and romanticized hate and terrorism are hurting the world at large
The (not always) well-meaning road to a deep injustice
- the Palestinian staged-news industry
tyrant Saddam Hussein provided funding to Al-Jazeera TV
agencies do not call an Arab terrorist a terrorist
Media manipulation has become a strategic weapon of Middle East
police states and terror groups against Israel. The connection between
global terror attacks, Middle East dictatorships and Islamism is
repressed, blured, and covered up. Even though dozens of channels
and hundreds of news websites provide a sense of media pluralism,
most of the photos and video stories from conflict zones are distributed
by a small number of news agencies like AP, Reuters,
and AFP. Powerful and wealthy Middle East police states and terror
groups are often portrayed and perceived as victims rather than
threatening oppressors, hate and violence are romanticized:

reality, Arab and Islamic terrorists murdered in four years over
1,000 Israelis. Media is obsessed with real and imaginary imperfections
of Israel while not giving a damn over millions of innocents elsewhere
butchered over millions of acres worldwide: Israel,
and not Sudan, is singled out.
Palestinian woman crying?
No, she is staging"desperation"
for the media.
This picture from AP on Feb 7, 2004 demonstrates how a single picture
can tell a thousand lies.
far as the media is concerned, the Middle East is Israel and Palestine.
Yet in reality the Middle East is well more than a quarter-of-a-billion
Arabs who populate a vast landmass that stretches from Morocco on
the shores of the Atlantic to Oman on the shores of the Indian Ocean.
These generally ignored masses are so politically oppressed and
so frequently destitute, that their plight ultimately generates
religious wars in Africa, festering slums in Europe, and terror
attacks in America. Yet their stories, which beg to be told, remain
untold. Political dissidents rotting in Syrian, Egyptian and Lebanese
jails do not win even a tenth of the attention accorded to freedom
fighters like Andrei Sakharov or Alexander Solzhenitsyn during the
Cold War. Evils such as the oppression of the Arab woman - by far
the world's least emancipated and employed female - remain largely
ignored, as are Arab leaders' squandering of their people's petrodollars
or the jailing of gays by Egypt. Why? Because when it comes to budgeting
foreign coverage, news organizations see Israel as an indispensable
story, and its neighbors as a curiosity at best, a waste of resources
at worst. That, coupled with its accessibility, freedom and comfort,
is why Israel
is host to more than twice as many Western correspondents than the
entire Arab world.
That disproportionate scrutiny is also why Israel is fingered even
when killing the guilty, while its neighbors get away even with
killing the innocent. And that is also why whenever asked whether
there is anything wrong with how the media covers the Jewish state
I say there isn't; what's wrong is how the Arab states are not covered."
Reuters Doctoring Photos from Beirut (LGF, Aug 5, 2006)
Reuters Photo Scandal | A Taxonomy of Fraud | A comprehensive overview
of the four types of photo fraud committed by Reuters, August, 2006:
"Reuters has been caught red-handed in an astonishing variety
of journalistic frauds in the photo coverage of the war in Lebanon."

- the director's cut (EU Referendum, Aug 5, 2006):
I have called this post, "the director's cut", as that
is what it is. The narrative here is of how the combination of Hezbollah's
media management and modern photo-journalism has turned the recording
of a tragic event into theatre

Makeover - Beirut Edition
(Blog Drinking From Home, Aug 6, 2006): "Either this woman
is the unluckiest multiple home-owner in Beirut, or something isn't
quite right."

weekly Focus, Jan 22, 2006: "Israel
with self-defence"
Tolls for the Man-made Megadeaths of the Twentieth Century
Israel: the
press in the Middle East | Arab states & Iran: in the worst
three brackets (Snapshot of Reporters Without Borders website, Aug
12, 2004)
States & Iran: Stifled Press and Stifled Speech
Arab States & Iran: Media is Little More Than Propaganda Tool
for Regime
Arab States & Iran: Even Foreign Media Can't Report Full Truth
the Middle East, black means white
doubletalk obscures the horror of the Mideast war. Care for
language is more than a concern for purity. When one describes the
Israeli government as fascist, what words remain for real fascists?
In taking care with language, we take care of ourselves.
Terrorists - Not Activists
between the lines (Lenny Ben-David)
manipulative picture that moved hearts, taken near the Temple Mount
in Jerusalem, on Friday, April 6, 2001, by Reuters photographer
Evelyn Hockstei. an innocemt Palestinian child being arrested by
Israeli policemen, and, in his fear - he wet his pants. Undoubtedly,
this picture is very moving, and everyone can share the pain and
panic of the child. The media spread this picture worldwide without
explaining the background.
the above picture was taken, another Reuters photographer, Natalie
Behring, had taken the following picture -- which was not as widely
distributed (notice the same child throwing stones at police, and
other rioters):

April 13, 2001 the head of the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat,
abuses the same child and the truth by inviting the boy to his bureau
in Ramallah and gives him words of encouragement for the above acts
of violence (Aliam newspaper, April 14, 2001). They pose commonly
displaying the picture with the wet pants ...

