Genital Mutilation, Egypt (World Health Organization, 1999,
p.151) (PDF, 672 KB):
97% of Egyptian
women have undergone Female Genital Mutilation
outlaws female circumcision (Aljazeera, Jun 28, 2007):
"Egypt has banned all female circumcision, the widely-practised
removal of the clitoris ... About 97 per cent of Egypt's women
have undergone circumcision."
on Female Genital Mutilation, Egypt (U.S. Department of State,
June 2001): "...
practice is nearly universal among women of reproductive age
in Egypt ... findings show that 97 percent of women surveyed
have undergone one of these procedures ..."
of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), 2002
(These pictures are not suitable for children.
They are extremely disturbing!!!)
Egyptian girl undergoing
Female Genital Mutilation (FMG) 
consequences of FGM (Fact sheet no. 241 Female Genital Mutilation,
World Health Organization, WHO official website, June 2004):
"Immediate complications include severe
pain, shock, haemorrhage, urine retention, ulceration of the
genital region and injury to adjacent tissue. Haemorrhage
and infection can cause death. More recently,
concern has arisen about possible transmission of the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
due to the use of one instrument in multiple operations, but
this has not been the subject of detailed research. Long-term
consequences include cysts
and abscesses, keloid scar formation, damage to the urethra
resulting in urinary incontinence, dyspareunia (painful sexual
intercourse) and sexual dysfunction and difficulties with
childbirth. Psychosexual
and psychological health: Genital mutilation may leave a lasting
mark on the life and mind of the woman who has undergone it.
In the longer term, women may suffer feelings of incompleteness,
anxiety and depression."
World Medical Association Statement on Female Genital Mutilation,
Oct 1993: “The
World Medical Association condemns the practice of genital
mutilation including circumcision where women and girls are
concerned and condemns the participation of physicians in
the execution of such practices.”
Statement | Female Genital Mutilation (American Academy of
Pediatrics, PEDIATRICS Vol. 102 No. 1 Jul 1998, pp. 153-156):
“... pediatricians and pediatric surgical specialists
should be aware that this practice [FGM]
has serious, life-threatening health risks for children and
women. The AAP opposes all forms of FGM …”
[Disturbing graphical descriptions included]
Protocols of the Elders of Zion - An Egyptian Version (ADL):
Published by: Dar al-Turath, Cairo, Egypt, Year Published:
NA. The introductory note by the translator Muhammad Khalifa
al-Tunisi is from 1976. The foreword to the book was written
by Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad, who also prefaced previous editions
published in Egypt. Excerpt from the introductory note by
the translator Muhammad Khalifa al-Tunisi: “The
Jewish threat is an evil which affects not only our country,
but all the countries and nations of the world. We have no
choice but to remain fully alert towards its machinations,
and persevere in our holy war (jihad) against it, as best
as we can. We warn against it, for it is a satanic force,
which strives to corrupt the nations of the world and spread
hostility and hatred among people both as individuals and
groups. Their purpose is to gain sole control over the world
and take advantage of all that is valuable in it”
(p. 12). A Updated Version. Published by: Maktabat al-Iman,
al-Mansura, near al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, Year Published:
1994. Excerpt from the notes to the Arabic translation:
“To the Reader: Watch over this copy of the book, because
the Jews have waged war against this book whenever and wherever
it appeared, and in whatever language. They were prepared
to spend any amount of money in order to gather its copies
and burn them, so as to conceal from the world their satanic
schemes plotted against us, which are revealed in all their
abomination in this book.” (p. 6).
- Persecution of Christians in Egypt
of Copts: "Copts
(Christians of Egypt) are not asking for special treatment
to compensate for centuries of discrimination and persecution.
They are only asking for equality."
bans 'too religious' Matrix, BBC, Jun 11, 2003): "Global
blockbuster The Matrix Reloaded has been banned in Egypt because
of its 'violent' content and because it tackles 'religious
of gays in Egypt (Overseas based GayEgypt):
"Warning: Gay sex or any homosexual activity in Egypt
puts you at risk of arrest, deportation or imprisonment and
any sexual encounter is undertaken at your own risk."
a Time of Torture. The Assault on Justice in Egypt's Crackdown
on Homosexual Conduct (Human Rights Watch, March 2004).
