mutilation of girl .
is carried out with knives, scissors, scalpels, pieces of glass
or razor blades.
The mutilation is usually done without anesthetics. Instruments
are usually not sterile. Mortality is high. More

Prebubescent child
brides with their adult grooms in mass Palestinian
state wedding of 450 "couples" in
Gaza (AlJazeera, Aug 2, 2009) | LiveLeak
girl's marriage ruled legal in Saudi Arabia

Ritual Ashura self-mutilation - children
in Baghdad
baby at Shia Muslim Ashura festival
of millions of girls genitally mutilated
first test of intentions is not what Arab and Iranian dictators
say to the West, but what they say and do to their children and
women: Palestinian
TV program broadcast with children of female suicide bomber
| Iranian
children as young as 12 were used to clear mine fields
School" and "Child
by G.M.B. Akash - the World
Press Photo Award winner under threat
of death by Islamists

being prepared for stoning to death
(IranPressNews, Dec 21, 2004)
of unmarried teenage girls accused of adultery (BBC, Jul 27, 2006)
legal with one-year-old girls
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khomeini's Religious
Teachings on Marriage, Divorce and Relationships (Parvin Darabi,
USA-based Dr. Homa Darabi Foundation website, Jun 10, 2006:
"A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even
if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited
from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual
act such as forplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man
having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has
not comitted a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not
permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged,
the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not
count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted
to marry the girl's sister."

flogged woman and

of failed suiciders are women
to segregate pedestrian walkways and elevators on gender basis
not allowed into sports stadiums
legal & horrific discrimination & abuse against women
being force-fed for marriage on fattening farms
TV programs on how to beat your wife according
to Islamic law
"The principles of Islamic Shari’a
shall be a major source of legislation" (Draft
of Palestinian Constitution - c. 1, art. 7, PA official website,
Sep 14, 2005)
only state where it is illegal for women to drive
World's only state where "ten
minute marriages"are legal
World's only place where without written permission from a male
guardian, women may not travel, get an education or work. Regardless
of permissions, they are not allowed to mix with men in public or
leave home without covering themselves with black cloaks, called
Women participation in politics and economy is the lowest in
the world.

Impunity for "honor"
killings of women - Death
threats against female masturbators
Forced marriage - Forced
divorce - Forced veiling - Child marriage
Religious police prevents firemen from rescuing girls burning to
newest abuse excuse for violence of Arab men against women
terrorists use Palestinian children
human shields. This photo was taken in the Palestinian Autonomy
(Gaza Strip) by Reuters on Feb 11, 2004. Note how the armed
men wearing the distinguishing hooded mask of a Palestinian terrorist,
fire from among unarmed civilians, including children, making
it impossible for Israeli soldiers to defend without harming the
children. This tactic has been successfully adopted by Palestinian
terrorists to blame Israel for the deaths of children and civilians
so deliberately and cynically caused by the Palestinians' own
in Executing Children
Mouse Clone Teaches on Palestinian TV Terror to Kids

Islamic terrorists use Arab civilians including children as a
human shields. Israeli
flyer warning Lebanese people after Hizballah attacked Israeli
cities in July 2006: "To all citizens south of the Litani
River Due to the terror activities being carried out against the
State of Israel from within your villages and homes, the IDF is
forced to respond immediately against these activities, even within
your villages. For your safety! We call upon you to evacuate your
villages and move north of the Litani River. State of Israel"

for death" is the message that the Palestinian Authority
has been conveying to its children (PMW, Apr 2, 2004)
Children program hosted by Egyptian cleric, Sheik Muhammad Sharaf
Al-Din, which aired on Al-Nas TV, on June 21, 2006:
"The Jews Are the People of Treachery, Betrayal, and Vileness"
| Transcript
of girls denied access to school - Child soldiers - Incitement
of children to hatred - Child & women slavery
of the Jihad. Palestinian kids raised for war. Taught to hate,
kill Jews through 'Sesame Street'-type TV show (Jon E. Dougherty
and David Kupelian, Nov 3, 2000): "Palestinian children
are taught to hate Jews, to glorify "jihad" (holy war),
violence, death and child martyrdom almost from birth, as an essential
part of their culture and destiny."