Egypt State Information Service, Aug 5, 2003) is abusing the
child and the truth on its "Photo Album" of "Scenes
Disturb World conscience" - the boy is this time a "helpless
terrified Palestinian girl".  
The same lie and child abuse on the website of Mecca Cola, United
Arab Emirates, May 15, 2006: "... these being the
most wretched and the most contemptible acts of apartheid and Zionist
fascism. The most intolerable and the most immediate suffering is
that of the Palestinian people"

of Arab European League abusing
the child and the truth (Jun 15, 2004):

same lie and child abuse on
the website of Muslim Public Affairs Committee which claims
"is the UK's Leading Muslim civil liberties group"
(accessed Oct
5, 2007)
Hitler in "Mein Kampf"
about the Nazi movement and its tactics: "I
understood the infamous spiritual terror which this movement
exerts, particularly on the bourgeoisie, which is neither morally
nor mentally equal to such attacks; at a given sign it unleashes
a veritable barrage of lies and slanders against whatever adversary
seems most dangerous, until the nerves of the attacked persons
break down and, just to have peace again, they sacrifice the
hated individual... Conversely, they praise
every weakling on the opposing side, sometimes cautiously,
sometimes loudly, depending on the real or supposed quality
of his intelligence." |
Photo that Started it All (Honest Reporting, May 2002/updated by
Middle East Info Dec 9, 2003): On
the day the Intifada broke out, Tuvia Grossman was riding a taxi
to visit the Western Wall. He was unwittingly thrust into the international
limelight -- and nearly killed in the process.
September 30, 2000, The New York
Times, Associated Press and other major media outlets published
a photo of a young man -- bloodied and battered -- crouching beneath
a club-wielding Israeli policeman. The caption identified him as
a Palestinian victim of the recent riots -- with the clear implication
that the Israeli soldier is the one who beat him.
victim's true identity was revealed when Dr. Aaron Grossman of Chicago
sent the following letter to the Times:
your picture on page A5 of the Israeli soldier and the Palestinian
on the Temple Mount -- that Palestinian is actually my son, Tuvia
Grossman, a Jewish student from Chicago. He, and two of his friends,
were pulled from their taxicab while traveling in Jerusalem, by
a mob of Palestinian Arabs, and were severely beaten and stabbed.
picture could not have been taken on the Temple Mount because there
are no gas stations on the Temple Mount and certainly none with
Hebrew lettering, like the one clearly seen behind the Israeli soldier
attempting to protect my son from the mob.
response, the New York Times published a half-hearted correction,
which identified Tuvia Grossman as "an American student in
Israel" -- not as a Jew who was beaten by Arabs. The "correction"
also noted that "Mr. Grossman was wounded" in "Jerusalem's
Old City" -- although the beating actually occurred in the
Arab neighborhood of Wadi al Joz, not in the Old City.
response to public outrage at the original error and the inadequate
correction, The New York Times reprinted Tuvia Grossman's picture
-- this time with the proper caption -- along with a full article
detailing his near-lynching at the hands of Palestinians rioters.
Tuvia Grossman's in-depth, first-person account of his ordeal, entitled
Victim of the Media War.
photo of a bloodied Tuvia Grossman became a symbol in the struggle
to ensure that Israel receives the fair media coverage that every
nation deserves.
April 2002, a District Court in Paris ordered the French daily newspaper
"Liberation" and the Associated Press to pay damages to
Grossman in the amount of 4,500 Euro.
Court condemned the Associated Press for "mispresenting [Grossman]
as a member of the Palestinian community," while the court
censured "Liberation" for "publishing the litigious
picture with a comment edited the same faulty way, giving the picture
a meaning and a scope it could not have."
===== ARAB ABUSE =====
Even more remarkable is that Arab groups have adopted Grossman's
photo to use in their own propaganda campaigns, cynically using
a bloodied Jew as a symbol of the Palestinian struggle.

