poster honouring
Al-Qaida founder Osama Bin Laden and Hamas co-founder Sheik Ahmed
Yassin in Palestinian ruled Gaza Strip, Aug 21, 2011
distributed by the present Palestinian majority "party"
Hamas venerating the Hamas founder
Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, Al-Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden and three leading
Chechen terrorists (CSS, Sep 2004). For
the first time in the history, Hamas - the Palestinian branch of
the Muslim Brotherhood and the ideological cousin of al-Qaeda -
has gained full control over contiguous territory and population,
and has
now effectively become a state government without real opponents.
Laden's inspiration: The late Palestinian "President"
Yasser Arafat was the godfather of international terrorism. He dashed
his people's hope for statehood, stole billions of dollars intended
for the relief of their suffering, and indoctrinated
their children with so much hatred that they willingly turned
themselves into human bombs. Since
1965, Palestinians initiated acts of international terror like
passenger jet hijackings, sea piracy, hostage ransoming, suicide
bombings, murder of sportsmen and diplomats including one U.S. ambassador,
random killings of Arab,
Israeli, European, American civilians.
current global terror campaign was successfully introduced first
by Palestinians against Jews and Israelis, as well as Lebanese
Christians and dissenting Arabs. Today,
the deliberate killings of Arab, Israeli, European, American civilians
by Palestinian terrorists and their Islamist supporters are
both widespread and systematic, and are perpetrated as part of a
publicly announced policy to target civilians.
Half of the world's major terror groups
are Palestinian or have a Palestinian agenda. Every Palestinian
"political party" of note - Hamas,
Fatah and PFLP
- operates an armed militia listed as terrorist by the US
and EU.
and Fatah execute Palestinian captives, attack Palestinian hospitals,
put journalists at serious risk. Hamas
and Fatah formed jointly the Palestinian government of, by and
for terrorists. Since the 2006/7 Hamas-Fatah
civil war, two
rival Palestinian "governments" deny their legitimacy
reciprocally and "rule" two politically and geographically
separated non-states in the Gaza Strip (Hamas) and West Bank (Fatah).
Palestinian president refers to Hamas as "terrorist murderers",
albeit only after Hamas tried to assassinate
him, and outlawed the Hamas militia. More
Palestinians were killed by their brethren than by anyone else.
Both Fatah
and Hamas do not recognize Israel's right to exist.
The 2006 "democratic election" was a reality check
into the nature of Palestinian society: Hamas won a clear majority
(74) in the 132-seat Palestinian Legislative Council, Fatah about
a third (45), PFLP 3 and others 1-2:

Cartoon by Chris Britt, The State Journal-Register, Jan 27, 2006
up a bus - Do-it-yourself video circulating on terrorist websites
decades. the West tolerated and even rewarded terrorism. The Palestinians,
not Bin Laden, first proved that terrorism does not delegitimize
a cause but puts it on the map. It was this teaching that terror
works that brought 9/11, and threatens more and larger 9/11s. Undoing
this lesson is the primary challenge of our age.
Palestinian terrorists hide in UN ambulances (Reuters, May 11, 2004)
Authority TV Sermon, May 13, 2005:
Muslims Will Rule America, Britain ... and the Entire World;
Israel is a Cancer; Jews are a Virus Resembling AIDS; Muslims Will
Finish Them Off
would-be Palestinian
terrorist can take the following points for granted:
--His attack will be encouraged by the official Palestinian media
and Palestinian Authority (PA) appointed and paid clerics in their
--He will not be stopped by PA forces.
--If he succeeds in killing Israelis, he will be praised by PA institutions,
all Palestinian "political parties" of note, and the Palestinian
--If he is captured or arrested by Israel, the PA will demand his
an attack, he will not be arrested by the PA. In the unlikely
situation--restricted to a few high-profile cases attracting Western
pressure--he will only be placed under house arrest and allowed
to "escape" soon.
--If he is killed, the PA will make him an honored martyr.
--Whatever he does, including the brutal murder of Israeli civilians
and children, he will still be welcome to join the PA payroll as
a security man. If as a member of the security services he commits
a terror attack, he will not be fired.