Muslims mark Ashura (BBC, Mar 24, 2002): "Thousands of
Shia Muslims - many bloodied from beating themselves - marched through
Lebanon's cities on Sunday to commemorate the killing of one of
their most revered figures, Imam Hussein."
is Great, Oh Little Ones (Palestinian TV Sattellite, June 26, 2001)
(MPG, 16.2 MB): "...
I gladly welcome my Martyrdom ..."
voice concern over discrepancy between Arafat, PA rhetoric to the
West and hatred preached to Palestinian people and taught in schools
(Hillary Rodham Clinton, United States Senator, June 14, 2001)
Demons (Matthias Küntzel, The New Republic, Apr 24, 2006):
During the Iran-Iraq War, the Ayatollah Khomeini imported 500,000
small plastic keys from Taiwan. ... To compensate for their disadvantage,
Khomeini sent Iranian children, some as young as twelve years old,
to the front lines. There, they marched in formation across minefields
toward the enemy, clearing a path with their bodies. Before every
mission, one of the Taiwanese keys would be hung around each child’s
neck. It was supposed to open the gates to paradise for them. At
one point, however, the earthly gore became a matter of concern.
“In the past,” wrote the semi-official Iranian daily
Ettelaat as the war raged on, “we had child-volunteers: 14-,
15-, and 16-year-olds. They went into the minefields. Their eyes
saw nothing. Their ears heard nothing. And then, a few moments later,
one saw clouds of dust. When the dust had settled again, there was
nothing more to be seen of them. Somewhere, widely scattered in
the landscape, there lay scraps of burnt flesh and pieces of bone.”
Such scenes would henceforth be avoided, Ettelaat assured its readers.
“Before entering the minefields, the children [now] wrap themselves
in blankets and they roll on the ground, so that their body parts
stay together after the explosion of the mines and one can carry
them to the graves.”
International is gravely concerned at reports that 14
girls have lost their lives and dozens of others were injured
following a fire at their school in Mecca on 11 March 2002 after
the religious police (Mutawa'een)
prevented them from escaping from the fire because they were not
wearing headscarves and their male relatives were not there to receive
them. The religious police are also reported to have prevented rescuers
from entering the school because they were males and therefore not
permitted to mix with females." - Mar 15,
Gap in their Hearts: the experience of separated Somali children
(UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Sep 21,
2003): "After a decade of international neglect to, Somalia's
unique circumstances ever since the
collapse of the state in 1991 have served to produce one of the
largest groups of separated children arriving in Europe and North
American countries."
Arabia - Questions of Human Rights (Website of the Saudi Arabian
Embassy in London): "Q:
Why can women not travel freely
and alone within Saudi Arabia? A: This phenomena
is not limited to Saudi Arabia. This custom prevails in many Muslim
countries. There is a religious basis for it: the Prophet Mohamed
said that no women should travel for more than one night without
her husband or a mahram, for example her father, son or uncle. Some
Muslim scholars believe that the Prophet's instruction was based
on the unsafe travel conditions of the time. They argue that as
travel is no longer risky, that injunction does not apply. However,
religious scholars in Saudi Arabia do not accept this interpretation,
and neither do the majority of the Saudi people. This is not a matter
of government decree; it is a matter of deep personal belief."

