Economy Military
of Congress Country Study

Epicenter of State Terrorism - Nuclear
Ambitions - World
Domination Ideology - Head
of government edict callingfor the execution of a novelist living
in another country
Used Chemical Weapons During War With Muslim Iraq - Iraq-Iran War
1980 - 1988 Caused Over 1 Million Dead - Children
Were Used to Clear Mine Fields - Ahwazi
Arabs endure violent persecution
occupies United Arab Emirates territories
State Sponsored Cult of Martyrdom and Blood

Iranian stamps:
Islam's sword
off a demon's hand symbolizing the
Nations Security Council permanent members China, Russia, France,
Slogan ISLAM IS VICTORIOUS with automatic gun shooting bullets in
all directions
Glorifying hostage
taking of US diplomats | threating to destroy the United

British hostages
in Iran ,
2007 | US hostages in Iran ,
Religious Persecution
- Largest Religious
Minority Bahá’í Deprived of the Right to a Full
Public Stoning to Death and Other Cruel Punishments and Executions
in Executing Children
Discrimination of Women - "Ten
Minute Marriages" - Plans
to segregate pedestrian walkways and elevators on gender basis
- Women
Not Allowed Into Sports Stadiums

being prepared for stoning
to death in Iran (FP, Jan 27, 2005)
public stoning to death (15:31 min)
of unmarried teenage girls accused of adultery

flogged woman
and gay
for Homosexual Conduct (Human Rights Watch, November 22, 2005):
"Iranian law punishes all penetrative sexual acts between adult
men with the death penalty. Non-penetrative sexual acts between
men are punished with lashes until the fourth offense, when they
are punished with death. Sexual acts between women, which are defined
differently, are punished with lashes until the fourth offense,
when they are also punished with death."

Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Egypt's President Sadat and Israel's
Prime Minister Begin
1979, Ayman
al-Zawahri became one of the leaders of Egyptian
Islamic Jihad
1981, President Sadat murdered by Egyptian Islamic Jihad
1982, Iranian stamp honored
al-Islambuli, the assassin of President Sadat
1998, al-Zawahri
merged Egyptian Islamic Jihad with al-Qaeda
1999, Islamist “Islambuli
Brigades” aim to murder Russian President and all infidels
in Russia

snapshot from Australian Embassy
site, mission on "Khalid Islambuli Ave, Teheran"

supporting Iranian stamp in honor of Egyptian
terrorist who murdered 7 tourists
Terror supporting Iranian stamp in honor of Lebanese
terrorist Hizballah (Party of God) 
Terror supporting Iranian stamp in honor of Lebanese
terrorist Imad Mughniyah, wanted by Interpol

Islamic Republic
of Iran stamps: guns
pointing at Israel
President Calls for the Destruction of Israel - State
Sponsored Anti-Semitism
passed by the Islamic Majlis (parliament) mandating standard Islamic
garments and separate dress codes for Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians,
who will have to adopt distinct colour schemes
Freedom Score of Iran (Not Free)
and Israel (Free) Source: Freedom House (PDF,
187 KB)
Human Development Index of Iran
(0.719) and Israel (0.905) (PDF,
670 KB) Source: United
Nations Human Development Report 2003
Corruption Index of Iran (3.7),
Israel (7.3), Germany (7.3) and USA (7.7) Source:Transparency International
(PDF, 1.8 MB)
the Penal Code of Iran: The penalty
for adultery under Article 83
of the penal code, called the Law of Hodoud is flogging
(100 lashes of the whip) for unmarried male
and female offenders. Married offenders
may be punished by stoning regardless of their gender, but the method
laid down for a man involves his burial up to his waist, and for
a woman up to her neck (article 102)
104 of the Law of Hodoud provides that the stones
should not be so large that a person dies after being hit with
two of them, nor so small as to be defined as pebbles, but must
cause severe injury. This makes it clear that the purpose of stoning
is to inflict grievous pain on the victim,
in a process leading to his or her slow
Penal Code of Iran (MEHR Iran, Mar 7, 2007)
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khomeini's Religious
Teachings on Marriage, Divorce and Relationships (Parvin Darabi,
USA-based Dr. Homa Darabi Foundation website, Jun 10, 2006:
"A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even
if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is
prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine,
other sexual act such as forplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy
is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than
nine years of age has not comitted a crime, but only an infraction,
if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however,
is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life.
But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent
wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister."

