focus on Israel caused it to miss out on genocides in the Arab world
and elsewhere. Because of this obsessive focus on Israel, millions
have died since the end of WWII and hundreds of millions live in
fear from their dictators. The UN's International Court of Justice
chose to condemn not the persistent criminality of Islamic-Palestinian
terrorism, but rather the fence erected by Israel to safeguard its
citizens from suicide-bombers. The UN tyrants' club is subsidized
by Western tax money to defend the honor and pride of worst dictatorships
in the world:

A pistol holster
protrudes from under Palestinian terrorist
chief Arafat's jacket
during his appearance before the UN General Assembly on Nov 13,

Palestinian terrorists hide in UN ambulances (Reuters, May 11, 2004)
For the past four decades the
United Nations has become the personal propaganda machine of the
nom de guerre of Arab and Islamic states — Palestinians.
Their aim is to demonize, debilitate, and destroy the state of Israel
— the thriving democratic beachhead in their midst —
for a start. The original U.N. mission, to protect the equal rights
of men and women and of nations large and small, has been hijacked
and corrupted by nations that neither share the universal values
of the U.N.'s Declaration of Human Rights nor have democratic intentions.
... There is only one entire U.N. Division devoted to a single group
of people — the U.N. Division for Palestinian Rights (created
in 1977). There is only one U.N. website dedicated to the claims
of a single people — the enormous UNISPAL, the United Nations
Information System on the Question of Palestine. There is only one
refugee agency dedicated to a single refugee situation — UNRWA,
the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees
(in operation since 1950).
Silent Partner at the UN - the Organization of the Islamic Conference
(56 of the UN's 191 members) defends terrorism as a right
Liberals Petition the U.N. to Establish an International Tribunal
for the Prosecution of Terrorists
"Israel is the only UN member not permitted to stand for election
to the full range of UN bodies. So while membership of the UN Human
Rights Commission now includes Cuba, Libya, Sudan and Syria -- four
of the seven states designated as state sponsors of international
terrorism by the U.S. State Department -- Israel cannot even be
a candidate." (Anne
Bayefsky, The Globe and Mail, Apr 26, 2002)
follows its own law, not the decision of the United Nations International
Court of Justice (Alan Dershowitz, professor
of law at Harvard, JP, Jul 11, 2004
One interpretations of human rights is found in the UN's 1948 Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, and the 'International Bill of Human
Rights'; the other is the 1990 'Cairo Declaration of Human Rights
in Islam', approved by the Organization of the Islamic Conference
(OIC), which conforms to Islam and the Shariah. This ambiguity derails
the UN's so-called "international legality" since 56 Muslim
member states abide to Muslim, and therefore to religious-political
principles-- in contradiction to Western secular laws.
UN mandates for refugees in the world: Palestinians
vs. all others:
the 20th century 135 million refugees about 0.5% were Palestinians
mandated for 20 million refugees worldwide - except
UNRWA aids
only Palestinians in West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria & Lebanon
UNRWA upgraded Palestinians internally
displaced in 1948 to "refugees"
upgraded the descendants of these IDPs to "refugees"
UNRWA upgraded imaginary "refugees"
to "registered refugees"
UNRWA's Palestinian "registered refugees" multiplied due
to natural increase and deception
from 914,000 in 1950 to over four million in 2002.
In another 52 years (that is 104 years after their ancestors left
Israel), about 17.5 million descendants of Palestinians will qualify
for UNRWA "registered refugee" status (given the same
UNRWA definitions, the same natural increase and the same deception).
UN staff members per refugee: Palestinians
vs. all others:
(non-Palestinians): 1:3,582,
UNRWA (Palestinians): 1:165 (+2,000%)
of Arafat's Fatah (Fatah official website, Sep 20, 2003):
Article (6): UN projects, accords
and resolutions, or those of any individual
country which undermine the Palestinian people's right in their
homeland are illegal and rejected.
