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"United Arab Emirates
Honor 2006"


BEFORE 1860 | 1860-1917 | 1918-1946 | 1947-1966 | 1967-1990 |
| Sep 11, 2001 - PRESENT | VARIOUS DATES



Freedom House Voice for democracy and freedom around the world: E
Freedom House Map of Freedom 2006 - The only FREE country in the ME is Israel: E
Freedom House Map of Press Freedom 2006 - Only Israel is FREE in the ME: E
Reporters Without Borders Defending press freedom throughout the world: E
Arab Press
Freedom Watch
UK-based Arab journalists defending freedom of the press and human rights and promoting democracy in the Arab world: E
United Nations-DAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: E, F
Pew The Great Divide: How Westerners and Muslims View Each Other | 13-Nation Pew Global Attitudes Survey: E
USCIRF Study of Comparative Constitutions for Muslim Countries: E
HRW Human Rights Watch: E
Human Rights Watch Human Right - Palestinian Authority, HRW, 1997: E
Amnesty International Working to protect human rights worldwide: E
Derechos Internet-based human rights organization: E
EIRME Examining relations between the EU and the Middle East: E
ECRI European Commission against Racism and Intolerance: E
ICRC The International Committee of the Red Cross: E
ICRC Geneva Conventions: E, F, Es
ICRC Geneva Convention (IV): Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War: E
Tufts University Rules of Warfare: E
United Nations Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: E
Yale Law School Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American), Dec 26, 1933: E
United Nations International Law: E
UN-HCHR United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: E
UN-HCHR International Human Rights Instruments: E, F, S
Bayefsky Implementation of the human rights legal standards of the UN: E
UN-DP-POGAR Human Rights Index for the Arab Countries: E
UN-DP UN Human Development Report 2003: E
UN-DP UN Human Development Report 2004: E, F, Es
UN-DP UN Human Development Report 2005: E, F, Es, A
UN-DP UN Arab Human Development Report 2002: E, A
UN-DP UN Arab Human Development Report 2003: E, A
UN-DP UN Arab Human Development Report 2004: E, A, F
UN-DP UN Arab Human Development Report 2009: E, A
UN-DP-POGAR United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Regional Bureau for Arab States site dedicated to the promotion and development of good governance practices in the Arab states: E
Times Higher Education Survey

World University Rankings 2008 | Israeli Ranks: E

World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index 2008-9 - Israel ranked 23: E
World Economic Forum The Arab World Competitiveness Report 2007 :
ESCWA Economic and Social Developments in Western Asia 2002-2003: E
ESCWA UN Economic & Social Committe for Western Asia: E
GfbV Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV): E, D
ISHR International Society of Human Rights: E
ECPAT Network for the elimination of children abuse: E
WorldAudit On democracy, hr, press freedom, corruption, rule of law: E
University of Minnesota Human Rights Library: E, F, A, Es, Ru, Jap
WHO World Health Organization Country Data: E
CIA Rank Order - Total fertility rate (children born/woman): E

UNESCO-Arab states


Israeli [excl. Jerusalem] properties inscribed on the World Heritage List: E
Jerusalem properties inscribed on the World Heritage List: E
Arab properties inscribed on the World Heritage List [including Jerusalem which is ruled by Israel]: E
Iranian properties inscribed on the World Heritage List: E
UNICEF Middle East and North Africa Region Data: E
WIEF The Wall Street Journal World Index of Economic Freedom: E
CIA List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita: E
World Bank Middle East and North Africa Region Data Comparisons: E
World Bank Middle East and North Africa Data Profile: E
World Bank Activities by country: E
World Bank Israel Data
World Bank Ranking of 155 countries on the ease of doing business, 2005: E
University of Leicester The World Map of Happiness: E
International Monetary Fund Country information: E
International Monetary Fund Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSCs): E
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: E
Preventwmdterrorism US Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism: E
Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies Middle East Military Balance: E
ICT Fatalities of Israelis and Palestinians since Sep 27, 2000: E
CIA World Factbook Country data (population, area, gross domestic product (GDP), military expenditures, military expenditures per person, conflicts etc.): E
Transparency International Corruption Surveys and Indexes: E
Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2004 (PDF, 1MB): E
CSC Center for the Study of Corruption and the Rule of Law: E
USAID Democracy and Governance: E
USAID-WBG Program for the West Bank and Gaza: E, A
USAID Program for the West Bank and Gaza (different from above link!): E
FDD Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: E
BDB Bundesverband der Bürgerbewegungen zur Bewahrung von Demokratie, Heimat und Menschenrechten e.V
US-CIRF Annual Report of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, May 2003: E
U.S. State Department International Religious Freedom Report for 2004: E
U.S. State Department Human Rights Reports 2004, Middle East and North Africa: E
U.S. State Department 2007 Report on International Religious Freedom, Middle East: E
Jane's Military Data: E
IAEA The International Atomic Energy Agency: E
BEFORE 1860 * 1860-1916 * 1917-1946 * 1947-1966 * 1967-1990 * 1991-
MidEastWeb Map of Canaan before the Hebrews, about 1200 BCE: E
University of Virginia The Hebrew Bible: E
Jerusalem Archives Temple dedication speech of King Solomon, 954 BCE: E
MidEastWeb Maps of Canaan and the Israelite Kingdom, about 1000 BCE: E
Jerusalem Archives By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept,
when we remembered Zion ..., about 500 BCE: E
University Texas Map of the Oriental Empires, about 600 BCE: E
MidEastWeb Maps of Judea and Israel at the time of Jesus: E
University of Virginia Old Testament and New Testament: E
ARIJ Map of Roman rule (63 BC - 636 CE): E
University Pennsylvania Map of the Middle East in the 6th century: E
University of Virginia The Koran: E
ARIJ Map of Abbassid and Umayyad Caliphates era (660–970 CE): E
Univiversity Pennsylvania Map of Almoravid, Saldjuk and Ghaznavid rule, about 1100: E
University Pennsylvania Map of empire of Sultan Salah Al-Din (1171-1193) and the Crusaders' principalities: E
MSU Crusader states in the Middle East, 12th-13th century: E
University Fordham Map of Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem as of treaty of 1229: E
University Texas Map of the Ottoman Empire in 1481: E
University Pennsylvania Map of the Ottoman Sultanate, 16th-17th centuries: E
University Pennsylvania Map of the Middle East in the 19th century: E
Yale Law School
The Barbary Treaties 1786-1836: E
Hymn of US Marines "... To the shores of Tripoli [today in Libya - MEI], We fight our country's battles ...", 18th century: E
ARIJ Map of Turkish empire, end of 19th century: E
JVL Leon Pinsker, Auto-Emancipation, 1882: E
AMFI The Blackstone Memorial, presented to the US president in favor of the restoration of Palestine to the Jews, 1891: E
MIT Map of Jerusalem, 1884: D

Theodor Herzl, Der Judenstaat, 1896: D

ZL Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State, 1896: E
MidEastWeb The Basle Zionist Program, 1897: E
MidEastWeb Map of Ottoman Turkish territorial divisions in 1914: E
UnivTexas Map of Jerusalem, 1912: E
UnivTexas Map of Hebron, 1912: E
UnivTexas Map of Jaffa environs, 1912: E
UnivTexas Map of Haifa, 1912: E
UnivTexas Map of Bethlehem, 1912: E
UnivTexas Map of Nazareth, 1912: E
Le Monde diplomatique Map of the Middle East 1914: E/F
MidEastWeb Map and text of McMahon-Hussein letter, 1915: E
Wikipedia Independence of Hejaz (northwest of present-day Saudi Arabia including Jeddah and Mecca), 1916: E
Yale Law School Sykes-Picot-Agreement 1916: E
PASSIA Map of Sykes-Picot-Agreement 1916: E
UNISPAL Balfour Declaration, Nov 2, 1917: E
UNISPAL Agreement Between the King of Hijaz and Khadim al-Haramayn as-Sharifayn, Emir Feisal Ibn al-Hussein al-Hashemi, and the President of the World Zionist Organization, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Jan 3, 1919: E