State sponsored
cult of blood - fountain spewing "blood" in
Teheran, stamp
Ayatollah Khomeini's Grandson: 'Iran Needs Democracy and Separation
of Religion and State;' 'The Iranian Regime Is the World's Worst
Dictatorship' (MEMRI, Aug 6, 2003)
Demons | A Child of the Revolution Takes Over (Matthias Küntzel,
The New Republic, Apr 24, 2006)
clarifies the Middle East (Dennis Prager, WND, Dec 30, 2003):
"If you want to understand
the Middle East conflict, Iran has just provided all you need
to know. A massive earthquake kills between 20,000 and 40,000
Iranians, and the government of Iran announces that help is welcome
from every country in the world ... except Israel.
This little-reported news item is of great significance. It begs
commentary. Israel not only has the world's most experienced crews
in quickly finding survivors in bombed out buildings, it is also
a mere two-hour flight from Iran. In other words, no
country in the world would come close to Israel in its ability
to save Iranian lives quickly. But none of
this means anything to the rulers of Iran. The Islamic government
of Iran has announced to the world that it
is better for fellow countrymen and fellow Muslims – men,
women and children – to die buried under rubble than to
be saved by a Jew from Israel."
axis of evil. European Union's flirtation with the Axis of Evil
delays democracy in the region (U.K.-based Iranian author Ardavan
Bahrami, Nov 23, 2003, The Iranian): "Once
the tyrants of Qom have been vanquished; Iran, Israel and India
need to create an "Axis of Angels" in order to promote
cooperation, cultural exchanges as well as safeguarding stability
and peace in the Middle East and ultimately
in the Indian Ocean. Of course Iran's relationship with her neighbours
and all democracies in the world would be one of mutual respect
and constructive engagement, but we must recognize our friends,
establish contacts, work towards our mutual interests and strive
to achieve them now. The European
Union's flirtation with members of the Axis of Evil is a known
fact and it delays the establishment of democracies in the region.
The Islamic Republic is against peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Its leaders have spoken of their intention to "annihilate"
Israel once they acquire nuclear capabilities, while the European
Union is collaborating with Tehran's regime to portray a rosy
picture of those allegedly reformists as victims of a group of
hard-line ayatollahs. Today we
have Axis of Evil and European Union working hand in hand against
the United States, Israel and pro-democracy people of Iran."
Iran's atomic quest (National Post, Sep 29, 2003): "In
a prominent national sermon in December, 2001, former Iranian
president Hashemi Rafsanjani declared that the day 'the world
of Islam comes to possess [nuclear] weapons' will be 'the day
... global arrogance will come to a dead end.' He added that a
bomb used against Israel 'would leave nothing on the ground' and
would rid the world of much 'extraneous matter,' by which he appeared
to mean millions of Jews."
Al-Awsat Editor: Iran's Nuclear Weapons a Threat to Arab and Islamic
Countries. (MEMRI, Oct 10, 2003): An editorial titled "Yes,
We Fear Iran's Uranium," authored by Abd Al-Rahman Al-Rashed,
editor of the London-based Saudi
daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, appeared in the newspaper's
October 8, 2003 issue. [1]The following are excerpts from the
editorial: The Primary Target: Pakistan. "If
you want to be foolish, you have to believe that Iran is producing
its nuclear bomb in order to attack Israel; you'll turn into a
complete idiot if you believe it's producing it in order to confront
the U.S. The Iranians are enriching uranium to produce nuclear
weapons aimed, essentially, at its neighbors, mainly Pakistan.
However, the danger encompasses the other neighboring countries
as well, such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan,
and Azerbaijan, which share with Iran a land border of 5,400 km
and a sea border of 2,400 km."
is not Islam (Paris based Iranian journalist Amir Taheri, The
New York Post, Aug 15, 2003): "Muslim
women could easily check the fraudulent nature of the neo-Islamist
hijab by leafing through their family albums. They will not find
the picture of a single female ancestor of theirs who wore the
