
and all the complexity of our situation, know deep inside that we
are free, I mean, as far as thinking goes, and as far as the possibility
of writing goes. We are freer to think than anyone in the Arab world.
... All of Arab history is built on war crimes. There is practically
not a single Muslim caliph who was not murdered."
Region: Middle East madness (Professor Barry Rubin, JP, May 24,
of Israel is a crutch Arab states have to give up (Ruth Wisse, Wall
Street Journal, Jun 16, 2003): "At
any point during the past 55 years, Arab governments could have
helped the Palestinian Arabs settle down to a decent life. They
could have created the infrastructure of an autonomous Palestine
on the West Bank of the Jordan and the Gaza territory that Egypt
controlled until 1967, or encouraged the resettlement of Palestinians
in Jordan, which constitutes the lion's share of the original mandate
of Palestine. Rather than fund the Palestine Liberation Organization
to foment terror against Israel they could have endowed Palestinian
schools of architecture, engineering, medicine and law. What Israel
did for its refugees from Arab lands, Arabs could have done much
more sumptuously for the Palestinians displaced by the same conflict.
Instead, Arab rulers cultivated generations of refugees in order
to justify their ongoing campaign against the 'usurper' ...
In almost identical ways [to the Nazis], the
autocrats who govern Arab societies have used the "Zionist
entity" to deflect attention from the worst aspects of their
rule. The unwanted presence of the Jews became
the rallying point for internal dissatisfaction with the mounting
problems of Arab regimes. The drumbeat against Israel invited the
world to debate the iniquities of the Jews rather than question
the legitimacy of the attacks against them. This comparison is not
intended to equate the Germans with the Arabs, except in the ways
that both exploited anti-Semitism to achieve broader political goals.
Both used the alleged threat of "the Jews" to excuse their
own failures. Anti-Semitism in
both situations linked otherwise warring groups of the Left and
Right. The problem with anti-Semitism in its
older and newer varieties is that it seems to serve its patrons
so well. Without question, Arab
rulers successfully deflected attention from their offenses by their
decades of war and propaganda against Israel. Even the liberal Western
media that might have been expected to support a besieged fellow
democracy have long since focused on alleged Israeli abuses instead
of on the abuses of their Arab accusers."
National Security Strategy of the United States of America (White
House, Sep 2002)
National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction (White House,
Dec 2002)
424 KB)
U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative (Secretary Colin L. Powell,
Dec 12, 2002): Building Hope for the Years Ahead
Sheet Outlines U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative. Supports
educational, economic, political reform in Arab World (Dec 12, 2002)
OF REVENUE FOR SADDAM & SONS. A Primer on the Financial Underpinnings
of the Regime in Baghdad (The Coalition for International Justice,
Sep 2002) (PDF,
448 KB): "...
Saddam, aided variously by his two sons and close relations before
them, has managed to earn more than $2 billion a year in hard currency
by illegally exploiting the UN system and running extensive smuggling
operations outside it." Apparatus
of Lies. Saddam’s Disinformation and Propaganda 1990-2003
(White House)
Gadir Ali, Arab Planning Institute, Kuwait, Aug 2001) (PDF,
123 KB)
Purely Evil Cartel. Iraq's liberation is the perfect opportunity
to smash OPEC (Claudia Rosett, Wall Street Journal, Jul 30, 2003):
"Though there are many polite
ways in which OPEC is usually described, it would be accurate to
sum up this outfit's activities as follows: a gang of price-fixing,
oil-rich thug regimes that meet to reinforce assorted terrorist-sponsoring
tyrants and gouge consumers. ... The Saudis
are, of course, entitled to offer oil at any price they want, including
the OPEC target price of $22 to $28 a barrel for oil that costs
them $1 to $2 a barrel to produce. But the Saudi-led collusion that
goes into keeping world oil prices high enough to command prices
that OPEC deems "fair and reasonable" is the kind of stuff
that would get private capitalists in the U.S. fried on prime-time
TV and thrown in prison. ... Oil
in any nation is a perilous treasure, but especially so when it
is entirely owned or controlled by the state. In government hands,
in large quantities, oil wealth helps rulers consolidate control
to a degree that in Saudi Arabia today funds the totalitarian state--with
its export of its Wahhabi terrorist creed. In Iraq, the state oil
monopoly sustained Saddam Hussein. Huge oil
revenues relieve the rulers of the need to negotiate with their
subjects any sort of mutually acceptable tax system. Instead, oil
tyrants are in a position to govern chiefly by bribe and threat.