Article (22): Opposing any political solution offered as an alternative
to demolishing the Zionist occupation in Palestine, as well as any
project intended to liquidate the Palestinian case or impose any
international mandate on its people.
Tips on How to Be an Arafat Apologist (Jamie Glazov, FP Magazin,
Apr 11, 2002)
Charter, article 13 (Palestine Center website, Aug 9. 2003):
“[Peace] initiatives, the
so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences
to resolve the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs
of the Islamic Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine
means renouncing part of the religion; the nationalism
of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its faith …
There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.
The initiatives, proposals and International Conferences are but
a waste of time, an exercise in futility. The Palestinian people
are too noble to have their future, their right and their destiny
submitted to a vain game.”
printed by the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities with a special
grant provided by the United Nations through their "UNDP" office
in Jerusalem, as stated. Israel does not exist on this map. A UN Agency has obliterated
a UN member.
of the Islamic Conference (OIC) official website, Sep 6, 2003: "... is
an inter-governmental organization grouping fifty-six
States. These States decided to pool their resources together, combine their efforts
... in absolute priority, with liberating Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa from Zionist occupation."
World According To Kofi Annan (Tashbih Sayyed, editor-in-chief,
USA based Pakistan Today): "Somebody
must inform the Secretary General that "poverty, hunger and
deadly diseases" are the direct result of unrepresentative
and despotic rules of the likes of Saddam Hussein, King Fahd, Sudan's
theocratic regime, Iran's Mullahcracy and Islamist radicalism."
decaying body | The U.N.? Who Cares? (Victor Davis Hanson, Wall
Street Journal, Sep 23, 2004): "These are surreal times.
Americans in Iraq are beheaded on videotape. Russian children are
machine-gunned in their schools. The elderly in Israel continue
to be blown apart on buses. No one--whether in Madrid, Istanbul,
Riyadh, Bali, Tel Aviv or New York--is safe from the Islamic fascist,
whose real enemy is modernism and Western-inspired freedom of the
individual. ... In response to
such international lawlessness, our global watchdog, the United
Nations, had been largely silent."
Holocaust and the UN: Justifying "Zionocide'
Bayefsky, Eye on the UN, Feb 3, 2006):
"According to the UN, Israel is the world's top human rights
violator. Only last December the General Assembly adopted
19 resolutions critical of Israel's human rights record, and 12
critical of human rights in the other 190 UN states combined. A
draft General Assembly resolution focusing on the Sudan, where almost
200,000 have been killed in the past three years and two million
more displaced, was defeated.
Thirty percent of all resolutions of the UN Human Rights Commission
critical of specific states over four decades have been directed
at Israel alone. But there has never been a single resolution condemning
human rights violations in places like China, Saudi Arabia or Zimbabwe.
Such demonization is not an abstraction. Combined with the inability
of the UN to define terrorism, it is lethal."
second-class status at the UN (Anne Bayefsky, National Post, Feb
18, 2003):
"In fact, the only remaining elected Israeli on a UN body anywhere
is Mayer Gabay, vice-chair of the UN Administrative Tribunal --
whose term ends in December of this year and who is not permitted
by general rules concerning time limits to stand for re-election.
contrast, Egypt has members on all six of the UN human rights treaty
bodies. In fact, the Egyptian candidate for the Committee on the
Rights of the Child was elected with the highest number of votes
by the 191 parties to the Child Convention. This is despite the
fact that the leading child rights international NGO (based in Geneva)
put out an advisory to countries before the vote. It said: "NGOs
feel that she is not very knowledgeable nor reliable on the issues
... due to her strong affiliation and history with the Egyptian
government." Translation: When countries of interest to Egypt
are considered by the committee, an Egyptian government official
sits close to the "independent" Egyptian member just to
make sure they get it right.
is also the only UN member state denied membership in any of the
UN's five regional groups, which elect UN bodies in Geneva. Elections
in the UN are normally based on regional representation or slates
prearranged by regional groups. Israel qualifies for membership
in the Western European and Others Group (WEOG), composed of geographically
diverse states including Canada and Australia. But WEOG, driven
by states such as France, refuses to admit Israel to its Geneva
operations. This has the consequence that Israel cannot be elected
to a whole range of UN bodies. For instance, Israel cannot stand
for election to WIPO -- the World Intellectual Property Organization.