End Internet Entrapment, Homosexual Prosecutions (Human Rights
Watch, Feb 21, 2003): "For two years now, the Egyptian
authorities have conducted an on-going campaign of harassment
against suspected homosexuals. The police are raiding private
homes and using the Internet to entrap men on trumped-up charges
of 'debauchery.' People looking for support and community
find a prison cell instead."
parliament to scrutinise film
(Qatar-based Aljazeera TV, Jul 5, 2006)
Emergency without End. Rushed Renewal of Repressive Legislation
(Human Rights Watch, Feb 25, 2003)
Muzzling Civil Society (Amnesty International, Sep 19, 2000):
"In the last few years, the Egyptian authorities have
managed to muzzle civil society by threatening with detention
and imprisonment those who oppose or publicly criticize the
government's policies. Journalists, writers, human rights
defenders, non-governmental organization (NGO) activists and
political activists have been and continue to be particularly
at risk of being detained in connection with ''offences''
which merely amount to the exercise of their rights to freedom
of expression and association. Over
the past decade new laws and decrees have curtailed rights
to freedom of expression and association. Human rights activists
have been detained on the basis of dubious charges, such as
''disseminating false information abroad that would harm Egypt's
interests''. Journalists have been imprisoned for libel of
officials. Non-violent political activists have been tried
before military courts. Members of religious groups, including
women and young people, have been brought to trial and sentenced
to prison terms. In short, the Egyptian authorities are implementing
a policy aimed at muzzling civil society."
the Qur’an. A German scholar contends that the Islamic
text has been mistranscribed and promises raisins, not virgins
(Newsweek, Jul 28, 2003): "... in
2001, Egypt’s Constitutional Court confirmed the “apostasy”
of former University of Cairo scholar Nasr Hamid Abu-Zayd,
for considering the Qur’an a document written by humans."
of the Faculty of Law at the University of Al-Zaqaziq in Egypt
to Sue 'The Jews' for Compensation for 'Trillions' of Tons
of Gold Allegedly Stolen During Exodus from Egypt (Al-Ahram
Al-Arabi, Aug 9, 2003/MEMRI translation): "If we
assume that the weight of what was stolen [by the Jews] was
one ton, [its worth] doubled every 20 years, even if the annual
interest is only 5%. In one ton of gold is 700 kg of pure
gold – and we must remember that what was stolen was
jewelry, that is, alloyed with copper. Hence, after 1,000
years, it would be worth 1,125,898,240
million tons, which equals 1,125,898 billion tons for 1,000
years. In other words, 1,125 trillion tons of gold, that is,
a million multiplied by a million tons of gold. This is for
one stolen ton. The stolen gold is estimated at 300 tons,
and it was not stolen for 1,000 years, but for 5,758 years
... The value must be calculated precisely in accordance with
the information collected, and afterward a lawsuit must be
filed against all the Jews of the world ..."
Gold Council website (Sep 15, 2003): "At
the end of 2001, it is estimated that all the gold ever mined
amounts to about 145,000 tonnes. ... In 2001, mine production
amounted to 2,604 tonnes"
Arab Republic (Columbia Encyclopedia,
June 6, 2004): Political union (1958-61) of Egypt
and Syria. The capital was Cairo. As an
initial step toward creating a pan-Arab union, the republic
abolished Syrian and Egyptian citizenship, termed its inhabitants
Arabs, and called the country “Arab territory.”
It considered the Arab homeland to be the entire area between
the Persian Gulf and the Atlantic coast. With Yemen
(North Yemen), it formed (1958) a loose federation called
the United Arab States .
In 1961, Syria withdrew from the union after a military coup,
and Yemen soon followed, thus ending the union. Egypt continued
to use the name until 1971.
Peace Treaty of March 26, 1979 (Knesset, June 30, 2004)
of Israel as a Sovereign State [in Egyptian School Textbooks]
(CMIP, Jun 30' 2004): Although Israel is officially recognized
by Egypt, and the two countries have diplomatic relations,
its name does not appear on any map, except for two maps in
a history textbook for high school on which Israeli territory
is entitled "the Jewish State." In some cases, the
territory is shown without any name on it, but in most cases
it is entitled "Palestine". Also, in geographical
descriptions of Israel's territory, it is referred to as "Palestine."
Summary, CMIP, Jun 30, 2004): This report by the Center
for Monitoring the Impact of Peace (CMIP) surveys 103 Egyptian
textbooks for use in primary, preparatory and secondary state
schools and 16 textbooks for use in preparatory and secondary
schools within the religious Azharite school system. Table
of Contents
related documents at Middle East Media Research Institute
Reports on Human Rights Practices, Egypt - 2001 (Bureau of
Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of U.S. Department of State)
of Congress's Country Studies (Egypt)
World Factbook (Egypt)