cursed headgear now marketed as an absolute "must" of
Islam. This fake Islamic hijab is nothing
but a political prop, a weapon of visual terrorism. It is the
symbol of a totalitarian ideology inspired more by Nazism and
Communism than by Islam. It is as symbolic of Islam as the Mao
uniform was of Chinese civilization. It is used as a means of
exerting pressure on Muslim women who do not wear it because they
do not share the sick ideology behind it. It is a sign of support
for extremists who wish to impose their creed, first on Muslims,
and then on the world through psychological pressure, violence,
terror, and, ultimately, war." Iranian
stamp: Woman's Day
minute marriages" (Agence France Presse, June 20, 1998):
"These are marriages in name only, not least because men
have theright to deny their responsibilities for any children
born of the temporary liaisons. This controversial law allows
Iranian men to fornicate, so long as they register their intentions
with a religious Sharia court where they fill out a form specifying
how long they intend to ``enjoy'' their partner. In many cases
the two sides agree to a ten-minute ``quickie'' in which they
are able to satisfy each other and still keep within the law.
``The enjoyment marriage is nothing but a legal cover for prostitution,''
says Mahran Keys Doltchahi, a professor at Iran's Free University.
``How can anyone in the world claim that a marriage for ten minutes
is a legal act. ... ``My temporary husbands have included one
ayatollah, 21 senior clergymen, five famous merchants, a few hundred
university students and the head of a hospital in the holy city
of Qom.''The hypocrisy of the clergy was highlighted last year
when the former government prosecutor, Hojatulislam Mohammedi,
was asked if he approved of enjoyment marriages. Mohammedi said
he fully supported the concept because it prevented young people
from sinning."
Slave Jihad, Donna M. Hughes, FrontPageMagazine, Jan 27, 2004):
"The head of Iran’s Interpol bureau believes that the
sex slave trade is one of the most profitable activities in Iran
today. This criminal trade is not conducted outside the knowledge
and participation of the ruling fundamentalists. Government officials
themselves are involved in buying, selling, and sexually abusing
women and girls. ... For example, following the recent earthquake
in Bam, orphaned girls have been kidnapped and taken to a known
slave market in Tehran where Iranian and foreign traders meet.
... Popular destinations for victims of the slave trade are the
Arab countries in the Persian Gulf. According to the head of the
Tehran province judiciary, traffickers target girls between 13
and 17, although there are reports of some girls as young as 8
and 10, to send to Arab countries."
(Party of God) a.k.a. Islamic Jihad, Revolutionary Justice Organization,
Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, and Islamic Jihad for
the Liberation of Palestine (Background Information on Designated
Foreign Terrorist OrganizationsPatterns of Global Terrorism -2001,
Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, U.S. Department
of State:
"Three members of Hizballah,'Imad
Mughniyah, Hasan Izz-al-Din, and Ali Atwa, are on the FBI's list
of 22 Most Wanted Terrorists ... Receives
substantial amounts of financial, training, weapons, explosives,
political, diplomatic, and organizational aid
from Iran and received diplomatic, political,
and logistical support from Syria."
(Islamic Resistance Movement) (Patterns of Global Terrorism -2001,
Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism. U.S. State Department:
"Receives funding
from Palestinian expatriates, Iran,
and private benefactors in Saudi Arabia and other moderate Arab
Islamic Jihad (PIJ) (Patterns of Global Terrorism -2001, Office
of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism. U.S. State Department:
"Receives financial assistance
from Iran and limited logistic support assistance
from Syria."
Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC,
(Patterns of Global Terrorism -2001, Office of the Coordinator for
Counterterrorism. U.S. State Department: "Receives support
from Syria and financial support
from Iran."
as State Sponsor of Terrorism by the United States: "...
Iran remained the most active state sponsor of terrorism in 2000.
Its Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Ministry of Intelligence