An official Egyptian government website (Egypt
State Information Service) is using the Grossman photo on its
"Photo Gallery" of "Scenes
Disturb World conscience".
Palestinian Information Center,
incorporated Grossman's photo onto its homepage banner.
The graphic was removed from the site, but is reprinted here:

in the Palestinian
Islamic Jihad's homepage banner (Dec 9, 2003)
some Arab groups have called for a boycott of Coca-Cola, for doing
business with Israel, and have circulated a series of posters to
state their case. One poster shows
Grossman's bleeding face juxtaposed with the Coca-Cola logo, and
the tag line: "By supporting American products, you're supporting
reports that, ironically, since Ramallah is home to a Coca-Cola
bottling facility that employs about 400 local residents (and indirectly
creates employment for hundreds more), and Coca-Cola industries
throughout the Middle East are operated as local businesses, any
boycott of Coca-Cola in Middle Eastern countries is likely to cause
more monetary harm to Arabs and Palestinians than it is to Americans
or Israelis.
notes another irony: Pepsi is also on the Arab boycott list, with
claims that the name "Pepsi" is an acronym for 'Pay Every
Penny to Save Israel' or 'Pay Every Penny to the State of Israel.'
As the Associated Press once noted, "Calling Pepsi a 'Jewish
product' is ironic, given that Pepsi was one of many multinationals
that wouldn't do business in Israel during the 40-year Arab commercial
boycott of the Jewish state."
of course the biggest irony of all is that the image chosen in the
poster to represent Palestinian suffering was none other than Tuvia
Grossman who nearly beaten to death by a Palestinian mob.|
'Palestinian victim' Tuvia Grossman immigrates to Israel (JP, Sep
7, 2005)

Parody of The
New York Times (date probably 2005, unknown author and source)
Israeli): "The world often views Islam as a seventh century
anachronism. But the truth is the Islamic world is playing
and winning a sophisticated game of media manipulation in which
powerful and wealthy police states and anti-democratic political
movements are more often portrayed and perceived – at least
in the context of the Arab-Jewish conflict – as victims rather
than threatening oppressors. This paper will
contrast what Islamic leaders say about their intentions for the
state of Israel in English while western television cameras are
rolling and what they say to their own constituents in Arabic."
Principles of Media Objectivity (Rabbi Shraga Simmons). With
the media playing such an important role in Mideast events, here
are some tools to ensure that you're more than just a passive player
in the process.
wird man Nahostkorrespondent - eine Anleitung (Claudio Casula, PI,
Feb 11.2006) - in German
Hating Israel. What we know but can't say out loud. (NRO, Victor
Davis Hanson)
of Israel strikes an alien note (Prof. Alan M. Dershowitz, National
Post): "If a visitor from a far away galaxy were to land
at an American or Canadian university and peruse some of the petitions
that were circulating around the campus, he would probably come
away with the conclusion that the Earth is a peaceful and fair planet
with only one villainous nation determined to destroy the peace
and to violate human rights. That nation would not be Iraq, Libya,
Serbia, Russia or Iran. It would be Israel."
Access of Evil (Franklin Foer, Washington Post, Apr 14, 2003):
"As Baghdad fell last week, CNN announced that it too had been
liberated ... Eason Jordan, the
network's news chief, admitted that his organization had learned
some 'awful things' about the Baathist regime--murders, tortures,
assassination plots--that it simply could not broadcast earlier.
Reporting these stories, Mr. Jordan wrote, 'would have jeopardized
the lives of Iraqis, particularly those on our Baghdad staff.' ...
Upon arrival in Iraq, journalists contended with constant surveillance.
Minders obstructed their every move, dictated camera angles, and
prevented unauthorized interviews. When the regime worried that
it had lost control of a journalist, it resorted to more heavy-handed
methods. Information ministry officials would wake journalists in
the dead of night, drive them to government buildings, and denounce
them as CIA plants. The French documentary filmmaker Joel Soler
described to me how his minder took him to a hospital to ostensibly
examine the effects of sanctions, but then called in a nurse with
a long needle 'for a series of blood tests.' Only Mr. Soler's screaming
prevented an uninvited jab. With so little prospect for reporting
the truth, you'd think that CNN and other networks would have stopped
sending correspondents into Iraq. But the opposite occurred. Each
time the regime threatened to pull the plug, network execs set out
to assiduously reassure them."
Tips on How to Be an Arafat Apologist (Jamie Glazov, Frontpage Magazin,
Apr 11, 2002)