Similarly, Israel is prevented from running for the International
Labour Organization's Governing Body.
UN regional group membership in Geneva means that Israel is the
only UN member forced to sit out consultations on draft resolutions
and UN Geneva-based business of all kinds. Israel is refused any
possibility of participating in the consultations of regional bodies
in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development the World
Health Organization. The meetings behind closed doors of regional
groups at the Commission on Human Rights negotiate the language
of resolutions on all subjects without any Israeli participation.
In recent years, Sweden and Co. in the European Union have enjoyed
negotiating an agreed-upon level of hostility on the myriad anti-Israel
resolutions with Arab states on the commission, before Israeli diplomats
got a copy of a first draft."
Imbalance | The antisemitism at the U.N. is a problem for more than
just Israel (Anne Bayefsky, NRO, Dec 13, 2004):
"To appreciate fully the extent to which the U.N. has been
taken over, observe November 29th, the annual U.N. Day of Solidarity
with the Palestinian People, which is the only U.N. day dedicated
to a specific people. The occasion was held in the U.N.'s elaborate
Trusteeship Council before hundreds of delegates. At the front of
the room sat the secretary general, the president of the General
Assembly, and the chair of that main U.N. body, the Committee on
Palestinian Rights. In a repeat of previous years' performances,
beside them stood a U.N. flag, a Palestinian flag, and in between,
a map in Arabic pre-dating the existence of the U.N. member state
of Israel. All participants were asked to rise for "a minute
of silence...for all those who have given their lives for the cause
of the Palestinian people..." — which would include suicide
follows its own law, not bigoted Hague decision (Alan M. Dershowitz,
professor of law at Harvard, JP, Jul 11, 2004): "The
Israeli government has both a legal and a moral obligation to comply
with the Israeli Supreme Court's decision regarding
the security fence. fter all, the Supreme Court is a creation of
the Knesset and is therefore representative of all of the people
– Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike. Moreover, the Supreme
Court has a real stake in both sides of the fence dispute. Its job
is to balance the security needs of its citizens against the humanitarian
concerns of West Bank Palestinians. It tried to strike that balance
by upholding the concept of a security fence while insisting that
the Israeli military authorities give due weight to the needs of
the Palestinians, even if that requires some compromise on the security
of Israelis. Contrast this with the
questionable status of the International Court of Justice in The
Hague. No Israeli judge may serve on that court as a permanent member,
while sworn enemies of Israel serve among its judges, several of
whom represent countries that do not abide by the rule of law."
"Israel is the only country in the world that is not eligible
to sit on the Security Council, the principal policymaking body
of the U.N. This situation violates the principle of the “sovereign
equality of all member states” of the U.N. under Article 2
of the U.N. Charter."
U.N.'s Israel Obsession (Davis Tell, The Weekly Standard)
Tyrants Club. The U.N. Human Rights Commission is worse than a joke
(Claudia Rosett, Wall Street Journal)
R.I.P. (Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post, Jan 31, 2003)
UN gives hypocrisy a bad name (Shlomo Avineri, Jerusalem Post, Jan
28, 2003): Libya, a totalitarian, fundamentalist tyranny, has
been elected to chair the UN Commission on Human Rights.