Palestinian Authority's financial support for terrorists
Stand Up to Evil ([Saudi] Arab News, May 16, 2003)
Freedom Score of Palestinian Authority
(Not Free) and Israel
Source: Freedom House
Human Development Index of Israel (0.905), Palestinian
Authority (0.731)
& 22 Arab regimes (0.662)
(PDF, 670 KB) Source:
United Nations Human Development Report 2003
Corruption Index of Palestinian
Authority (4.3),
Israel (7.3), Germany (7.3) and USA (7.7) Source: Transparency International
(PDF, 1.8 MB)
Fate of Palestinian Moderates. Arafat's thugs don't murder only
Jews (Wall Street Journal, Apr 20, 2002): "Palestinian
militiamen shot dead two alleged collaborators
with Israel on Thursday, then tied
the body of one to the back of a pickup truck, dragged him through
town and attempted to hang him from a rooftop overlooking the traditional
birthplace of Christ ... During the uprising
in the late 1980s, some 800 "collaborators"
were murdered, many of them simply Palestinians who had prospered
under Israeli occupation. After
the 1993 Oslo accords gave him a statelet, Mr. Arafat quickly set
about criminalizing "collaboration"--most famously with
a law making the sale of land to Jews punishable by death. But
those who get a trial are the lucky ones. Seven
decades of "collaborator" killings have silenced or driven
out many who would be open to coexistence with Israel.It's yet one
more reason to believe there will never be peace so along as the
dictator and his brownshirts run Gaza and the West Bank."
Body Dragged Through Bethlehem (Fox News, Mar 14, 2002): "BETHLEHEM,
West Bank — Palestinian militiamen
shot dead two alleged collaborators with Israel on Thursday, then
tied the body of one to the back of a pickup truck, dragged him
through town and attempted to hang him from a rooftop overlooking
the traditional birthplace of Christ ... It
was the second time in three days that suspected informers have
been killed and their bodies shown off. About two dozen collaborators
have been killed by Palestinian militiamen during the past 18 months
of fighting."

Arafat, the late head of both the Palestinian Autonomy, and "Fatah".
The "Al
Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade" of "Fatah" is one of the many
Palestinian groups
designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations by the U.S. Department
of State, along with al-Qaida. "President"
Arafat always dressed in an olive-green military uniform, a pistol
in his belt - or on the table 
Tips on How to Be an Arafat Apologist (Jamie Glazov, Frontpage Magazin,
Apr 11, 2002)
End of 'Arafat'. Even if he lives, the idea of him must die. (Wall
Street Journal, Sep 17, 2003): "If you look at the Nobel
Prizes' own biography of Yasser Arafat, you find this remarkable
sentence toward the end: 'Like other Arab regimes in the area, however,
Arafat's governing style tended to be more dictatorial than democratic.'
That is to say, Arafat by his own choice of governance--dictatorship
over democracy--bears individual responsibility for the legacy he
leaves. That legacy includes: the
contemporary crime of hijacking and blowing up civilian-filled airliners;
the attempted destabilization of Jordan and Israel and the successful
destruction of Lebanon as a formerly sovereign nation; and decades
of violated international agreements, culminating in the collapse
of Oslo. ... has made possible any crime, culminating in the anti-moral
act known as suicide bombers."
self explaining logo of "Fatah" showing two
guns and a grenade on the map of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza

of Arafat's Fatah (Fatah official website, Sep 20, 2003):
Article (1): Palestine is part of the Arab World, and the Palestinian
people are part of the Arab Nation, and their struggle is part of
its struggle.
Article (6): UN projects, accords and resolutions , or those of
any individual country which undermine the Palestinian people's
right in their homeland are illegal and rejected.
Article (12): Complete liberation
of Palestine, and eradication of Zionist economic, political, military
and cultural existence.
Article (17): Armed public revolution is the inevitable method to
liberating Palestine.
Article (19): Armed struggle is a strategy and not a tactic, and
the Palestinian Arab People's armed revolution is a decisive factor
in the liberation fight and in uprooting the Zionistexistence, and
this struggle will not cease unless the Zionist state is demolished
and Palestine is completely liberated.
Article (22): Opposing any political solution offered as an alternative
to demolishing the Zionist occupation in Palestine, as well as any
project intended to liquidate the Palestinian case or impose any
international mandate on its people.
Anthem of Palestinian National Authority:
My country, my country
My country, the land of my grand fathers
My country, my country
My country, my nation, the nation of eternity
With my determination, my fire and the volcano of my revenge
The longing of my blood
to my land and home
I have climbed the mountains and fought
the wars
I have conquered the impossible, and crossed the frontiers
My country, my country, the nation of eternity
With the resolve of the winds and the fire
of the guns
And the determination of my nation in the land of struggle
Palestine is
my home, Palestine is my fire,
Palestine is my revenge
and the land of eternal
My country, my country, the nation of eternity
I swear under the shade of the flag
To my land and nation, and the fire
of pain
I will live as a guerrilla,
I will go on as guerrilla,
I will expire as guerrilla
until I will be back
My country, my country, the nation of eternity
Charter, article 7, (Palestine Center, Aug 9, 2003): “The
prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The
time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them);
until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim!
there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!"