child soldier armed with grenade (Hamasonline, Jun 29, 2004)
Director of the Saudi Institute before the Congressional Human Rights
Caucus, Jun
4, 2002): "Saudi Arabia
is the only country in the world that prevents women from driving,
studying law and engineering, directly selling or buying property,
attending court (even when accused of murder), and showing their
faces in public."
High Commissioner for Human Rights (accessed Aug 12, 2007):
"Female genital mutilation (FGM), or female circumcision as
it is sometimes erroneously referred to, involves surgical removal
of parts or all of the most sensitive female genital organs. ...
It is believed that, by mutilating the female's genital organs,
her sexuality will be controlled; but above all it is to ensure
a woman's virginity before marriage and chastity thereafter. In
fact, FGM imposes on women and the girl child a catalogue of health
complications and untold psychological problems. The practice of
FGM violates, among other international human rights laws, the right
of the child to the 'enjoyment of the highest attainable standard
of health', as laid down in article 24 (paras. 1 and 3) of the Convention
on the Rights of the Child."
of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), 2002
(These pictures are not suitable for children. They
are extremely disturbing!!!)
for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Egyptian girl undergoing Female
Genital Mutilation (FGM)

from Hosken Report, Somalia Genital and Sexual Mutilation of Females,
Fourth Revised Edition, 1993 (Women’s International Network
News) (PDF 66 KB): "The
child, completely naked, is made to sit on a low stool. Several
women take hold of her and open her legs wide. After separating
her outer and inner lips, the operator, usually a woman experienced
in this procedure, sits down facing the child. With
her kitchen knife the operator first pierces and slices open the
hood of the clitoris. Then she begins to cut it out. While
another woman wipes off the blood with a rag, the
operator digs with her sharp fingernail a hole the length of the
clitoris to detach and pull out the organ. The
little girl, held down by the women helpers, screams in extreme
pain; but no one pays the slightest attention.The operator finishes
this job by entirely pulling out the clitoris, cutting it to the
bone with her knife. Her helpers again wipe
off the spurting blood with a rag. The operator then removes the
remaining flesh, digging with her finger to remove any remnant of
the clitoris among the flowing blood. The
neighbor women are then invited to plunge their fingers into the
bloody hole to verify that every piece of the clitoris is removed."
consequences of FGM (Fact sheet no. 241 Female Genital Mutilation,
World Health Organization, WHO official website, June 2004):
"Immediate complications include severe
pain, shock, haemorrhage, urine retention, ulceration of the genital
region and injury to adjacent tissue. Haemorrhage and infection
can cause death. More recently, concern has
arisen about possible transmission of the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV)
due to the use of one instrument in multiple operations, but this
has not been the subject of detailed research. Long-term consequences
include cysts and abscesses, keloid
scar formation, damage to the urethra resulting in urinary incontinence,
dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse) and sexual dysfunction
and difficulties with childbirth. Psychosexual
and psychological health: Genital mutilation may leave a lasting
mark on the life and mind of the woman who has undergone it. In
the longer term, women may suffer feelings of incompleteness, anxiety
and depression."
Genital Mutilation (World Health Organization, 1999, p. 149-154):
(PDF, 672 KB)
97% of Egyptian women[=
29 million] have
undergone Female Genital Mutilation
98% of Djibouti women [= 250,000] have undergone Female Genital
98% of Somali women [= 5 million] have undergone Female Genital
of Mauritanian women [= 750,000] have undergone Female Genital Mutilation
outlaws female circumcision (Aljazeera, Jun 28, 2007): "Egypt
has banned all female circumcision, the widely-practised removal
of the clitoris ... About 97 per cent of Egypt's women have undergone
on Female Genital Mutilation, Egypt (U.S. Department of State, Jun
1, 2001):
"... practice is nearly universal among women of reproductive
age in Egypt ... findings show that 97 percent of women surveyed
have undergone one of these procedures ..."
on Female Genital Mutilation, Sudan (U.S. Department of State, Jun
1, 2001): About
90% of Sudanese women [=
14.4 million] have undergone Female
Genital Mutilation
on Female Genital Mutilation, Yemen (U.S. Department of State, Jun
1, 2001):
"... 96 percent of women in Hodeidah, Hadraumaut and Al-Maharah
had undergone this procedure, while Aden and Sana'a city were 82
percent and 45.5 percent, respectively."
World Medical Association Statement on Female Genital Mutilation,
Oct 1993: “The World
Medical Association condemns the practice of genital mutilation
including circumcision where women and girls are concerned and condemns
the participation of physicians in the execution of such practices.”
Statement | Female Genital Mutilation (American Academy of Pediatrics,
PEDIATRICS Vol. 102 No. 1 Jul 1998, pp. 153-156): “...
pediatricians and pediatric surgical specialists should be aware
that this practice [FGM] has serious,
life-threatening health risks for children and women. The AAP opposes
all forms of FGM …” [Disturbing
graphical descriptions included]
UN Refugee Agency UNHCR official website, Jul 9, 2004): "In
France, the Netherlands, Canada and the United States, it has been
officially recognized that genital
mutilation represents a form of persecution
and that this can be a basis for refugee status. In one case, a
woman who feared persecution in her country because of her refusal
to inflict genital mutilation on her infant daughter was recognized
as a refugee."
is FGM any different to the circumcision of boys? (Spinifex Press,
Nov 14, 2004): "The circumcision of boy-children, in the
form it is known in Australia, involves the removal of the foreskin,
or prepuce, from the penis. This act is performed for reasons of
religion, in the Jewish faith, or for culturally imposed concepts
of hygiene or for aesthetic reasons. 'The degree of cutting in female