and Security (MOIS) continued to be involved in the planning and
the execution of terrorist acts and continued to support a variety
of groups that use terrorism to pursue their goals.Iran's
involvement in terrorist-related activities remained focused on
support for groups opposed to Israel and peace between Israel and
its neighbors. Statements by Iran's leaders demonstrated Iran's
unrelenting hostility to Israel. Supreme Leader Khamenei continued
to refer to Israel as a "cancerous tumor" that must be
removed; President Khatami, labeling Israel an "illegal entity,"
called for sanctions against Israel during the intifadah; and Expediency
Council Secretary Rezai said, "Iran will continue its campaign
against Zionism until Israel is completely eradicated." Iran
has long provided Lebanese Hizballah and the Palestinian rejectionist
groups--notably HAMAS, the Palestine Islamic Jihad, and Ahmad Jibril's
PFLP-GC--with varying amounts of funding, safehaven, training, and
weapons. This activity continued at its already high levels following
the Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon in May and during the
intifadah in the fall. Iran continued to encourage Hizballah and
the Palestinian groups to coordinate their planning and to escalate
their activities against Israel Iran also provided a lower level
of support--including funding, training, and logistics assistance--to
extremist groups in the Gulf, Africa, Turkey, and Central Asia.
Although the Iranian Government has taken no direct action to date
to implement Ayatollah Khomeini's fatwa against Salman Rushdie,
the decree has not been revoked, and the $2.8 million bounty for
his assassination has not been withdrawn. Moreover, hardline Iranians
continued to stress that the decree is irrevocable. On the anniversary
of the fatwa in February, the IRGC released a statement that the
decree remains in force, and Ayatollah Yazdi, a member of the Council
of Guardians, reiterated that "the decree is irrevocable and,
God willing, will be carried out." Iran also was a victim of
Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK)-sponsored terrorism. The Islamic Republic
presented a letter to the UN Secretary General in October citing
seven acts of sabotage by the MEK against Iran between January and
August 2000. The United States has designated the MEK as a Foreign
Designation by the United States as “Country of Particular
Concern” Under the International Religious Freedom Act.
Booksellers of Tehran (Matthias Kuntzel, Wall Street Journal, Oct
28, 2005): Every book fair exhibits bestsellers. But anti-Semitic
bestsellers? And in Germany, of all places? Last week at the Frankfurt
Book Fair, I happened to find myself in the International Publishers
section and was simply astonished. At the stand of the Iranian publishers,
in plain view, was the text that influenced Hitler's Holocaust fantasies
like no other: "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,"
published in English by the Islamic Propagation Organization of
the Islamic Republic of Iran. The first page of the tract makes
clear that Israel is the target of this new edition. It shows a
snake made of triangles, enclosing an area labeled "Greater
Israel" that includes large areas of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon,
Jordan, Iraq, parts of Turkey and northern Saudi Arabia. Each triangle,
according to the annotation, symbolizes the "Freemason's Eye,"
supposedly a "symbol of Jewry." A
few steps farther on, the second most important classic of modern
anti-Semitism was on display: Henry Ford's "The International
Jew," in a 200-page abbreviated version, published by the Iranian
"Department of Translation and Publication, Islamic Culture
and Relations Organization." It was interesting to read the
numerous footnotes that the Iranian publisher had added. For example,
Salman Rushdie's "Satanic Verses" is presented as the
latest example of the viciousness of Jewish slanders. A
third anti-Semitic screed caught my attention for its gaudy cover:
A red Star of David over a gray skull and a yellow map of the world.
Its title was "Tale of the 'Chosen People' and the Legend of
'Historical Right,'" written by Mohammad Taqi Taqipour. In
his foreword, the author is certain of another "final solution":
Given the "global Islamic movement," Israel will soon
be destroyed.