Statement of the Zionist Organization Regarding Palestine
at the Paris Peace Conference, Feb 3, 1919: E

MSU Map - Boundaries of Jewish National Home as proposed by Zionist Organization, 1919: E
AmIslam Letter by Emir Feisal to Felix Frankfurter, President of the Zionist Organisation of America, March 3, 1919 | Reply by Felix Frankufurter to Emir Feisal, Mar 5. 1919: E
AmIslam Excepts from an articled by Sharif al-Hussein Ibn Ali al-Husseini, published in "al-Qiblah" (the daily newspaper of Mecca al-Mukarramah), Mar 23, 1918: E
Hellenic Resources Network The King-Crane Commission Report, Aug 28, 1919: E


German Nazi Party's anti-Semitic platform, Feb 24, 1920: D, E
Wikipedia San Remo Conference, Apr 24, 1920: E
Brigham Young University The San Remo Conference's decisions were embodied in the Treaty of Sèvres (not ratified by Turkey), art. 95, Aug 10, 1920: E
PASSIA Map of Palestine Mandate granted to Great Britain at the San Remo Conference, Apr 24, 1920: E
White Paper San Remo Resolution, Apr. 24, 1920: E
White Paper Franco-British [Boundary] Convention, Dec 23, 1920: E
UNISPAL Interim report on the Civil Administration of Palestine, 1921: E
Yale Law School British White Paper, Jun 1922: E
UNISPAL League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, Jul 24, 1922: "The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions ... The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes."
UNISPAL The Palestine Order in Council, Aug 14, 1922: E
UNISPAL Palestine Mandate Administration Census, Dec 31, 1922: E
MIT Map of Jerusalem, 1922: E, H
Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lausanne Peace Treaty, Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations, Jan 30, 1923: E
UNISPAL British Commission Report to determine the rights and claims of Moslems and Jews in connection with the Western or Wailing Wall at Jerusalem, Dec, 1930: E
MSU Map of Middle East in 1930: E
World Muslim Congress Election of the Palestinian Arab leader and Grand Mufti Haj Amin El Husseini as president of the World Muslim Congress, 1931: E

Report on Palestine Mandate Administration Census 1931: E

Yale Law School Convention on Rights and Duties of States, Dec 26, 1933: E
UNISPAL Peel Commission Report, Nov 30, 1937: E
Wikipedia Map of Peel Commission partition proposal, 1937: E
PASSIA Map of Woodhead partition plan, 1938: E
Miftah British White Paper of 1939, Nov 9, 1938: E
Le Monde diplomatique Map of the Middle East 1939: E/F
NS-Archiv Minutes of the meeting of Fuehrer Adolf Hitler with Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini, Nov 28, 1941: G
Tell the Children the Truth Minutes of the meeting of Fuehrer Adolf Hitler with Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini, Nov 28, 1941: E
NS-Archiv Minutes of the Wannsee-Conference, Jan 20, 1942: D
Tell the Children the Truth Photos of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini collaborating with Nazi Germany: E
MEI Nazi Germany's solidarity telegram to the Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini, Nov 2, 1943: D, E
Univ of the West of Eng Posen speach of Heinrich Himmler, Reichsfuehrer-SS, Oct 6, 1943: E
Nationalsozialismus Posen speach of Heinrich Himmler, Reichsfuehrer-SS, Oct 6, 1943: D
Univ of the West of Eng Statements by Hitler and Senior Nazis Concerning Jews: E
Yale Law School Pact of the League of Arab States, Mar 22, 1945: E
NS-Archiv Political testament of Adolf Hitler, Apr 29, 1945: D, E
UN Charter of the United Nations, June 26, 1945: E
Yale Law School Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, Apr 20, 1946: E
Wikisource As a result of Nazi Germany's defeat in WWII and the Potsdam Agreement, Germany lost 25% of her territory and 12 million Germans were expelled, Aug 1945:E
MIT Map of Jerusalem, 1947: E
UNISPAL Arab High Committe Rejects UN Partition Plan, Sep 29, 1947: E
UNISPAL Jewish Agency Accepts UN Partition Plan, Oct 2, 1947: E
UNISPAL UN General Assembly Resolution 181, Nov 29, 1947: E
UNISPAL Maps of UN Partition Plan 1947 and armistice lines 1949: E
MFA Declaration of Independence of Israel, May 14, 1948: E
MFA Statement by the Arab League upon the Declaration of the
State of Israel, May 15, 1948: E
UNISPAL All-Palestine Government in Gaza, Sep 28, 1948: E
Le Monde diplomatique Map of the first Arab-Israeli war (1948-49): E
Le Monde diplomatique Map of the partition of Palestine (1947-49): E
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Dec 10, 1948: E
UNISPAL UN General Assembly Resolution 194, Dec 11, 1948: E
MIT Map of Jerusalem, 1948-1967: E, H
UNISPAL Non-Jewish population within the boundaries held by the Israel Defense Army on Jan 5, 1949: E
MFA Egypt-Israel General Armistice Agreement, Feb 24, 1949: E
UNISPAL Lebanon-Israel General Armistice Agreement, Mar 23, 1949: E
UNISPAL Jordan-Israel General Armistice Agreement, Apr 3, 1949: E
MFA Jewish communities lost in Israel's War of Independence: E
UNISPAL UN General Assembly Resolution with admission of Israel to membership in the United Nations, May 11, 1949
UNISPAL Syria-Israel General Armistice Agreement, Jul 20, 1949: E
UNISPAL Map of armistice lines 1949: E
UNISPAL UN General Assembly Res. int. regime for the Jerusalem area and the protection of the Holy Places, Dec 9, 1949: E
UNISPAL UN General Assembly resolution setting up UNRWA, Dec 9, 1949
MFA Jordanian annexation of West Bank, Apr 24, 1950: E
MFA Israeli Law of Return, July 5, 1950: E
UNHCR Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1951: E
Le Monde diplomatique Map of the Egypt-Israel Sinai War, 1956: E
IPCRI Fateh Constitution, 1964: E

Statement of Proclamation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), May 28, 1964: E | PDF copy of 2011 here