circumcision is anatomically much more extensive [than in male circumcision].
The male equivalent of clitoridectomy (in which all or part of the
clitoris is removed) would be the amputation of most of the penis.
The male equivalent of infibulation (which involves not only clitoridectomy,
but the removal or closing off of the sensitive tissue around the
vagina) would be removal of all the penis, its roots of soft tissue,
and part of the scrotal skin.'(Nahid Toubia, Female Genital Mutilation,
p.9) Unlike FGM, male circumcision is not performed with the aim
of diminishing the sexual desire or drive of the male, nor to ensure
chastity or virginity."
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khomeini's Religious
Teachings on Marriage, Divorce and Relationships (Parvin Darabi,
USA-based Dr. Homa Darabi Foundation website, Jun 10, 2006:
"A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even
if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited
from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual
act such as forplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man
having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has
not comitted a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not
permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged,
the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not
count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted
to marry the girl's sister."
on Imposing Discipline in the Family: Hosted by Jasem Muhammad Al-Mutawah,
Expert on Family Matters (IQRA TV/MEMRI, May 9, 2002)
You will need Real Player to view this video:Click
here to download Real Player
Click here to read
is a wife with whom the situation is the opposite: If you use calm
words with her, she will not grasp them, and the problem will continue...We
all know that Allah has given authority to the man, including admonishing
and guiding the wife in cases of disobedience, banishing her from
the bed, and then - the beatings."
Muslim Women from Beatings (Othman Al-Rawwaf, Saudi columnist for
the London-based Arabic-language daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat/MEMRI,
Aug 25, 2003): "The book,
'Women in Islam,' describes how men should beat their wives, citing
the Koranic verse: "And [as to] those on whose part you fear
disobedience, admonish them, expel them from the bed, and beat them
[ 4:34]." ,,, "Wife-beating cannot
be explained in terms of necessity and non-painful methods when
speaking with non-Muslims, and even with many Muslim women…
The [participating] Shari'a experts gave various answers, some of
them explaining the reasons and justifications for wife-beating.
When one of the professors of Shari'a used his pencil [to demonstrate],
tapping his hand lightly and explaining to those present, 'Such
is wife-beating in Islam, light and not painful,' cries of laughter
and astonishment broke out in the hall..."
Desire and Islamic Trauma (Daniel Pipes, New York Sun, May 25, 2004):
"A woman's rampant desires and irresistible attractiveness
gives her a power over men that even rivals God's. She must be contained,
for her unbridled sexuality poses a direct danger to the social
order. (Symbolic of this, the Arabic word fitna means both civil
disorder and beautiful woman.) The entire Muslim social structure
can be understood as containing female sexuality. It goes to great
lengths to separate the sexes and reduce contact between them. This
explains such customs as the covering of women's faces and the separation
of women's residential quarters, or the harem. Many other institutions
serve to reduce female power over men, such as her need for a male's
permission to travel, work, marry, or divorce. Revealingly, a traditional
Muslim wedding took place between two men – the groom and
the bride's guardian."
Parliament Supports Impunity For Honor Killings (Human Rights Watch):
(Washington DC, January 27, 2000) -- Human Rights Watch today
condemned the failure of the Jordanian Lower House to end impunity
for men who murder female family members in the name of preserving
the "honor" of the family. "For
too long, men in Jordan have been getting away with murder,"
said Regan Ralph, executive director of the Women's Rights Division
at Human Rights Watch. "This vote is a slap in the face of
Jordanian women who have been organizing to stop the killings."
... This is the second time in two months that the Jordanian Lower
House has failed to abolish Article 340 of the Penal Code, which
provides for lenient sentences when men kill their female relatives
in the name of "honor." Parliamentarians
justified their defense of honor killings as protection of Jordan's
traditional and moral values against western influences.
... Human Rights Watch further
called on the Jordanian parliament to provide protection for women
threatened by their family members on the basis of "honor,"
and to abolish other laws that discriminate against women, including
the rape law, citizenship law, passport law, and social security
killing in national legal codes (Wikipaedia, Jul 19, 2006):
Countries where the law allow men to kill female relatives include:
Part of article 340 of the Penal Code states that "he who
discovers his wife or one of his female relatives committing
adultery and kills, wounds, or injures one of them, is exempted
from any penalty."
Article 548 states that "He who catches his wife or one
of his ascendants [sic], descendants or sister committing adultery
(flagrante delicto) or illegitimate sexual acts with another
and he killed or injured one or both of them benefits from an
exemption of penalty."
Article 418 of the Penal Code states "Murder, injury and
beating are excusable if they are committed by a husband on
his wife as well as the accomplice at the moment in which he
surprises them in the act of adultery."
UN Refugee Agency UNHCR official website, Jul 9, 2004): "A
woman who fears attack for her refusal to wear a chador or other
restrictive clothing, or because of her desire to choose her own
spouse and live an independent life, may qualify to be a refugee."
is not Islam (Paris based Iranian journalist Amir Taheri, The New
York Post, Aug 15, 2003): "Muslim
women could easily check the fraudulent nature of the neo-Islamist
hijab by leafing through their family albums. They will not find
the picture of a single female ancestor of theirs who wore the cursed