model Nathaly Fadlallah models the 'Dress of Revolution,' designed
by Saudi haute couture designer Yehya al-Bashri. The dress was part
of a collection featured at an Arab fashion festival in Beirut on
September 17, 2002 to demonstrate solidarity with the Palestinian
uprising against Israel."
dress is covered with faux bloodstains from the waist to the knees,
and below the knees it shows an Israeli tank against a background
of burning buildings.
to say, in Saudi Arabia, the home of the designer, the same woman
would be imprisoned as a "prostitute" for daring to dress
like that.
by the way, classifies this as an "entertainment" photo.
Internet Rules (Council of Ministers Resolution, Feb 12, 2001):
"All Internet users in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall refrain
from publishing or accessing data containing some of the following:
Anything contravening a fundamental principle or legislation,
or infringing the sanctity of Islam and its benevolent Shari’ah,
or breaching public decency. Anything contrary to the state or its
system. Reports or news damaging to the Saudi Arabian armed forces,
without the approval of the competent authorities. Publication of
official state laws, agreements or statements before they are officially
made public, unless approved by the competent authorities."
of Lies. Saddam’s Disinformation and Propaganda 1990-2003
(White House)
Jaber, TimesOnline, May 7, 2006: "EVEN by the stupefying
standards of Iraq’s unspeakable violence, the murder of Atwar
Bahjat, one of the country’s top television journalists, was
an act of exceptional cruelty."
'Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari, dean of the Faculty of Shar'iah at Qatar
University (MEMRI, May 9, 2003): "To a large extent, the
Arab media was characterized by selectivity, and it was decidedly
on the side of the Iraqi regime. Our intellectuals took over the
line and constantly repeated it. Our media then devoted special
programs to disseminating and repeating the falsehoods of [Iraqi
Information Minster] Sahaf. Their biased point of view was imposed
on listeners."
apartheid seen on the highway to Mecca/Saudi Arabia (PPS,
418 KB)
Awakening. We need a clean slate in the postbellum world (Victor
Davis Hanson, NRO, Aug 14, 2003)
Pretense & Israeli Reality. What the world knows, but can’t
say, to be true (Victor Davis Hanson, NRO, Mar 18, 2003): "Much
of the problem, then, quite simply is also psychological and arises
because a Jewish state is right smack in the middle of the Arab
world — and by every measure of economic, political, social,
and cultural success thriving amid misery. Without
oil, without a large population, without friendly countries on its
borders, without vast real estate, and without the Suez Canal, it
somehow provides its citizenry with a way of life far more humane
than what is found in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, or Egypt. Yet
the world listens to the Palestinians' often-duplicitous leadership
— despite the corrupt nature and murderous past history of
Mr. Arafat's regime — because its sponsors sell a good part
of the globe's oil. And to risk their wrath, one would have to support
a few million Jews, not hundreds of millions of, say, British, Swedes,
or Italians. And so we give not a damn over millions of innocents
elsewhere butchered over millions of acres each year worldwide,
but instead focus on what the Palestinians lost while attempting
to destroy their neighbors."
and Terrorism Studies Project to monitor militant-Islamic groups
that educate and preach Jihad and martyrdom in mosques, school systems,
and in the media (MEMRI)
of Journalists in Prison in the Middle East and North Africa (CMF
MENA, Jul 3, 2004): "CMF
MENA has a record of 23 journalists in prison in different countries
in the region. There are many more that we do not know about"
Influence of Palestinian Organizations on Foreign News Reporting
(Dan Diker, JCPA, Mar 27, 2003)
on the State of the Arab Media 2003. The Fight for Democracy
(Arab Press Freedom Watch, May 2003, London) (PDF,
533 KB)
Press Freedom Watch |
organization defending freedom of the press, human rights,
and promoting democracy in the Arab world: E |
Arab and Iranian media: E, D, F, It, He, Ru, Es, Tu |
TV |
Arab and Iranian TV channels: E |
the Palestinian Media: E, F, D, Es |
MidEastTruth |
the facts of the Middle East |
Journal |
From the
Wall Street Journal editorial Page |
Media Line |
and translating Arab media: E |
Reporting in Thruth: E |
Reporting |
dishonest reporting about the Middle East |
Concerned |
the German media: D |
Media Watch |
the Swiss media: D |
Watch |
the British Broadcasting Company: E |
on the Post |
the Washington Post coverage on the Middle East: E |
Media Review and Analysis: E |
Facts and
Logic About the Middle East: E |
Fair-Reporting |
the UK media: E |
Media Maccabee |
the Australian media: E |
accuracy in Middle East reporting |
Take-a-Pen |
anti-Israel media bias. A site in 10 languages |
AccessMiddleEast |
A|ME assisting
journalists |
for a Constructive UN |
the United Nations: E |
Nothing |
the United Nations: E |
NGO-Monitor |
critical debate and accountability of human rights NGOs in the
Arab-Israeli conflict: E |
Snopes |
Urban Legends
Reference Pages: "Israel" |
League |
Internet Rumors: E |