Israel and the United Nations. Double standards (Economist, Oct
10, 2002): " ... a quite distinct sort of claim is also
made in the “double standards” debate. This holds that
Israel stands in breach of Security Council resolutions in just
the way Iraq does, and therefore deserves to be treated by the UN
with equal severity. Not so."
and Iraq: United Nations Double Standards – UN Charter Article
25 and Chapters VI and VII (Gerald M. Adler, LLM, JSD, Yale, Aug
20, 2003) (PDF, 320 KB)
U.N.'s Dirty Little Secret. The international body refuses to condemn
anti-Semitism (Anne Bayefsky, Wall Street Journal, Dec 8, 2003):
"A draft resolution on anti-Semitism--which would have been
a first in the U.N.'s 58-year history--was withdrawn in the face
of Arab and Muslim opposition."
Small Step. Is the U.N. finally ready to get serious about anti-Semitism?
(Anne Bayefsky, Wall Street Journal, Jun 21, 2004): "The
U.N. has become the leading global purveyor of anti-Semitism--intolerance
and inequality against the Jewish people and its state."
are sitting ducks in war against terrorism (Anne Bayefsky, Chicago-Sun
Times, Sep 19, 2003):
"Arafat wrote in his letter of Sept. 9, 1993: 'The PLO renounces
the use of terrorism and other acts of violence and will assume
responsibility over all PLO elements and personnel in order to assure
their compliance, prevent violations and discipline violators.'
Why keep promises when you have the U.N.?"
Stings Its Pal, the U.N. (Alan M. Dershowitz, professor of law at
Harvard, Los Angeles Times, Aug 28, 2003): "There are numerous
occupied peoples around the world seeking statehood or national
liberation, including the Tibetans, Kurds, Turkish Armenians and
Palestinians. Only one of these
groups has received official recognition by the U.N., including
observer status and invitations to speak and participate in committee
work. That group is the one that invented and perfected modern international
terrorism — namely, the Palestinians.
These rewards were first bestowed in the 1970s when the Palestine
Liberation Organization was unabashedly committed to terrorism.
In fact, Chairman Yasser Arafat was invited to speak to the U.N.
General Assembly in 1974 at a time when his organization was seeking
to destroy a member-state of the U.N. by terrorism. By rewarding
Arafat and the PLO for such behavior, the U.N. made it clear that
the best way to ensure that your cause is leapfrogged ahead of others
is to adopt terrorism as your primary means of protest. The Tibetans,
whose land has been occupied more brutally and for a longer period
than the Palestinians, but who have never practiced terrorism, cannot
even receive a hearing from the U.N."
U.N. can't define terrorism, let alone confront it (Anne Bayefsky,
WSJ, Apr 28, 2003)
(Louis Rene Beres, FrontPageMagazine, Sep 4, 2003): "Readers
of daily newspapers are now well acquainted with unending Palestinian
calls for the annihilation of Israel. What might not be apparent,
however, is that such calls - sometimes in the carefully whispered
voice of the Palestine Authority, more often in the strident voice
of PA accomplices in Hamas and other related terror groups - constitute
an especially serious crime under international law. ... For example,
the Fatah organization website still calls openly for the "eradication"
of Israel. This call echoes earlier genocidal codifications in the
still unchanged Palestinian National Charter, in Fatah's ongoing
calls for Inqirad mujtama (the extinction of Israeli society), and
in the Charter of Hamas ("There is no solution to the Palestinian
problem except by Jihad....I swear by that who holds in His Hands
the Soul of Muhammad! I indeed wish to go to war for the sake of
Allah! I will assault and kill, assault and kill, assault and kill.")"
Arab Human Development Report 2002. Read/download the complete 178
pages report in one big file (5,209 KB) which the UN has commissioned
from a group of distinguished Arab intellectuals:
The GDP of all 280 million Arabs
combined is less than what the 40 million inhabitants of Spain produce.
Only about 300 books are translated annually for the 280 million
people of the Arabic speaking world - this is 20% the number that
are translated for the 10 million people of Greece!!!