POMP-UN Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) National Charter, 1964: E |PDF copy of 2011 here
Le Monde diplomatique Map of the Six Day War (1967): E
PASSIA Map of Israel after 6-Day-War, Jun 10, 1967: E
ARIJ Map of Israel unilaterally declared border for Jerusalem, 1967: E
PASSIA Map of Allon Plan, July 1967: E
Hashd Arab summit - Khartoum Resolutions, Sep 1, 1967: E
UNISPAL UN Security Council Resolution 242, Nov 22, 1967: E
POMP-UN PLO National Charter,1968: E
FatehOnline Al-Fateh Constitution, 1968?: E
WZO "Jerusalem Program" redefining Zionism, 1968: E
Lebanese Forces Cairo Agreement "1969": E
Le Monde diplomatique Map of the Yom Kippur War 1973: E
UNISPAL UN Security Council Resolution 383, Oct 22, 1973: E
Separation of Forces Agreement Between Israel and Syria, May 31, 1974: E
UNISPAL UN Security Council Resolution 338, Oct 23, 1973: E
MFA Map of Separation of Forces Agreement Between Israel and Syria, May 31, 1974: E
POMP-UN Political Program adopted at the 12th session of the Palestine National Council, Jun 8, 1974: E, H
MEI Map illustrating the Political Program adopted at the 12th session of the Palestine National Council, Jun 8, 1974: E
Knesset Statement to the Knesset by President Sadat, Nov 20, 1977: E
Knesset Address of PM Menahem Begin to the Knesset, Nov 20, 1977: E, H
Knesset Israel-Egypt Camp David Accords, Sep 17, 1978: E, H
Knesset Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty, Mar 26, 1979: E
Pipes Khomeini's decret - death penalty for Salman Rushdie for the book "The Satanic Verses", Feb 14, 1982: E
Lebanese Forces Israel-Lebanon Peace Treaty, 1983: E
ICT The Hizballah Program, Feb 16, 1985: E
King Hussein, Jordan Severance of all administrative and legal ties—with the exception of guardianship over the Muslim Holy Sites of Jerusalem—with the occupied West Bank, Jul 31, 1988: E
Yale Law School Hamas Covenant, Aug 18, 1988: E
MEMRI Hamas Covenant, Aug 18, 1988: E
IslamOnline Hamas Covenant, Aug 18, 1988: A
Verbatim reproduction of the Hamas own version of its covenant: E, A
POMP-UN PLO Declaration of Independence, 1988: E
Le Monde diplomatique Agreement signed at Taef/Saudi Arabia that ended the civil war in Lebanon, adopted by the Lebanese parliament on Oct 22, 1989: E
Minnesota University Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, Aug 5, 1990: E
1991 - BEFORE 9/11/2001
Le Monde diplomatique Map - Anti-Iraqi coalition in 1991: E
Le Monde diplomatique Map - Gulf War (17 Jan to 3 Mar 1991): E
The Bahá'í World Iranian Government regulations on "the Bahá'í question",
Feb 25, 1991: E
Le Monde diplomatique US Letters of Assurances to the Palestinians and Israel
Madrid, 18 Oct 1991, E
Miftah Invitation To the Madrid Peace Conference, Oct 30, 1991: E
Miftah Israel-PLO Recognition, Sep 9, 1993: E
UNISPAL Israel-PLO Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, Sep 13, 1993: E
UNISPAL UN Security Council Resolution 904 (TIPH), Mar 18, 1994: E
MFA Israel-PLO Economic Agreement, Paris, Apr 29, 1994: E
UNISPAL Israel-PLO Agreement on the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area, May 4, 1994: E
IRIS Arafat: Jihad to Liberate Jerusalem, May 10, 1994: E
UNISPAL Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty, Oct 26, 1994: E
UNISPAL Israel-PLO Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Sep 28, 1995: E
PASSIA Map of Israel-PLO agreement of Sep 28, 1995: E
MFA PM Rabin in Knesset - Ratification of the Israel-PLO Interim Agreement, Oct 5, 1995: E
UNISPAL "Beilin-Abu Mazen" Document (Framework for the conclusion of a final status Israel-PLO agreement), Oct 31, 1995: E
POMP-UN Decision Related to the PLO National Charter, Apr 26, 1996: E
UNISPAL Agreement on Temporary International Presence in the City of Hebron (TIPH), May, 9 1996: E

Osama Bin Laden's Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places [=Saudi Arabia], Aug 1996: E

UNISPAL Israel-PLO Protocol Concerning the Redeployment in Hebron, Jan 17, 1997: E
UNISPAL Agreement on Temporary International Presence in the City of Hebron (TIPH), Jan, 21 1997: E
MIT Map of Jerusalem, 1997: E
Miftah Letter From Yassar Arafat to President Clinton, Jan 13, 1998: E
UNISPAL Israel-PLO Wye River Memorandum, Sep 23, 1998: E
PASSIA Map of Israel-PLO Wye River Memorandum, Sep 23, 1998: E
CNS US-Israel Memorandum of Agreement designed to provide greater security for Israel against regional missile and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threats, Oct 31, 1998: E
PASSIA Map of E1 Jerusalem Development Plan, 1998: E
UNISPAL Israel-PLO Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum on Implementation Timeline of Outstanding Commitments of Agreements Signed and the Resumption of Permanent Status Negotiations, Sep 4, 1999: E
PASSIA Map of town planning scheme in Jerusalem, 1999?: E
Intute Map of Gaza Strip, 1999: E
PASSIA Map of Gaza Strip, March 2000: E
PASSIA Map of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, March 2000: E
NAD-PLO Map of the Israeli final proposal for West Bank, July 2000: E
PASSIA Map of projection of West Bank and Gaza Strip final status presented by Israel, Camp David, July 2000: E
U.S. Congress U.S. Congress Peace Through Negotiations Act of 2000 (H. R. 5272) providing for a United States response in the event of a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state, Sep 27, 2000: E
FMEP Projection of the Final Status Map Presented by Israel, Dec 2000: E
JMCC Clinton Proposal , Dec 23, 2000: E
FMEP Projection of the Clinton Proposal based on transferring to the Palestinians 94% of the West Bank and 100% of the Gaza Strip plus Israeli territory as part of a land swap, Dec 23, 2000: E
FMEP Final status map of Israel at Taba based on transferring to the Palestinians 95% of the West Bank and 100% of the Gaza Strip plus Israeli territory as part of a land swap, Jan 2001: E
Palestinian National Authority Tentative Taba "Moratinos Document", Jan, 2001: E
CSS Sari Nuseibah, President of Al-Quds University in East-Jerusalem, to Iraqi tyran Saddam Hussein: "We are proud to belong to this nation of which you are its fighting pioneer, and symbol of is greatness", Jan 21, 2001: E
U.S. Department of State Mitchell Report, Apr 30, 2001: E
YaleLawSchool Tenet Plan, Jun 13, 2001: E
AFTER 9/11/2001
U.S. State Department President Bush's Executive Order 13224 to impede terrorist funding, Sep 23, 2001: E
Official Journal
of the European Union
EU Council Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism (includes list of terrorist groups), 27 Dec 2001: E
World Conference of Religions for Peace The First Alexandria Declaration of the Religious Leaders of the Holy Land, Jan 21, 2002: E
White House "Axis of Evil"-speach of U.S. President Bush (State of the Union Address, Jan 29, 2002): E
UNISPAL UN Security Council Resolution 1397, Mar 12, 2002: E
ArabGateway Saudi peace plan adopted by the Arab summit, Mar 27, 2002: E
UN United Nations Arab Human Development Report 2002: E, F, A
US DHS National Strategy for Homeland Security, July 16, 2002: E
White House President Bush's call to the Palestinians, to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure, end incitement to violence in official media, elect new leaders not compromised by terror, and embrace democracy, Jun 24, 2002: E
Hashd Sari Nusseibeh/Ami Ayalon peace proposal, Jul 27, 2002: E
HaMifkad HaLeumi 'The National Census' Israeli-Palestinian peace initiative, Jul 27, 2002
UN ReliefWeb Bertini Report, Aug 2002: E
UNISPAL UN Security Council Resolution 1435, Sep 24, 2002: E
White House The National Security Strategy of the USA, Sep 2002: E
U.S. State Department Terrorist Exclusion List, updated November 15, 2002: E
U.S. State Department The U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative, Dec 12, 2002: E
White House US National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction, Dec 2002 (PDF, 424 KB): E
U.S. National Academy of Science Making the Nation Safer. The Role of Science and Technology in Countering Terrorism, 2002 (PDF, 8.6 MB): E
U.S. State Department The UN Security Council and Resolutions Concerning Iraq: E
White House President Bush's Executive Order for establishing the Office of Global Communications. Jan 21, 2003: E
Washington Post Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad Truce Declarations, Jun 29, 2003: E
U.S. Congress U.S. Congress Commending Israeli Democracy (H.R. 61), Feb 11, 2003: E
CIA CIA's Worldwide Threat Briefing (USA), Feb 11, 2003: E
World Bank Two Years of Intifada, Closures and Palestinian Economic Crisis. Assessment. (Summary), Mar 5, 2003 (PDF, 48 KB): E
World Bank The Palestinian Fiscal Crisis, May 7, 2006 (PDF, 95 KB): E
PNA Draft Constitution of the State of Palestine, Mar 14, 2003: E
USAID Palestinian Basic Law, Mar 18, 2003: E
U.S. Treasury Department Executive Order 13224 blocking terrorist property and prohibiting transactions with persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorism, Mar 21, 2003: E
U.S. State Department