headgear now marketed as an absolute "must" of Islam.
This fake Islamic hijab is nothing but a political prop, a weapon
of visual terrorism. It is the symbol of a totalitarian ideology
inspired more by Nazism and Communism than by Islam. It is as symbolic
of Islam as the Mao uniform was of Chinese civilization. It is used
as a means of exerting pressure on Muslim women who do not wear
it because they do not share the sick ideology behind it. It is
a sign of support for extremists who wish to impose their creed,
first on Muslims, and then on the world through psychological pressure,
violence, terror, and, ultimately, war."
Photo Gallery (, May 2, 2006)
Women of Islam (Lisa Beyer, Time, Nov 25, 2001):"The Taliban
perfected subjugation. But nowhere
in the Muslim world are women treated as equals."
Director of the Saudi Institute before the Congressional Human Rights
Caucus, Jun
4, 2002): "Saudi Arabia
is the only country in the world that prevents women from driving,
studying law and engineering, directly selling or buying property,
attending court (even when accused of murder), and showing their
faces in public."
minute marriages" (Agence France Presse, June 20, 1998):
"These are marriages in name only, not least because men have
theright to deny their responsibilities for any children born of
the temporary liaisons. This controversial law allows Iranian men
to fornicate, so long as they register their intentions with a religious
Sharia court where they fill out a form specifying how long they
intend to ``enjoy'' their partner. In many cases the two sides agree
to a ten-minute ``quickie'' in which they are able to satisfy each
other and still keep within the law. ``The enjoyment marriage is
nothing but a legal cover for prostitution,'' says Mahran Keys Doltchahi,
a professor at Iran's Free University. ``How can anyone in the world
claim that a marriage for ten minutes is a legal act. ... ``My temporary
husbands have included one ayatollah, 21 senior clergymen, five
famous merchants, a few hundred university students and the head
of a hospital in the holy city of Qom.''The hypocrisy of the clergy
was highlighted last year when the former government prosecutor,
Hojatulislam Mohammedi, was asked if he approved of enjoyment marriages.
Mohammedi said he fully supported the concept because it prevented
young people from sinning."
minor girl, many Arabs (Mohammed Wajihuddin, The Times of India,
Sep 4, 2005): "They are old predators with new vigour.
Often bearded, invariably in flowing robes and expensive turbans.
The rich, middle-aged Arabs increasingly stalk the deprived streets
of Hyderabad like medieval monarchs would stalk their harems in
days that we wrongly think are history. These Viagra enabled Arabs
are perpetrating a blatant crime under the veneer of nikaah, the
Islamic rules of marriage. Misusing the sanctioned provision which
allows a Muslim man to have four wives at a time, many old Arabs
are not just marrying minors in Hyderabad, but marrying more than
one minor in a single sitting. ... The broker procured Farheen Sultana
and Hina Sultana, aged between thirteen and fifteen, for twenty
thousand rupees. Then he hired Qazi Mohammed Abdul Waheed Qureshi
to solemnise the marriage. The Qazi [MEI comment: an Islamic judge,
usually spelled qadi in English], taking advantage of an Islamic
provision, married the girls off to the Arab. After the wedding
night with the girls, the Arab left at dawn."
of the Storm: Arabia's deficit of hope (Paris-based Iranian journalist
Amir Taheri, JP, May 28, 2004): "Sitting
behind the desk is a person dressed all in black with a veil covering
the entire face. The attire is more dramatic
than the burqaa imposed on Afghan women by the Taliban until the
country was liberated more than two years ago. The burqaa allowed
for a lace-like veil that included some holes for the eyes to see
and the nose to breathe. This one, however, is total. When
we ask a question, the person behind the desk answers in a voice
that sounds like the Daleks, a robot-like voice twisted to become
unrecognizable. A guide explains that the person behind the desk
is, in fact, a woman, and that she changes her voice in accordance
with an "Islamic" rule that insists that a woman's real
voice should not be heard by any man who is not her grandfather,
father, brother, son, or husband."
Torture and ill-treatment of women in pre-trial detention: a culture
of acquiescence (Amnesty International, Aug 22, 2001):
"Widespread torture or other
ill-treatment of women detainees, especially those accused of major
criminal offences, takes place in police stations. Women in pre-trial
detention are routinely held in incommunicado detention and coerced
to confess guilt or testify against themselves at a time when they
lack the protection of the law. Women accused of political offences
have also been tortured or ill-treated. Another vulnerable category
of women are migrant workers, who have frequently been subjected
to torture and ill-treatment in detention."
Sep 27, 2000): "Discrimination
against women impacts upon and compounds the wide range of human
rights violations commonly reported in Saudi Arabia.
These violations, which have been described in detail in two recent
Amnesty International reports on Saudi Arabia, A Justice System
Without Justice and A Secret State of Suffering1, include arbitrary
arrest and detention as facilitated by the wide-ranging powers enjoyed
by the arresting authorities; vague written and unwritten laws;
secret and grossly unfair trials; torture and cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment; and the use of the death penalty."
Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Citizenship and Justice
(Freedom House Survey, May 20, 2005):
"Country Ratings for Saudi Arabia
Nondiscrimination and Access to Justice: 1.2
Autonomy, Security, and Freedom of the Person: 1.1
Economic Rights and Equal Opportunity: 1.4
Political Rights and Civic Voice: 1.0
Social and Cultural Rights: 1.6
(Scale of 1 to 5: 1 represents the lowest and 5 the highest level
of freedom women have to exercise their rights)"
and Children as the Spoils of "Holy War" (iAbolish - The
Anti-Slavery Portal, Jul 9, 2004): "Amidst Sudan's on-going
civil war, Arab militias armed by the Sudanese government raid black
African villages and abduct civilians as chattel slaves."