of the Bahá'ís in Iran (The Bahá'í World)):
"The 300,000-member Bahá'í
community comprises the largest religious minority in that country,
and Bahá'ís have been oppressed solely because of
religious intolerance. Islamic leaders in Iran and elsewhere have
long viewed the Bahá'í Faith as a threat to Islam
and have branded the Bahá'ís as heretics."
Secret Blueprint for the Destruction of the Bahá'í
Community (The Bahá'í World): "Stamped
"confidential," the document indicates clearly that it
was prepared at the request of the Leader of the Islamic Republic
of Iran, Ali Khamenei, and the President of Iran, Hahsemi Rafsanjani.
The memorandum was signed by Hujjatu'l Islam Siyyid Mohammad Gulpaygani,
Secretary of the Council, and approved by Mr. Khamenei, who added
his signature to the document."
legal system that fails to protect freedom of expression and association
(Amnesty International Report):
''Insult'' to religion. For many centuries, Iran has enjoyed a tradition
of debate, discussion and interpretation of religious precepts,
yet laws relating to religion have been used repeatedly to limit
freedom of expression. These include, in particular, Articles 513
of the Penal Code and Articles 6 and 26 of the Press Code. Under
Article 513, offences considered to amount to an ''insult'' to religion
can be punished by death or prison terms prison mtermsimprisonment
of between one and five years. Similarly, Articles 6 and 26 of the
Press Code proscribe ''writings containing apostasy and matters
against Islamic standards [and] ''the true religion of Islam...'',
but state that such cases will be heard in a criminal court. Article
6 of the Press Code specifically states that those convicted will
be ''assigned punishments according to Article 698 of the Penal
Code.'' This article concerns the intentional creation of ''anxiety
and unease in the public's mind'', ''false rumours'' or writing
about ''acts which are not true'', even if it is a quotation, and
provides for between two months and two years' imprisonment or up
to 74 lashes. Neither the Penal Code nor Press Code specifically
define what activities constitute insult to religion, and both have
been used to punish people for the expression of their opinion.
For example, journalists connected with the newspaper Neshat (Happiness),
including the publisher, Latif Safari, editor Mashallah Shamsolvaezin
and another journalist, Emadeddin Baqi, were detained, tried, convicted
and sentenced, each to prison terms in excess of two years, for
the publication of two articles which discussed the place of the
death penalty in society. The court considered the two articles
to amount to ''insults to religion.''
War from 1980-1988 (
" Estimates of the number of dead range up to 1.5 million."
in Persons Report 2002 (U.S. Department of State) (PDF,
630 KB) - Iran,
Bahrain, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates
based] Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in
Iran: "... students inside and outside of Iran, as well
as Iranian professionals who share the students’ vision of
a free, independent, democratic, secular and industrialized Iran."

related documents at Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
Reports on Human Rights Practices, Iran - 2001 (Bureau of Democracy,
Human Rights, and Labor of U.S. Department of State)
of Congress's Country Studies (Iran)
World Factbook (Iran): "Despite
restored diplomatic relations in 1990, Iran
lacks maritime boundary with Iraq
and disputes land boundary, navigation channels, and other issues
from eight-year war; UAE
seeks United Arab League and other international support against
Iran's occupation of Greater Tunb Island (called Tunb al Kubra in
Arabic by UAE and Jazireh-ye Tonb-e Bozorg in Persian by Iran) and
Lesser Tunb Island (called Tunb as Sughra in Arabic by UAE and Jazireh-ye
Tonb-e Kuchek in Persian by Iran) and attempts to occupy completely
a jointly administered island in the Persian Gulf (called Abu Musa
in Arabic by UAE and Jazireh-ye Abu Musa in Persian by Iran); Iran
insists on division of Caspian Sea into five equal sectors while
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia,
and Turkmenistan have generally agreed upon
equidistant seabed boundaries; Iran threatens to conduct oil exploration
in Azerbaijani-claimed waters, while interdicting Azerbaijani activities."