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs), Jan 30, 2003: E

U.S. State Department Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs), updated Mar 23, 2003: E
U.S. State Department Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs), updated Oct 11, 2005: E
U.S. State Department State Sponsors of Terrorism, updated Apr 28, 2006: E
Hashd Constitution of the State of Palestine, 3rd draft, Mar 7, 2003, revised in Mar 25, 2003: E
MFA A Performance-based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by the Quartet (EU, USA, Russia and the United Nations), Apr 30, 2003: E
MoD The Seam Zone project protecting Israel's population from the threat of terror, 2003: E
MEMRI Dr. Nabil Hilmi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Al-Zaqaziq is preparing an enormous lawsuit against "all the Jews of the world.", Aug 9, 2003: E
Geneva Initiative Extra-governmental and unofficial peace proposal meant to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Dec 1, 2003: E
Thomas Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003 (H.R.1828), Dec 12, 2003: E
PMO PM Sharon's "Disengagement" Speech, Herzliya, Dec 18, 2003: E
White House Libya Pledges to Dismantle WMD Programs, Dec 19, 2003: E
Official Journal
of the European Union
EU Council Common Position 2003/906/CFSP updating Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism (includes list of terrorist groups), 22 Dec 2003: E
Arabreformforum Alexandria Declaration “Issues of Reform in the Arab World”, Mar 14, 2004: E
EU-MC EU reports about Anti-Semitism in the EU 2002-2003, Mar 31, 2004: E
White House President Bush commends Israeli PM Sharon's Plan, Apr 14, 2004: E
CNN Letter from President Bush to Israeli PM Sharon, Apr 14, 2004: E
Al Bawaba Tunis declaration issued at 16th session of Arab Summit, May 23, 2004: E
White House President Bush discusses Justice, Democracy, Freedom, June 29, 2004: "Western nations, including my own, want to be helpful in the democratic progress of the Middle East, yet we know there are suspicions, rooted in centuries of conflict and colonialism. And in the last 60 years, many in the West have added to this distrust by excusing tyranny in the region, hoping to purchase stability at the price of liberty. But it did not serve the people of the Middle East to betray their hope of freedom. And it has not made Western nations more secure to ignore the cycle of dictatorship and extremism. Instead we have seen the malice grow deeper, and the violence spread, until both have appeared on the streets of our own cities. Some types of hatred will never be appeased; they must be opposed and discredited and defeated by a hopeful alternative - and that alternative is freedom."
United Nations
Security Council
Resolution 1559 called upon Lebanon to establish its sovereignty over all of its land and called upon Syria to end its military presence in Lebanon and to cease intervening in internal Lebanese politics. The resolution also called on all Lebanese militias to disband. Sep 2, 2004: E
Aljazeera Transcript of Osama bin Laden's speech in a videotape unequivocally admitting that he and al Qaeda had planned and directed the Sep 11 attacks, Oct 30, 2004: E
Toledo Peace A Proposal for Governance of the Gaza Strip in the Context of the Announced Israeli Withdrawal, Nov 1, 2004: E
White House President Bush's and PM Blair's press conference, Nov 12, 2004: E
National Intelligence Council (NIC-CIA)

Mapping the Global Future - long-term view of the future, Dec 2004: E

White House Inauguration speech of President George W. Bush, Jan 20, 2005: E
Amazon The Case For Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror by Natan Sharansky with Ron Dermer, 2004: E
MEI - Anti-Semitism Berlin Declaration of OSCE, 2004: E
Statewatch EU list "terrorist organisations and persons", updated March 17, 2005: E
UN-OCHA Map of West Bank and Gaza Strip after Israeli disengagement in 2005: E
White House US President Bush Discusses War on Terror, Oct 6, 2005: E
U.S. State Department Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs), updated Oct 11, 2005: E

Agreements on movement and access from and to Gaza, Nov 15, 2005: E

Elysee President Chirac on French nuclear doctrine, Jan 19, 2006: E, F, D
BBC MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism, Mar 1, 2006: E, D, F
White House US National Security Strategy, Prevent..., Mar 16, 2006: E
JMCC Program of the Hamas Palestinian government, Mar 17, 2006: E
UN-OCHA Map Israeli cabinet approved revised anti-terrorist barrier, Apr 30, 2006: E
UK Cabinet Office British Intelligence and Security Committee Report into the London Terrorist Attacks on 7 July 2005, May 2006: E
JMCC National Reconciliation Document of the [Pal.] Prisoners, May 11, 2006
US Congress Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act (PATA) passed 361 - 37, May 23, 2006: E
The Council of the European Union EU list of terrorist organisations, May 29, 2006: E
White House [US] National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, Sep 2006: E
Government of France 751 official Sensitive Urban Zones in France, complete with street demarcations and map delineations, Nov 25, 2006: E
MIT Map of Jerusalem, 2006: E
White House President Bush's call "This is a moment of clarity for all Palestinians. And now comes a moment of choice.", Jul 16, 2007: E
White House President Bush Speech at the Annapolis Conference, Nov 27, 2007: E
NYTimes NIE Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities, Dec 3, 2007: E
White House President Bush Addresses Members of the Knesset, May 15, 2008: E
Haaretz Israeli Prime Minister Olmert's peace plan, Sep 2008: E
Voltairenet The 2009 Fatah Charter, Oct 19, 2009: E
MFA The maritime blockade of Gaza - Legal background, May 2010: E
Eussner The Gaza flotilla and the maritime blockade of Gaza: E
Viadrina International Law Project Helsinki Principles on the Law of Maritime Neutrality, Art. 5.2.10 Blockade: E
Washington Institute Options for Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Territorial Issue, Jan 20, 2011 (PDF 3,5MB): E
MEI from NGO-Monitor Law for the Prevention of Harm to the State of Israel through Boycotts - 2011 (PDF 12KB): E
Haaretz Palestinian application to join the UN, Sep 23, 2011: E
IRIS Comparisons of maps of Israel and other areas: E
MEI The name of Jerusalem and its history (PDF, 500 KB): E
Le Monde diplomatique Map of the main conflicts of the 1990s: E/F
Le Monde diplomatique Map of escalating risks in the Middle East: E
UnivTexas Map Collection, Middle East: E
USMA Collection of 13 maps which describe the Arab-Israel wars between 1948 and 1973 (US Military Academy): E
Maps of Jerusalem Ancient maps of Jerusalem: E
Hebrew University Holy Land Maps: E, H
Birzeit University Palestinian Legal and Judicial Data Bank: A, E
The Zionist Library Full text for most of the important Zionist writings
CZA World Zionist Organization, The Central Zionist Archive: E
Spielberg Film Archive Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive: E
USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts: E
The 9/11 Commission Report (PDF, 7.6 MB): E
U.S. State Department USINFO | U.S. policy and issues focusing on the Middle East: E
Le Monde diplomatique Map of Golan and South Lebanon, 1923-present: E
CSIS Center for Strategic and International Studies: E
Council on Foreign Relations Dedicated to increasing America’s understanding of the world: E
MiddleEastForum Works to define and promote American interests in the ME: E
Institute for Counter-Terrorism Developing public policy solutions to international terrorism: E
American Enterprise Institute Dedicated to strengthening the foundations of freedom: E
Center for Security Policy Promoting peace through US strength: E
Washington Institute Research and informed debate on U.S. interests in the ME: E
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Conducting research and education on the war on terrorism: E
Hudson Institute Center for Islam, Democracy and the Future of the Muslim World: E
University of Exeter Arab World Documentation Unit: E
JCPA The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs: E
GLORIA Focus on Middle East, U.S. foreign policy, and Turkish studies: E
Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies Tel Aviv University thinktank on ME strategic issues : E
Harry S. Truman Institute Hebrew University thinktank on ME issues : E
Begin Sadat Center Bar-Ilan University thinktank on ME peace and security: E
National Intelligence Council (NIC) Center of strategic thinking within the US Government, reporting to the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and providing the President and senior policymakers with analyses of foreign policy issues that have been reviewed and coordinated throughout the Intelligence Community.
Daniel Pipes American scholar of the Middle East
Victor Davis Hanson American military historian and commentator
MEIB Middle East Intelligence Bulletin: E
Joseph Farah Arab-American commentator
MERIA Journal Middle East Review of International Affairs, Prof. Barry Rubin: E, F
MEF List of experts on Islam, Islamism, and the Middle EastL E
Benador Associates Articles and list of experts on issues of the Middle East: E
Mark Steyn E
The Media Line Assistance for media in understanding the Middle East: E
Campus Watch Recommended scholars: E
Washington Post Near East pages: E
Washington Post North Africa pages: E
Washington Post Gulf pages: E
New York Times Middle East pages: E
Economist Middle East pages: E
Economist News, country profiles, forecasts, statistics: E
WikiIslam Online resource on Islam that anyone can edit: E
ISRAELI MEDIA and Palestinian media published in Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem Post in English
Jerusalem Post in French