Bush's call of June 24, 2002 to the Palestinians, to dismantle
the terrorist infrastructure, end incitement to violence in official
media, elect new leaders not compromised by
terror, and embrace democracy.
Discusses Roadmap for Peace in the Middle East. Remarks by the U.S.
President on the Middle East (Mar 14, 2003): "The
Palestinian state must be a reformed and peaceful and democratic
state that abandons forever the use of terror. ... And the Arabstates
must oppose terrorism, support the emergence of a peaceful and democratic
Palestine, and state clearly that they will live in peace with Israel."
of the world's major Foreign
Terrorist Organizations as designated by the U.S. Department of
State are Palestinian or have a Palestinian agenda:
Martyrs Brigade [belonging to Arafat's
Nidal Organization (ANO)
(Islamic Resistance Movement)
Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Liberation Front (PLF)
Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Command (PFLP-GC)
al-Ansar [Palestinians in Lebanon]
(Party of God) [Lebanese with Palestinian agenda]
[Muslim with Palestinian agenda]
Organizations as designated by the European Union
Fatah committed to Aksa Martyrs (Khaled Abu Toameh, JP, Jun 20,
2004): The Palestinian Authority has no plans to dismantle the
Aksa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of Fatah, Prime Minister Ahmed
Qurei announced on Sunday. He acknowledged that the group is part
of Fatah and said its gunmen are entitled to play a political role
in the future. "We have clearly declared that the Aksa
Martyrs Brigades are part of Fatah," Qurei said in an interview
with the London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper. "We are committed
to them and Fatah bears full responsibility for the group."
Qurei said his top priority now is to safeguard the security of
the Fatah gunmen who are wanted by Israel. He said they would be
integrated into Fatah's institutions and would be paid salaries.
Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in
Time of War, Part I, Art. 3:
"(1) Persons taking no active
part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces
who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by
sickness, wounds, detention, or
any other cause, shall in all circumstances
be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on
race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other
similar criteria. To this end the
following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in
any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:
(a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds,
mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;"
Civilian Status Violates the Laws of War (Human Rights Watch, Mar
31, 2003): “International
law prohibits attacking, killing, injuring, capturing or deceiving
the enemy by resorting to what is called perfidy. A perfidious attack
is one launched by combatants who have led opposing forces to believe
that the attackers are really noncombatants. Acts
of perfidy include pretending to be a civilian (who cannot be attacked)
or feigning surrender (surrendering soldiers also cannot be attacked)
so that opposing forces will let down their guard at the moment
of attack. Other examples include feigning protective status by
the misuse of emblems of the United Nations or the red cross and
red crescent. Perfidy poses particular dangers because it blurs
the distinction between enemy soldiers, who are a valid target,
and civilians and other noncombatants, who are not. Soldiers
fearful of perfidious attacks are more likely to fire upon civilians
and surrendering soldiers, however unlawfully.”
and Gaza (Professor Louis Rene Beres, Washington Times, May 27,
2004): "the Hague Regulations
disallow placement of military assets or personnel in heavily populated
civilian areas. Further prohibition of perfidy
is found in Protocol I of the 1977 addition to the Geneva Conventions
of 1949, and it is widely recognized that these rules also are binding
on the basis of customary international law. Perfidy represents
an especially serious violation of the Law of War, one identified
as a "grave breach" in Article 147 of Geneva Convention
IV. The full legal effect of perfidy
committed by Palestinian terrorist leaders is to immunize Israel
from any responsibility for counterterrorist harms done to Arab
civilians. All combatants, including Palestinian terrorists, are
bound by the Law of War of international law.
This requirement is found in Article 3, common to the four Geneva
Conventions of Aug. 12, 1949, and at the two protocols to these
Conventions. Protocol I applies humanitarian international law to
all conflicts fought for "self-determination," the stated
objective of all Palestinian fighters. This
protocol brings all irregular forces within the full scope of international
law. Israel has both the right and the obligation under international
law to protect its citizens from criminal acts of terrorism.
