An Integral Part of Life in Arab States & Iran
Despots star in Forbes Report 2003 "The World's Richest People"

received the largest amount of money per capita in the history of
foreign aid but this was still not enough to balance the budget
Corruption Index of Israel, Germany, USA, Arab states &
Iran |
Israel |
7.3 |
Jordan |
4.5 |
Arabia |
3.5 |
Germany |
7.3 |
Kuwait |
5.5 |
Somalia |
1.7 |
7.7 |
Lebanon |
2.6 |
Sudan |
1.8 |
Algeria |
2.7 |
Libya |
2.0 |
Syria |
3.0 |
Bahrein |
5.3 |
Mauritania |
1.7 |
Tunisia |
4.8 |
Egypt |
3.4 |
Morocco |
3.7 |
5.5 |
Iran |
3.7 |
Oman |
5.3 |
Authority |
4.3 |
Iraq |
2.3 |
Qatar |
4.7 |
Yemen |
2.8 |
Corruption Perception Index (Transparency International):
Best score: 10
(PDF, 1.5 MB) |
Corruption [in the Arab World] is Like Fighting Catholicism in the
Vatican." (Excerpts from an article by Dr. Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Effendi,
a Sudanese author and researcher who resides in London, appeared
in the London-based Arabic-language daily Al-Hayat, MEMRI, Aug 14,
for the Study of Corruption & the Rule of Law (CSC)
Arafat ‘has £1.8bn fortune’ (William Tinning,
The Herald, Nov 7, 2003): "...
[Arafat] has amassed a personal fortune of between £602m and
£1.8bn. ... Arafat's wife, Suha, 40, who lives away from the
struggles of her homeland, is given more than £60,000 a month
from Palestinian Authority funds."
Swiss Bank Account (exile-based Issam Abu Issa, former chairman
of the Palestine International Bank and founder of the Palestinian
National Coalition for Democracy and Independence, The Middle East
Quarterly, Fall 2004): "Yasir Arafat and the Palestinian
Authority are known internationally for the violence between Israelis
and Palestinians. As ruinous as that violence has been, another
cancer permeates Arafat's administration; its name is corruption.
From firsthand experience, I understand just how deep it is."
sleaze or lose aid, Arafat told (Ross Dunn, The Scotsman, Feb 29,
2004):"The World Bank
has issued the Palestinian Authority with an ultimatum to put an
end to rampant corruption or lose hundreds of
millions of pounds of vital foreign aid. The Bank’s top official
in the region, Nigel Roberts, said Yasser Arafat
had to stop the handing of large cash payments to his security commanders
- used to keep them loyal to Arafat personally - and other financial
practices open to corruption. Otherwise, he said, the Palestinian
Authority risked losing the support of the international community.
In an interview with Scotland on Sunday, Roberts said the Palestinians
were receiving the largest amount of money per capita in the history
of foreign aid but this was still not enough to balance the budget."
Saudi War on George Bush (Ed Lasky, The American Thinker, March
10th, 2004: "The largesse of the Saudi royal family is
legendary. The Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bander
bin Sultan, has boasted of his success in cultivating powerful Americans:
If the reputation then builds that the Saudis take care of friends
when they leave office, you would be surprised how much better friends
you have who are just coming into office.The
list of ex-office holders who propagate pro-Saudi spin is a long
and disgraceful one."