Daily: E, F


Daily: H, E
Ma'ariv Daily: H
Globes Economic daily: E, H
Aurora News: Es
Elreloj News: Es
Assennara A
Sawt-alhaq Journal of Islamic movement: A
Panorama A
Kul-alarab A
Al-Quds Palestinian daily published in Jerusalem/Israel: A
The Jerusalem Times Palestinian weekly published in Jerusalem/Israel: E
Palestine Report Palestinian news published in Jerusalem/Israel: E
Jerusalem Report Magazine: E
Debka Political analysis, espionage, terrorism, security: E, H
Meria The Middle East Review of International Affairs: E
Walla News online and search engine: H
Israeli Radio Channels H, E, S, F, Yiddish, Russian etc.
Galei Zahal IDF Radio: H
Jewish Film The Jewish Film Archive: E
Arab Press
Freedom Watch

UK-based Arab journalists defending freedom of the press and human rights and promoting democracy in the Arab world: E

EU-FRA European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (former EU-MC): E
MEMRI Monitoring Arab and Iranian media: E, D, F, It, He, Ru, Es, Tu
MEMRI TV Monitoring Arab and Iranian TV channels: E
PMW Monitoring the Palestinian Media: E, F, D, Es
Stop Terrorist Media Monitoring terrorist controlled media outlets: E
MidEastTruth Beyond the facts of the Middle East
Opinion Journal From the Wall Street Journal editorial Page
MRT Mideast Reporting in Thruth: E
Honest Reporting Exposing dishonest reporting about the Middle East
Honest Reporting Can. Exposing dishonest reporting about the Middle East in Canadian media
Honestly Concerned Monitoring the German media: D
German Media Watch D
Swiss Media Watch Monitoring the Swiss media: D
BBC Watch Monitoring the British Broadcasting Company: E
BBC Outline of the Hutton reports's findings and BBC's core values: E
Eye on the Post Monitoring the Washington Post coverage of the Middle East: E
Join the Boycott Monitoring the Los Angeles coverage of the Middle East: E
IMRA Independent Media Review and Analysis: E
FLAME Facts and Logic About the Middle East: E
Fair-Reporting Monitoring the UK media: E
OZ Media Maccabee Monitoring the Australian media: E
CAMERA Monitoring accuracy in Middle East reporting
Take-a-Pen! Fighting anti-Israel media bias: in 10 languages
The Second Draft "Journalism is the first draft of history": E
Access Middle East A|ME assisting journalists
UN Watch Promoting the balanced, fair, and non-discriminatory application of the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter: E
Citizens for a Constructive UN Monitoring the United Nations: E
United Nothing Monitoring the United Nations: E
Eye on the UN Dedicated to making transparent the UN's record: E


Promoting critical debate and accountability of human rights NGOs in the Arab-Israeli conflict: E
Divestment Watch Monitoring the divest-from-Israel campaign: E
EU Funding The European Union, and European governments and organizations provide financial aid to the Palestinian Authority. This has led to two problems. One is the continuing problem of hate-centered education under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority. The other is the diversion of funds from their intended and much needed purposes to the nurturing and financing of corruption and terror. E
Campus Watch Monitoring Middle East studies on campus: E
CMIP Monitoring Palestinian schoolbooks: E
Boycott Watch Fighting against divestment and boycott campaigns against Israel: E
SITE Institute Continuous and intensive monitoring of terrorist websites: E
Haganah B'Internet Investigation tools for websites: E
Snopes Urban Legends Reference Pages: "Israel"
U.S. State Department USINFO | Identifying Misinformation: E
Anti-Defamation League Debunking Internet Rumors: E

The reader should be aware that within Arab regimes, Iran and terrorist organizations there is no freedom of press. Material is often distorted and inciting to terror and hatred.
See overseas-based Arab Press Freedom Watch, Reporters Without Borders, Palestinian Media Watch, MEMRI, MEMRI-TV, Report on the State of the Arab Media 2003. The Fight for Democracy (APFW, May 2003, London) List of Journalists in Prison in the Middle East and North Africa (CMF MENA, Jul 3, 2004), Stop Terrorist Media

"In short, to be sympathetic and supportive of the aspirations of the Arab people, as we should, we must be adamantly against their present governments - and many of their most prominent state sponsored and -bought clerics, intellectuals, and journalists as well."
(Victor Davis Hanson, NRO, May 3, 2002)

MEMRI TV - Monitoring Arab and Iranian TV channels Muslims Will Rule America, Britain ... and the Entire World; Israel is a Cancer; Jews are a Virus Resembling AIDS; Muslims Will Finish Them Off (Palestinian Authority TV Sermon, May 13, 2005 - MEMRI) Transcript

Sermons from Mosques in the Middle East
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Jihad and Terrorism
Suicide (Martyrdom) Operations
Confessions of Captured Terrorists
Minorities in the Middle East