Should it ever decide to yield to Palestinian perfidy in its indispensable
war against escalating Arab violence, Israel would surrender this
important right and undermine this fundamental obligation."
distinction - attacks on civilians by Palestinian armed groups (Amnesty
International): "The deliberate
killing of Israeli civilians by Palestinian armed groups amounts
to crimes against humanity. As defined in the
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, crimes against
humanity are various acts committed as part of a ''widespread or
systematic attack directed against any civilian population'', ''pursuant
to or in furtherance of a State or organization's policy to commit
such attack''. (71) The specified acts include murder, torture and
''other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing
great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical
health.'' (72) Crimes against humanity do not require a link to
an armed conflict - they can be committed either in peacetime or
in wartime. The deliberate killings
of Israeli civilians by Palestinian armed groups and individuals
are both widespread and systematic, and are perpetrated as part
of a publicly announced policy to target civilians. They
therefore satisfy the definition of crimes against humanity included
in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which is
recognized as reflecting customary international law. War crimes
and crimes against humanity are among the most serious crimes under
international law, and represent offences against humanity as a
whole. Bringing the perpetrators of these crimes to justice is therefore
the concern and the responsibility of the international community.
This view is illustrated in the Preamble to the Rome Statute of
the International Criminal Court, adopted in July 1998, which affirms
that the most serious crimes of concern to the international community
as a whole must not go unpunished and that their effective prosecution
must be ensured by taking measures at the national level and by
enhancing international cooperation."
(Louis Rene Beres, FrontPageMagazine, Sep 4, 2003): "Readers
of daily newspapers are now well acquainted with unending Palestinian
calls for the annihilation of Israel. What might not be apparent,
however, is that such calls - sometimes in the carefully whispered
voice of the Palestine Authority, more often in the strident voice
of PA accomplices in Hamas and other related terror groups - constitute
an especially serious crime under international law. ... For example,
the Fatah organization website still calls openly for the "eradication"
of Israel. This call echoes earlier genocidal codifications in the
still unchanged Palestinian National Charter, in Fatah's ongoing
calls for Inqirad mujtama (the extinction of Israeli society), and
in the Charter of Hamas ("There is no solution to the Palestinian
problem except by Jihad....I swear by that who holds in His Hands
the Soul of Muhammad! I indeed wish to go to war for the sake of
Allah! I will assault and kill, assault and kill, assault and kill.")"
terrorists' homes works (JP, June 21, 2004): "... neighbors
and family members of Palestinian would-be suicide bombers have
often come forward with information to prevent the pending attacks,
in an effort to spare their homes from demolition. Israel has come
under harsh international criticism for demolishing homes of Palestinian
suicide bombers."
EU's relations with West Bank and Gaza Strip" (European Union
Report 2000): "Palestinian
foreign trade is presently heavily concentrated on Israel, with
about 90% of imports coming from Israel, and about 80% of exports
going to Israel. The most important other trading
partners are Egypt, Jordan, the Gulf States and the Netherlands.
Despite the conclusion of trade and co-operation agreements between
the Palestinians and Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, as well as the
European Union, the United States and others, which all provide
for preferential access for Palestinian exports, there has been
almost no geographical diversification of trade."
was in July 2000, before the start of Arafat's terror war against
Israel in Sep 2000 trying to "kill Israel", the client
which gave the Palestinians more than 80% of the business. Today
it is easy to see that Arafat's terrorism ruined the whole Palestinian
Arab/Muslim Nazi Connection (Christian Action for Israel, Apr/May
2000): "Hitler's Mein
Kampf currently ranks sixth on the best-seller list among Palestinian
Arabs. Luis Al-Haj, translator of the Arabic edition, writes glowingly
in the preface about how Hitler's "ideology" and his "theories
of nationalism, dictatorship and race… are advancing especially
within our Arabic States."
Came First - Terrorism or "Occupation"? (MFA)
of Terror (CNN Special)
of Palestinian Violence and Terrorism since September 2000 (MFA)
Israeli): "The world often views Islam as a seventh century
anachronism. But the truth is the Islamic world is playing
and winning a sophisticated game of media manipulation in which
powerful and wealthy police states and anti-democratic political
movements are more often portrayed and perceived – at least
in the context of the Arab-Jewish conflict – as victims rather
than threatening oppressors. This paper will
contrast what Islamic leaders say about their intentions for the
state of Israel in English while western television cameras are
rolling and what they say to their own constituents in Arabic."
new Muslim hero (Joseph Farah, WND, Nov 28, 2001): "...