and Slave Redemption in the Sudan (Human Rights Watch, March 2002):
"... government-backed and armed militia of the Baggara tribes
raid to capture children and women
who are then held in conditions of slavery in
western Sudan and elsewhere. They are forced to work for free in
homes and in fields, punished when they refuse, and abused physically
and sometimes sexually. Raids are directed mostly at the civilian
Dinka population of the southern region of Bahr El Ghazal. The
government arms and sanctions the practice of slavery
Slave Jihad, Donna M. Hughes, FrontPageMagazine, Jan 27, 2004):
"The head of Iran’s Interpol bureau believes that the
sex slave trade is one of the most profitable activities in Iran
today. This criminal trade is not conducted outside the knowledge
and participation of the ruling fundamentalists. Government officials
themselves are involved in buying, selling, and sexually abusing
women and girls. ... For example, following the recent earthquake
in Bam, orphaned girls have been kidnapped and taken to a known
slave market in Tehran where Iranian and foreign traders meet. ...
Popular destinations for victims of the slave trade are the Arab
countries in the Persian Gulf. According to the head of the Tehran
province judiciary, traffickers target girls between 13 and 17,
although there are reports of some girls as young as 8 and 10, to
send to Arab countries."
Article XXII of the Israel-PLO Accord (the "Oslo II" agreement)
signed Sept. 28, 1995:
1. Israel and the [Palestinian] Council shall seek to foster
mutual understanding and tolerance and shall accordingly abstain
from incitement, including hostile propaganda,
against each other and, without derogating from the principle of
freedom of _expression, shall take legal measures to prevent such
incitement by any organizations, groups or individuals within their
2. Israel
and the [Palestinian] Council will ensure
that their respective educational systems contribute to the peace
between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples
and to peace in the entire region, and will refrain from the introduction
of any motifs that could adversely affect the process of reconciliation.