Christianity and the West

Conspiracy Theories
U.S. and the Middle East
2004 U.S. Elections
Europe and the Middle East
Arab-Israeli Conflict
Reform in the Middle East
Cultural Issues
MEMRI Monitoring Arab and Iranian media: E, D, F, It, He, Ru, Es, Tu
Palestinian Media Watch Subjects:
Hatred of the United States and the West

Children are Combatants in Palestinian Authority Ideology
Teaching Children to Aspire Death for Allah
Teaching Hatred via Music Videos and Culture
Inciting to Genocide: Palestinian Authority Racism and Anti-Semitism
Denying Israel's Right to Exist and Anticipating its Destruction
Palestinian Authority Support of Suicide Terror and Murder
Understanding Shahada - Death for Allah & Jihad
Mothers Express Joy at Son's Death for Allah
Clarifying History
Holocaust Denial
Teaching Hatred of Jews, Israel and the USA in Arab world TV
Arab News Saudi daily: E
Arab.Net Saudi online news and resources: E
Al Baath Daily newspaper of Assad's Al-Baath (Syria): A
Syria Times (Syria): E

TV, Qatar: A, E Iraq's interim government closed the Baghdad office of Al-Jazeera: "Al-Jazeera has accepted to be the mouthpiece of terrorist and criminal groups thus contributing to attempts to impair security and achieve aims of terrorism in spreading terror."

Alhayat Al-Jadeeda Newspaper (Palestinian Authority): A
Al-Quds Palestinian daily published in Jerusalem/Israel: A
Jerusalem Times Palestinian weekly published in Jerusalem/Israel: E
Palestine Report Palestinian news published in Jerusalem/Israel: E
WAFA Palestinian Official News Agency: A, E, F, H
Al-Ahram Weekly (Egypt): E
The Jordan Times Newspaper (Jordan): E
Teheran Times Daily (Iran): E
IRNA Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency: E
Syria Times Syria: E
The Daily Star Lebanon: E
El-Watan (Algeria): F
El-Moudjahid (Algeria): F
Horizons (Algeria): F
World Press Review Middle East country profiles: E
World Press Review North Africa country profiles: E

The reader should be aware that within Arab regimes, Iran and terrorist organizations there is no freedom of press. Material is often distorted and inciting to terror and hatred.
"In short, to be sympathetic and supportive of the aspirations of the Arab people, as we should, we must be adamantly against their present governments - and many of their most prominent state sponsored and -bought clerics, intellectuals, and journalists as well."
(Victor Davis Hanson, NRO, May 3, 2002)

APSR The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism
(Robert A. Pape, The University of Chicago, Aug 2003): E
League of Arab States Inter-governmental organization of twenty Arab regimes: E, A
Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Inter-governmental organization of fifty-six Muslim states "which they entrusted, in absolute priority, with liberating Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa from Zionist occupation": E, F, A
JP, May 17, 2004 Self-determination for me, not for thee (Professor S. Avineri): E
No to Political Islam Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights
with annotations of “No to Political Islam”, Sep 19, 1981: E
Harvard University The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, 5 Aug 1990: E
OIC-Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Committee established in implementation of Resolution No.1/4-P of the Fourth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers:E
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries: E
OAPEC Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries: E
UNRWA UN agency - provides education, health, and relief and social services to 3.9 million Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, West Bank and Gaza Strip: E, A
UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency (not mandated for "UNRWA's" Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, West Bank and Gaza Strip): E
UNSCO United Nations Office of the Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories [West Bank & Gaza Strip]: E
UN-OCHA-OPT United Nations Humanitarian Information Centre in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: E
UN-DP United Nations Human Development Report 2003: E
UN-DP United Nations Arab Human Development Report 2002: E, A
UN-DP United Nations Arab Human Development Report 2003: E, A
TIPH Temporary International Presence in Hebron Mission: E
EU Funding The European Union, and European governments and organizations provide financial aid to the Palestinian Authority. This has led to two problems. One is the continuing problem of hate-centered education under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority. The other is the diversion of funds from their intended and much needed purposes to the nurturing and financing of corruption and terror. E
CMIP Monitoring Palestinian schoolbooks: E
PNA Palestinian National Authority, official site: E
The National Unity Government Hamas Palestinian official government website: A, E
MOFA Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, official site: E
PCBS Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics: E
Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens' Rights, founded on Sep 30, 1993 upon a decree issued by Yasser Arafat: E, A
PHRMG Jerusalem-based Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group: E, A
Hashd Jerusalem-based Palestinian Campaign for Peace And Democracy (Sari Nusseibeh site): E, A
Panorama Jerusalem-based Palestinian Center for the Dissemination of Democracy & Community Development: E
Myths Dispelling common myths about the proposed Palestinian state (Zalman Shoval, Jerusalem Post, Jan 29, 2003): E
President of Iran Islamic Republic of Iran, official website: E
Authority for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices Religious and morality police (Saudi Arabia): A
Saudi Institute Overseas-based Saudi Arabian human rights advocacy: E
Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) The temporary governing body which has been designated by the United Nations as the lawful government of Iraq: E
IST Iraqi Special Tribunal (official website, June 14, 2005): E
KRG Kurdistan Regional Government [in Iraq], official website: E
Le Monde diplomatique Map of the area populated by the Kurds (1996): E
KRG Map of Kurdish region and the countries it spans, 1992:
Iraq Institute Kurdistan-based advocacy for a stable democracy in Iraq: E
Copts (Egyptian Christians) US-based Egyptian religious freedom advocacy: E, A
Dhimmitude The status of non-Muslim minorities under Islamic rule: E
Dhimmi International movement for the victims of Jihad and Islamization: E
JIMENA Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa: E
Reform Party of Syria (RPS) US-based Syrian freedom advocacy: E, A
Free Lebanon US-based Lebanese freedom advocacy: E
Lebanese Foundation for Peace Jerusalem-based Lebanese freedom advocacy: E
Lebanese Kataeb Overseas-based Lebanese Christian party: E
Guardians of the Cedars Overseas-based Lebanese party: E
ICDS Egypt-based Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies: E, A
ALFA U.S.-based alliance promoting a democratic society in Libya: E
National Salvation Front of Libya Overseas-based Libyan freedom advocacy: A, E
Sijill Overseas-based Libyan human rights advocacy: E
SMCCDI Overseas-based Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran: E, F, It, Ir
AINA Overseas-based Assyrian freedom advocacy: E
The Bahá'í World Overseas-based Bahá'í freedom advocacy: E, F, Es, A, Ir
International Lesbian and Gay Assoc.
Overseas-based sexual fredom advocacy: E
Tell Children the Truth Overseas Moslems expose the roots of today's jihad: E
Italian Muslim Association Italian-based Moslem religious freedom advocacy: E
Islamic Supreme Council of America US-based Moslem advocacy presenting the peaceful and tolerant face of Islam: E
American Islamic Congress US-based Moslem advocacy for interfaith understanding: E
Islamic Free Market Institute US-based Moslem advocacy for free markets: E
SOS Slaves Overseas-based human rights organization dedicated to eradicating chattel slavery in Mauritania: E, F
ISIS Overseas-based Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society
World Bank Middle East & North Africa Regional Profile: E
Middle East & North Africa Country Profiles: E
World Bank West Bank and Gaza Data Profile: E
World Bank West Bank and Gaza Country Profile: E
ERF Economic Research Forum (Egypt): E
U.S. Department
of Commerce
Office of Antiboycott Compliance (U.S. laws discourage, and in some circumstances, prohibit U.S. companies from furthering or supporting the boycott of Israel sponsored by the Arab League, and some Moslem countries): E
U.S. State Department Trafficking in Persons Report 2003 (slavery and bondage): E
U.S. State Department Female Genital Mutilation (FGM and FGC), Country Reports: E
European Union The EU's Mediterranean & Middle East Policy, official website: E
Gksoft Worldwide Governments on the WWW: E
Free the 400 Million Overseas-based Middle East freedom advocacy: E
Free Middle East Overseas-based Middle East freedom advocacy: E
The reader should be aware that within Arab regimes, Iran and terrorist organizations there is no freedom of press. Material is often distorted and inciting to terror and hatred.
"In short, to be sympathetic and supportive of the aspirations of the Arab people, as we should, we must be adamantly against their present governments - and many of their most prominent state sponsored and -bought clerics, intellectuals, and journalists as well."
(Victor Davis Hanson, NRO, May 3, 2002)
Fateh Palestinian terrorist organization: Complete liberation of Palestine, and eradication of Zionist economic, political, military and cultural existence (art. 12 of Arafat's Fateh Constitution), official website: E
Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Palestinian terrorist organization, arm of Fatah, official website: A
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Palestinian Islamist terrorist organization, official website: A
Hamas Palestinian Islamist terrorist organization, official website: E, A, Ru
Izz Al-Din Al Qassam Palestinian terrorist organization, arm of Hamas, official website: E, A
PFLP Palestinian Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization, official website: E
PPP Palestinian Communist terrorist organization, official website: A
Fida Splinter of Palestinian terrorist organization DFLP, official website: E
Popular Resistance Committee Gaza Strip based Palestinian terrorist organization, official website: E
Lindasog Terror victims in Israel 1952-today: E
IDF Declassified captured Palestinian documents: A, E
CSS Declassified Israeli intelligence documents: E
Weaponsurvey Illegal Palestinian weapons production and smuggling: E
Hizbollah Lebanese terrorist organization with Palestinian agenda, official website: E
Qokaz Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists fighting in Chechnya: A
U.S. Justice Department Al-Qaeda Training Manual: E
Cornell University