Zohair Hamdan, the muktar of
the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sur Bahir, was gunned down by would-be
assassins who fired nine rounds, hitting the
Arab peace crusader with five. When
Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods were scheduled to fall under Palestinian
Authority control under the peace plan of former Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Barak, Hamdan protested, saying he would prefer to remain under
Israeli sovereignty rather than Arafat's. Courageously,
Hamdan did something that is without precedent in the world of Arab
politics. He launched a petition campaign, collecting more than
10,000 signatures of Jerusalem Arabs opposing Arafat's rule."
and Other Palestinian Cities: Operation Defensive Shield (Executive
Summary of IAC Report, July 25, 2002) (PDF,
131 KB)
and Other Palestinian Cities: Operation Defensive Shield (IAC Report,
July 25, 2002) PDF, 1.08 MB)
on a Barrier That's Not on the Road Map (Charles Krauthammer, Washington
Post, Aug 8, 2003): "There have been nearly 100 Palestinian
suicide bombings. All the terrorists
came from the West Bank, where the barrier is being built. Not a
single one has come from Gaza. Why? Because there already is a fence
separating Gaza from Israel. ... In
America, we build stretches of fence along the Mexican border to
prevent foreigners from coming in to take jobs. It takes a lot of
audacity to demand that Israel stop building a fence whose purpose
is to prevent foreigners from coming in to commit mass murder.
As part of the propaganda campaign against the barrier, it
has been called a wall. In fact, it is a fence, with electronics
on either side to prevent infiltrators. It is wall-like for only
about a tenth of its length -- in just two places, both along the
Trans-Israel Highway. Why? Because Palestinian gunmen had been shooting
from Palestinian territory onto the highway and killing innocent
Crimes and Massacres Committed by the PLO and the Syrians Against
the Lebanese, 1975-2002 (Guardians of the Cedars)
Stings Its Pal, the U.N. (Alan M. Dershowitz, professor of law at
Harvard Law School, Los Angeles Times, Aug 28, 2003): "There
are numerous occupied peoples around the world seeking statehood
or national liberation, including the Tibetans, Kurds, Turkish Armenians
and Palestinians. Only one of these
groups has received official recognition by the U.N., including
observer status and invitations to speak and participate in committee
work. That group is the one that invented and perfected modern international
terrorism — namely, the Palestinians.
These rewards were first bestowed in the 1970s when the Palestine
Liberation Organization was unabashedly committed to terrorism.
In fact, Chairman Yasser Arafat was invited to speak to the U.N.
General Assembly in 1974 at a time when his organization was seeking
to destroy a member-state of the U.N. by terrorism. By rewarding
Arafat and the PLO for such behavior, the U.N. made it clear that
the best way to ensure that your cause is leapfrogged ahead of others
is to adopt terrorism as your primary means of protest. The Tibetans,
whose land has been occupied more brutally and for a longer period
than the Palestinians, but who have never practiced terrorism, cannot
even receive a hearing from the U.N."
with Hamas (Alan Dershowitz, professor at Harvard Law School, Globe
and Mail, Sep 16, 2003): "... there can be absolutely no
doubt of the legality of Israel's policy of targeting Hamas leaders
for assassination. Hamas has declared war against Israel. All of
its leaders are combatants, whether they wear military uniforms,
suits or religious garb. There is no realistic distinction between
the political and military wings of Hamas, any more than there is
a distinction between the political and military wings of al-Qaeda.
The official policy of Hamas, like that of al Qaeda, is the mass
murder of civilians. The decision to employ that policy was made
by its so-called "political" leaders. The United
States properly targeted Osama bin Laden and his associates, as
well as Saddam Hussein and his sons. Under international law, combatants
are appropriate military targets until they surrender. They may
be killed in their sleep, while preparing military actions or while
participating in any other activity. They need not be arrested,
or even given a chance to surrender. Only if they come out with
their hands up, or waving a white flag, or affirmatively manifesting
surrender by some other means, may they avoid the ultimate sanction
of a war they started, namely death."
terrorist chieftains is legal (Alan Dershowitz, professor at Harvard
Law School, JP, Apr 22, 2004): "it
is proper to kill a combatant during an ongoing war unless he surrenders
first. It doesn't matter whether the combatant is a cook or bomb-maker,
a private or a general. Nor does it matter whether he wears an army
uniform, a three-piece suit, or a kaffiyeh. So long as he is in
the chain of command, he is an appropriate target, regardless of
whether he is actually engaged in combat at the time he is killed
or is fast asleep. Of course, his killing would be extrajudicial.
Military attacks against combatants are not preceded by jury trials
or judicial warrants. ... Reasonable people
can disagree about whether the decision to target Yassin, Rantisi,
Al-Sadr, Bin Laden, or any other terrorist is tactically wise or
unwise, or whether it will have the effect of reducing or increasing
the dangers to civilians. But no
reasonable argument can be made that the decision to target these
combatants - these terrorist commanders - is unlawful under the
laws of war or under international law."
'military solution' works (Evelyn Gordon, JP, Oct 7, 2003):
"Far from proving a failure, the 'military solution' has proven
its efficacy over the last year."
World Factbook (West Bank)
World Factbook (Gaza Strip)