The result is stunted development, both political and economic.
Saudi Arabia's per capita income, despite the country's vast oil
wealth, has been shrinking for years. OPEC's overall rate of economic
growth this year is estimated by its own analysts at 1.4%, or less
than half the world average of 2.9%."
Arabia's Overrated Oil Weapon (Max Singer, Weekly Standard, Aug
18, 2003): "OVERESTIMATES OF ARAB OIL POWER are an important
and harmful influence on policy toward the Middle East. The following
myths, or outdated facts, support the world's misjudgment of the
power of the Persian Gulf oil producers--especially Saudi Arabia,
but also Iran, Iraq, and the Gulf states."
clarifies the Middle East (Dennis Prager, WND, Dec 30, 2003):
"If you want to understand
the Middle East conflict, Iran has just provided all you need to
know. A massive earthquake kills between 20,000 and 40,000 Iranians,
and the government of Iran announces that help is welcome from every
country in the world ... except Israel.
This little-reported news item is of great significance. It begs
commentary. Israel not only has the world's most experienced crews
in quickly finding survivors in bombed out buildings, it is also
a mere two-hour flight from Iran. In other words, no
country in the world would come close to Israel in its ability to
save Iranian lives quickly. But none of this
means anything to the rulers of Iran. The Islamic government of
Iran has announced to the world that it
is better for fellow countrymen and fellow Muslims – men,
women and children – to die buried under rubble than to be
saved by a Jew from Israel."
Rights and Human Wrongs. Sharia can’t be an exception to international
human-rights norms. (David Littman, NRO, Jan 19, 2003):
"The principal aim of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR) was to create a framework for a universal code based
on mutual consent."
QAEDA'S AGENDA FOR IRAQ (Paris based Iranian journalist Amir Taheri,
New York Post, Sep 3, 2003): "'It is not the American war
machine that should be of the utmost concern to Muslims. What threatens
the future of Islam, in fact its very survival, is American democracy."
This is the message of a new book, just published by al Qaeda in
several Arab countries. The author of "The Future of Iraq and
The Arabian Peninsula After The Fall of Baghdad" is Yussuf
al-Ayyeri, one of Osama bin Laden's closest associates since the
early '90s."
'Libya Should Quit the Arab League... Women Must be Trained to Booby-Trap
Cars, Houses, Luggage, and Children's Toys' (Al-Shams (Libya), October
5, 2003 - MEMRI, Oct 10, 2003): "The Palestinians and the
Lebanese – we sacrificed our blood for them, we gave them
our money, we gave them everything. We held training for them and
ultimately it turned out that we were terrorists, while they embrace
the Americans, the Israelis, and the Westerners, Libya is [accused
of] terrorism because it trained the Palestinians. We fulfilled
our obligation, we gave our money, we gave them weapons, we exposed
ourselves to dangers, [and] we are on the blacklist to this day…
The Arabs are completely useless. They are unwilling to do anything
for the sake of unity. ... There
are nations to which I did an injustice and I apologize for this.
I brought Mauritania, Djibouti, Somalia, and the Comoro Islands
into the Arab League, and I tried to bring in Eritrea. But now I
cannot speak with Eritrea. Look what an injustice I did them. I
brought them into a failed nation, a failed regime, and failed people….
The Arabs are completely useless. We must not waste time. The Arabs
are through. ... I ask of the Libyan people to agree to quit the
Arab League, without wasting time. These people [i.e. the Arabs]
are useless. Their situation is terrible. We must be rid of them,
of their curses and of their problems. Let them
go in peace. They won't talk to us and we won't talk to them. Even
the Arab League is nothing. It has been four months since its officials
received their salaries, because the Arab countries refrained from
paying their membership dues…We
must train the women how to booby-trap the car and blow it up among
the enemy, how to blow up the house so it falls on the enemy soldiers.
Traps must be prepared. You have seen how [the enemy] check[s] luggage.
These suitcases should be rigged so that when they open them they
blow up. The women must be taught how to booby-trap their clothes
closets, booby-trap their purses, booby-trap their shoes, booby-trap
the children's toys, so they blow up on the enemy soldiers."
to 48 (Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times, Sep 3, 2003): "The
Arab look-alike, called ``Superstar,'' was aired by Future Television
of Lebanon. Over 21 weeks, viewers got to vote by fax, Internet
or cellphone for their favorite singers. ... But what was even more
striking, Mr. Khouri said, was the Jordanian singer's victory margin.