Freedom scores of ALL Arab states: Please don't ask ... Interestingly,
while the category "Occupied Palestinian Territory" is
included in practically ALL comparison tables of the report, most
must conclude that the comparison of the Palestinian with the other
Arabs' data would rather indicate that the Palestinians live in
a paradise, compared with most other Arabs, and that the allegedly
poor and desperate Israel-repressed Arabs in the "Occupied
Palestinian Territory" are simply the richest, most educated,
healthiest and freest Arabs in the neighborhood. However,
the report reveals SOME of the Palestinian data: See for yourself
that the allegedly poor and desperate Israel-repressed
Arabs in the "Occupied Palestinian Territory" have the
highest annual growth rate (4.78% p.a.) of ALL Arab states,
and twice as high as the average of ALL neighboring states
(Jordan: 2.90, Egypt: 1.82, Lebanon: 1.97, Syria 2.59). One must
conclude that Israeli health care is good for Arab growth ... Number
of frequently cited scientific papers per million people: Egypt:
0.02, Israel: 169 - this is 8,500 - eight thousand five hundred
- times more than in Egypt, and 17,000 times more than Algeria.
The rest is history ... So why
does Palestinian society appear to be suicidal? That's a long story,
but recall how highly advanced and sophisticated Germany and Japan
tried very hard to destroy their neighborhoods and ended up disgracing
themselves. The USA/GB liberated these people from their own dictators
and their "occupation" resulted in democratic education,
free press, free market etc. Within a decade, the German and Japanese
people became higly respected partners and even allies of their
former enemies. Complete
178 pages UN Arab Human Development
Report 2002 (PDF,
4511 KB)
of UN Arab Human Development Report 2002 (PDF,
Arab Human Development Report 2003
Arab Human Development Report 2004
development. Self-doomed to failure (The Economist, July 4, 2002):
"WHAT went wrong with the Arab world? Why is it so stuck behind
the times? It is not an obviously unlucky region. Fatly endowed
with oil, and with its people sharing a rich cultural, religious
and linguistic heritage, it is faced neither with endemic poverty
nor with ethnic conflict. It shook off its colonial or neo-colonial
legacies long ago, and the countries that had revolutions should
have had time to recover from them. But, with barely an exception,
its autocratic rulers, whether presidents or kings, give up their
authority only when they die; its elections are a sick joke; half
its people are treated as lesser legal and economic beings, and
more than half its young, burdened by joblessness and stifled by
conservative religious tradition, are said to want to get out of
the place as soon as they can. Across dinner tables from Morocco
to the Gulf, but above all in Egypt, the Arab world's natural leader,
Arab intellectuals endlessly ask one another how and why things
came to turn out in this unnecessarily bad way. A team of such scholars
(it is indicative of the barriers to freely expressed thought that
there are almost no worthwhile think-tanks in the Arab world) have
now spent a year putting their experience to diagnostic use in the
Human Development Report 2002”, published this week by
the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)."
Development in the Arab World: A Study by the United Nations (Dr.
Nations Human Development Report 2003
Refugee Curse (Daniel Pipes, The New York Post, August 19, 2003:
"Here's a puzzle: How do Palestinian
refugees differ from the other 135 million 20th-century refugees?
Answer: In every other instance,
the pain of dispossession, statelessness, and poverty has diminished
over time. Refugees eventually either resettled,
returned home or died. Their children - whether living in South
Korea, Vietnam, Pakistan, Israel, Turkey, Germany or the United
States - then shed the refugee status and joined the mainstream.
Not so the Palestinians. For them,
the refugee status continues from one generation to the next,
creating an ever-larger pool of anguish and discontent.
Several factors explain this anomaly but one key component - of
all things - is the United Nations' bureaucratic structure. It contains
two organizations focused on refugee affairs, each with its own
definition of "refugee":
The U.N. High Commission for Refugees applies this term worldwide
to someone who, "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted
. . . is outside the country of his nationality." Being outside
the country of his nationality implies that descendants of refugees
are not refugees. Cubans who flee the Castro regime are refugees,
but not so their Florida-born children who lack Cuban nationality.