Bin-Laden's "Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders [Christians]" issued by the World Islamic Front, Feb 23, 1998: E, A

U.S. Department of State Patterns of Global Terrorism 2002, Middle East Overview: E
U.S. Treasury Department Executive Order 13224 blocking terrorist property and prohibiting transactions with persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorism, Mar 21, 2003: E
U.S. State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism Office: E
U.S. State Department Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs), updated Oct 11, 2005: E
Official Journal
of the European Union
EU Council Common Position 2003/906/CFSP updating Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism (includes list of terrorist groups), 22 Dec 2003: E
U.S. State Department State Sponsors of Terrorism, updated Apr 28, 2006: E
The Council of the European Union EU list of terrorist organisations, May 29, 2006: E
UK Government Listing of Terrorist Organisations, accessed Jun 16, 2007: E
Australia Government Listing of Terrorist Organisations, accessed May 23, 2007: E
Canada Government Listing of Terrorist Organisations, accessed May 23, 2007: E
Japan Government Listing of Terrorist Organisations (page 138), accessed May 23, 2007: E
U.S. State Department Country Reports on Terrorism 2004: E
FBI FBI's list of Most Wanted Terorists: E

Rewards for Justice

Rewards for finding international terrorists
U.S. Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): E
U.S. Treasury Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI): E
U.S. Treasury Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN): E
U.S. Treasury National Money Laundering Strategy: E
U.S. Commerce Department Denied Persons List: E
MNF-Iraq Multi-National Force - Iraq and Multi-National Corps - Iraq: E
Centcom U.S. Central Command - General John Abizaid, Commanding: E
U.S. State Department Report on Global Anti-Semitism 2004: E
EU-FRA European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (former EU-MC): E
EU-FRA EU Working definition of anti-Semitism: E
Jihad Watch Bringing public attention to the role of jihad theology: E
ADL Anti-Semitism in the Arab World: E
ZCCF The Think Tank of the Arab League: The Zayed Centre for Coordination and Follow-Up (MEMRI Report): E
CSS Incitement and propaganda against Israel, the Jewish people and the Western world, conducted in the Palestinian Authority, the Arab world and Iran, CSS Report: E
Eufunding Misuse of EU financial aid to the Palestinian Authority: E
AJC Muslim Anti-Semitism: A Clear and Present Danger, Robert S. Wistrich Study: E
MEMRI Arab Anti-Semitism Documentation Project: E
CMIP Report JEWS, CHRISTIANS, WAR AND PEACE IN EGYPTIAN SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS, Executive Summary, Jun 30, 2004. Table of contents: E
H-Ref Holocaust-Referenz, Argumente gegen Auschwitzleugner: D
EU-MC EU reports about Anti-Semitism in the EU 2002-2003, Mar 31, 2004: E
OSCE 'Berlin Declaration' - measures to fight anti-Semitism, Apr 29, 2004: E
ADL The Talmud in Anti-Semitic Polemics: E
Pro-Israel.org The Friends of Israel Portal: E
National Unity Coalition for Israel 200 organizations representing millions of Christian and Jewish Americans. Cultivating American support for a strong and secure Israel: E
AIPAC American Israel Public Affairs Committee: E
Arabs for Israel Overseas-based Arab supporters of Israel, peace and democracy in the Middle East: E
Muslims for Israel Overseas-based Muslim supporters of Israel, peace and democracy in the Middle East: E
IPIL London-based Iran's Pro-Israel Lobby: E
Sarah Nasser Canada-based Arab activist's trip to Israel: E
Italy Muslim Association Italy-based Moslem religious freedom advocacy: E
Nonie Darwish US citizens of Mideast origin for America: E
Radical Party European Israel Advocacy
ADL Anti-Defamation League: E
SWC Simon Wiesenthal Center: E
WUJS World Union of Jewish Students: E
Campus Watch E
Stand With Us E
Hasbara E, F, Es, H, A
blueStarPR Producing visual media: E
CoHaV An international umbrella for volunteer Israel advocacy groups: E
Mideast Debate E
AlIsrael E
All4Israel E
Take Action Now Initiative of the American Jewish Committee: E
Israel21c Informing Americans about 21st century Israel: E
Israel Video Blog E
Right to Exist E
Amici d'Israele Onlus Italian Friends of Israel Association: It
Learning Israel E
Primer E
Mideast Reality Japanese site: E, J
Nahostfocus D
Ilka MEP Ilka Schroeder: D
Politically Incorrect Pro-Bush conservatives in Germany advocating for Israel: D
Antideutsche Kommunistinnen Communists in Germany advocating for Israel/Linke fuer Israel: D
Bahamas Leftists in Germany advocating for Israel/Linke fuer Israel: D
Café Critique Leftists in Austria advocating for Israel/Linke fuer Israel: D
Antifaschismus Leftists in Germany advocating for Israel/Linke fuer Israel: D
Jewish Agency for Israel Link collection: E
WUJS World Union of Jewish Students Institute: E
The Israel Project Devoted to educating the press and the public about Israel: E
InfoClick E
ICEJ International Christian Embassy Jerusalem: E
Israel My Beloved The International Christian Zionist Center: E
NAI Christian Zionist News Agency: D
AGS Rumanian Christian Zionists: Ro, Ru, Es
ACPR Ariel Center for Policy Research: E
Facts of Israel E
IRIS Comparisons of map of Israel with maps of other areas drawn to the same scale: E
Palestine Facts E
Middle East Facts E
Jews For Truth Now E
Enough Is Enough E
For Truths Sake E
CAI Christian Action for Israel: E
Freeman Center Researching military and strategic issues related to the ME: E
Beyond Images E
Belisrael Belgian site: F
MidEastWeb Israeli-Palestinian dialog and peace education efforts: E, H, A
MachsomWatch.com People for the Rights of Palestinians only: E, H
Israel Info Center E
EretzYisroel Political history source: E
FuelForTruth Information about Israel and the Middle East: E
Media Line E
Terror-Lawsuit Fighting back in court to stop terror attacks: E, H
Stop the ISM Against International Solidarity Movement indoctrination of students: E
Neil Lazarus Awesome seminars: E
Teach Kids Peace