She won by only 52 to 48 percent in a region where presidents always
win by ``99 percent. 'I do not recall in my happy adult life a national
vote that resulted in a 52 to 48 percent victory,' Mr. Khouri added.
``Most of the `referenda' or `elections' that take place in our
region usually result in fantastic pre-fixed victories. ... So a
52 to 48 percent outcome - even for just a song contest - is a breath
of fresh air.'' He said he thanked the television network ``for
allowing ordinary Arabs to show that they are not always willing
participants in the political freak shows that are the `official
elections' for president and other forms of Great Leader.''
Crimes and Massacres Committed by the PLO and the Syrians Against
the Lebanese, 1975-2002 (Guardians of the Cedars
FIGHTERS. Reviving Mideastern Democracy. We Arabs need the West's
help to usher in a new Liberal Age (Egypt-based Saad Eddin Ibrahim,
Wall Street Journal, Nov 26, 2003): "Democracy
is the way forward. It is the only sure way to keep the Middle East
from going to the brink of war every few years.
In an article recently published in the Washington Post, I counted
the number of times that the United States or other Western powers
have had to form military coalitions or use large-scale armed force
in the region to avert or resolve a problem. From 1958, when President
Eisenhower sent U.S. Marines to Lebanon, up through the Iraq war
of 2003, the rate of military interventions has averaged one every
seven years. God knows when the next one will be, but without democracy
they are sure to continue, and that is no light matter. It
is time for us as Arabs to put our own houses in order. There are
a thousand and one difficulties facing us as we work to institute
democracy in the Arab world and the larger Middle East. And
yet what choice do we have except to try once, twice or as often
as we must? Government by consent,
respect for human rights, and support for the rule of law are the
only things that can finally and securely protect our countries,
our region and the world against the threats of terrorism and of
crises that compel outsiders to come and use military force on our
shores. How do I rate the prospects for democracy
in the Middle East? I think that they are surprisingly good. I am
well aware of those who marshal evidence to show that instituting
democracies and open societies in the region, or perhaps even in
the larger Muslim world, is difficult or impossible. The difficulties
are well known and undeniable. But they can all be overcome. In
previous decades, authoritative voices said that Germany, Japan,
Slavic countries and even Catholic societies would never, could
never, be democratic. I am not speaking of popular prejudices here,
but of high-level scholarship and expert consensus. Batteries of
learned naysayers honestly believed that there was something about
German, Japanese or Slavic culture, or about Catholicism, that was
fundamentally and unchangeably hostile to democracy and democratic
Arafat to Nasrallah: How Misperceptions of Israel Shape Arab Strategy
(Prof. Barry Rubin, Aug 7, 2006): "One of the most remarkable
aspects of the current fighting and rise of radical Islamist groups
in the Middle East is how faithfully it sets the clock back by 40
years. When Hizballah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, and other extremist
Islamists speak, they echo word for word what Yasir Arafat and Arab
nationalists said in the 1960s. The ideas, analysis, and tactics
are almost precisely the same. Basically, it boils down to this:
If Arabs (Muslims) are only ready to become martyrs and sacrifice
everything in all-out war, wiping Israel off the map is easy. Israel
has only continued to exist because Arab rulers were too cowardly
and traitorous up to now. In short, Israel is a paper tiger. Let's
light a match."
Arab Republic (Columbia Encyclopedia, June 6,
2004): Political union (1958-61) of Egypt
and Syria. The capital was Cairo. As an initial
step toward creating a pan-Arab union, the republic abolished Syrian
and Egyptian citizenship, termed its inhabitants Arabs, and called
the country “Arab territory.” It considered the Arab
homeland to be the entire area between the Persian Gulf and the
Atlantic coast. With Yemen
(North Yemen), it formed (1958) a loose federation called the United
Arab States .
In 1961, Syria withdrew from the union after a military coup, and
Yemen soon followed, thus ending the union. Egypt continued to use
the name until 1971.

of Journalists in Prison in the Middle East and North Africa (CMF
MENA, Jul 3, 2004): "CMF
MENA has a record of 23 journalists in prison in different countries
in the region. There are many more that we do not know about"
on the State of the Arab Media 2003. The Fight for Democracy
(Arab Press Freedom Watch, May 2003, London) (PDF,
533 KB)