Afghans who flee their homeland are refugees, but not their Iranian-born
children. And so on.
The U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), an organization set up
uniquely for Palestinian refugees in 1949, defines Palestinian refugees
differently from all other refugees. They are persons who lived
in Palestine "between June 1946 and May 1948, who lost both
their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli
conflict." Especially important is that UNRWA extends the refugee
status to "the descendants of persons who became refugees in
1948." It even considers the children of just one Palestinian
refugee parent to be refugees.
The High Commission's definition causes refugee populations to vanish
over time; UNRWA's causes them to expand without limit. Let's apply
each definition to the Palestinian refugees of 1948, who by the
U.N.'s (inflated) statistics numbered 726,000. (Scholarly estimates
of the number range between 420,000 to 539,000.)
The High Commission definition would restrict the refugee status
to those of the 726,000 yet alive. According to a demographer, about
200,000 of those 1948 refugees remain living today.
UNRWA includes the refugees' children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren,
as well as Palestinians who left their homes in 1967, all of whom
add up to 4.25 million refugees.
The 200,000 refugees by the global definition make up less than
5 percent of the 4.25 million by the UNRWA definition. By international
standards, those other 95 percent are not refugees at all. By falsely
attaching a refugee status to these Palestinians who never fled
anywhere, UNRWA condemns a creative and entrepreneurial people to
lives of exclusion, self-pity and nihilism.
The policies of Arab governments then make things worse by keeping
Palestinians locked in an amber-like refugee status. In Lebanon,
for instance, the 400,000 stateless Palestinians are not allowed
to attend public school, own property or even improve their housing
It's high time to help these generations of non-refugees escape
the refugee status so they can become citizens, assume self-responsibility
and build for the future. Best for them would be for UNRWA to close
its doors and the U.N. High Commission to absorb the dwindling number
of true Palestinian refugees."
official website (Jul 9, 2004): "UNRWA's
definition of a refugee also covers the descendants of persons who
became refugees in 1948. The number of registered Palestine refugees
has subsequently grown from 914,000 in 1950 to more than four million
in 2002, and continues to rise due to natural population growth."
of the Commissioner General of the United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [UNRWA] - July 1997
- 30 June 1998): "UNRWA
registration figures are based on information voluntarily supplied
by refugees primarily for the purpose of obtaining access to Agency
and hence cannot be considered statistically valid demographic data;
the number of registered refugees present in the Agency's area of
operations is almost certainly less than the population recorded."
Hating Israel. What we know but can't say out loud. (Victor Davis
Hanson, NRO, May 7, 2002)
in Darfur (Arab-American activist Mohamed Buisier, Wall Street Journal,
Jun 2, 2006): Once again, the international community, and the
U.N. in particular, is being shamed into acting to stop the massacres
in Darfur, and once again the Arab League and Arab leaders are unwilling
and unable to face facts, or to deal with them in a civilized and
humane manner. Indeed, the most recent Arab League summit, which
took place in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum -- presumably as a
show of support to the host government -- ended with a resolution
denying that any massacres had taken place in Darfur and expressing
resistance to any outside intervention in the "internal"
affairs of an Arab country. (Not surprisingly, this stance is identical
to that taken by Osama Bin Laden.)
Watch |
the balanced, fair, and non-discriminatory application of the
purposes and principles of the United
Nations Charter: E |
for a Constructive UN |
the United Nations: E |
Nothing |
the United Nations: E |
NGO-Monitor |
critical debate and accountability of human rights NGOs in the
Arab-Israeli conflict: E |
Funding |
The European
Union, and European governments and organizations provide financial
aid to the Palestinian Authority. This has led to two problems.
One is the continuing problem of hate-centered education under
the auspices of the Palestinian Authority. The other is the
diversion of funds from their intended and much needed purposes
to the nurturing and financing of corruption and terror. E |