Stop incitement of children to terror and violence: E

Hatikva The national anthem of Israel: H, E
Flags of the World Israeli flags: E
Knesset Israeli parliament: E, H, A
Supreme Court E, H, A
The State Comptroller
and Obudsman

State audit in Israel focuses on the examination of the activities of the executive authority and whether they have been carried out in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency, effectiveness and moral integrity: E, H, A

Government Gateway E, H, A
PMO Prime Minister's Office, official site: E, H
MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, official site: E, H, A, F, Es, D
CBS Central Bureau of Statistics, official site: E, H
Israel Export Governmental Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute: E, F. H
Israel Police Official site: E, H
Jewish Agency for Israel Department for Jewish Zionist Education: E
WJS World Jewish Communities: E
Jewish People Policy Planning Institute JPPPI - established as an independent think tank whose mission is to contribute to the continuity of the Jewish people and Judaism: E
WZO World Zionist Organization: E
Yad Vashem Perpetuating the Holocaust's legacy to future generations: E
Mahal-IDF-Volunteers.org Overseas Volunteers for the Israel Defense Forces: E
OneFamilyFund Helping victims of terror: E
Crisis or Challenge What to expect after a terrorist attack: E
World Bank Israel data profile: E
IST Israeli science and technology portal: E
Israel Maps Maps of Israel, unofficial site, E
Eyeonisrael Land of Israel map: E
eMap Israel City maps: E
MEI Jerusalem city map: E
Isracamera View Israel live, unofficial site: E
Western Wall Heritage View Western Wall live: E, H
Israel Images Photographs and images of Israel: E
National Photo Collection Israel's National Photo Collection: E
Israel Weather E
Calender Conversion
Gregorian/Hebrew & vice versa calendar converter: E
AZM Calender History events of Israel and Zionist movement: E
Melizo Jewish holidays and festivals: E
JNUL Jewish National & University Library, Jerusalem: E, H
JHRC Jewish History Resource Center: E
JAP The Jerusalem Archeological Park: E
Maps of Jerusalem Ancient maps of Jerusalem: E
Learn Hebrew E
Ethnologue Languages of Israel: E
Dapei Zahav Israel Yellow Pages phone directory: E, H
Bezeq Israel White Pages phone directory: E, H
Google (Hebrew) Search engine: H
Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (SDS) During the 1960s the SDS (Germany) stood for democracy and socialism, revolt and anarchy, anti-authoritarianism and anti-imperialism: D
Amil Imani
Freedom of Iran: E
thrrp The Human Rights Revolution Platform: E
Iran BBB BBB = Know, Think, Stand up: Ir
Jesus is Lord A Worshipping Christian Family Website: E
a-i-p Antifa Infoportal Magdeburg: D
SPME Scholars for Peace in the Middle East: E
Cox & Forkum Editorial cartoons: E
India-Defence Indian Strategic Affairs, Defense and Military News Portal: E
Il Giovine Occidente It, E
Nineveh Aramaic-speaking Christian Assyrians: E, D, F, Es, It, Po, Ko
Winkelried Swiss "politically incorrect" blog: D
Pension4Army Information about benefits for UK veterans: E
Karaimitaliya It
The Religion of Peace Inspired by the on-going rate of violence in the Islamic world: E
SIOE Nederland Stop Islamisation of Europe: Ne
Annaqed "The Critic": E, A
A Deeper Look Krishna Chaudry's blog: E
Iranscope/Ghandchi Iranian: Ir
Nuclear Portuguese
In the Name of Allah Dedicated to detailed analysis of the Koran and Islamic doctrines: E
Gates of Vienna We are in a new phase of a very old war: E
Outcut TV German Videoblog on Middle East, Terrorism and radical Islam: D
Occidental Soapbox Reminding the West of its own HISTORY: E
Nueva Europa Es
Jihad Monitor Academic guide to open internet resources on Islamist radicalism: E, Es
Islam in Europe Focusing on Islam in Belgium, the Netherlands and Scandinavia: E
Die Sichel Swiss blog, Freedom for Women and Clash of Cultures: D
Kritiknetz Leftist: D
Bare Naked Islam Videos and photos: E
Islam heißt Frieden D
Roncesvalles Biased News and Views from Dhimmified Germanistan: E
GreenHelmetGuy Blog, about the infamous Hizballah media manipulator: E

Armenian-neoconservative Watchblog: D

Islamist Monitor Australia: E
Western Defense ... to counter-terrorism and protect Western civilization: E
Pax Europa About the creeping Islamization of Europe: D
AAH Americans Against Hate - Fighting Hate With Truth: E
Islameyat A, E
the Dry Bones Blog Veteran cartoon artist Yaakov Kirschen: E
Atlas Shrugs Pamela Geller's conservative blog: E
Gudrun Eussner Journalist and Islam expert: D
Polemiken DK
Islamanazi E
Thomas Tartsch D
Al-hamatzav Blog: Se
Western Resistance E
Lizas Welt Blog on Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism, Islamic terrorism: D
Stop Islam About stopping the Islamization of Europe: D
Justify This! Weblog: E
UndeniablePolitics E
German Media Watch D
Pedestrian Infidel Blog: E
Transatlantic Forum Western Values in a Globalized World: D
Nichtidentisches Blog: D
Tzion Messianic Congregation of Austin, Texas: E
Mimus vitae Conservative German weblog: D
Tilman Tarach Leftist pro-israel book: D
Betbender Israel At Level Ground: E
Gil Yaron Journalist: D, E
Jewish Telegraph E
Conservative Pleasure E
Heplev Aloofly of the mainstream: D
Eurabia NL
Likoed Holland E, NL
WUJS Institute-Arad E
Maurice Ostroff Countering bias and misinformation about the ME conflict: E
Iaqi Israel Resources: E
Israelhomage D
Zir Chemed E
The Source Israel E
Gegenstimme D
The Atheist Jew E
Jerusalem Summit E
Oter Timisoara E
Never Again German Christian blog: D
Jewish.net E
Zionismontheweb E
Abu Al-Fin E
Zionism-israel-palestine E
Image Magazine USA Serving the Sephardic Jewish Community: E
Rebellog Radical-libertarian, anarchistic blog: E, D
The Sefer Torah Recycling E
Army of Mom E
Israel3 Es
Brumspeak Blog: E
Sultan Knish Blog: E
Personal Impressions Islam in der Presse: D
Telchaination Blog: E
Al-Fin E
Urban Infidel Blog: E
Simply Jews Blog: E
Middle East Facts E
Zionism-Israel Info E
RonMossad E
Israel Act Now E
Telegehirn D
Foehammer's Anvil Fighting the War on Islamic Terrorism: E
FOMI Swedish Forum Against Islamization: SE
Urban Conservative A conservative news blog that pokes fun at liberals: E
DeusVult God wants love: D

Note: these links. videos and presentations are provided for reader's convenience only
MEI does not endorse the content of external internet sites and presentations

Raphael Katz Portfolio - Web Design, Film Making, Architecture, Photography