Israeli): "The world often views Islam as a seventh century
anachronism. But the truth is the Islamic world is playing
and winning a sophisticated game of media manipulation in which
powerful and wealthy police states and anti-democratic political
movements are more often portrayed and perceived – at least
in the context of the Arab-Jewish conflict – as victims rather
than threatening oppressors. This paper will
contrast what Islamic leaders say about their intentions for the
state of Israel in English while western television cameras are
rolling and what they say to their own constituents in Arabic."
suicide bombers are exempted from "modesty" (IslamOnline,
accessed June 5, 2007)
in the Arab States: Five million girls still denied access to school
(UNESCO, May 14, 2003)
children play at beheading
on either image to view video (Laura Mansfield, NEI, Jun 23, 2004):
"A video located today on Sheik Abu Hamza's website,,
features four children ... The film clip ends with the pretend beheading
of the kneeling child."
Ultimate Child Abuse (Downloadable presentation - Palestinian Media
Watch) (PPS,
328 KB)
Authority Indoctrination of Children to Seek Heroic Death for Allah
- Shahada (PMW, May 23, 2004)
are Combatants in Palestinian Authority ideology (PMW, May 23, 2004):
clips and music videos for children, promoting violence as an ideal
that is expected of them, broadcasted daily on Palestinian Authority
TV, often for several hours a day
Inciting Children to Kill (SICK)
