is supremacist and the Koran is a declaration of war against the
non-Muslim world..
Leader Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi: Europe and the U.S. Should Agree to
Become Islamic or Declare War on the Muslims. Muslim students
are being taught to despise unbelievers as filth. The
150 million Islamists today are more than all the communists and
fascists who ever lived.

Islam is a religion based on a warrior code. Leading
Islamic clerics herald the coming conquest of Rome. Islamists
are involved in over 22 active conflicts across the globe. The
bloodletting against nearly every civilization from Hindu, Buddhist,
Christian, Jewish, Chinese to African animist and even Muslim countries,
demands attention: some of the worst, most hate-driven violence
in the world today is perpetrated by Muslims and in the name of
Islam, in China
| India
| Sudan | Algeria | Afghanistan | New York | Pakistan
| Israel | Russia | Chechnya | Philippines
| Indonesia | Nigeria | England | Thailand
| Spain | Egypt | Bangladesh | Saudi Arabia | Ingushetia | Dagestan
| Turkey
| Kabardino-Balkaria | Morocco | Iraq | Yemen |
Lebanon | France | Uzbekistan | Gaza | Tunisia | Kosovo | Bosnia
| Syria | Mauritania | Kenya | Eritrea | Syria
| Somalia | Iran | Iraq | California | Kuwait | Virginia | West
Bank | Ethiopia | Iran | Jordan | United Arab Emirates | Scotland
| Louisiana | Texas | Tanzania | Germany | Pennsylvania | Belgium
| Denmark | East Timor | Qatar | Maryland | Tajikistan | Netherlands.
Pacifism - you cannot have world peace until someone enforces it
| How
the West Could Lose | The
Jihad: We're All in This Together
Liberation Organization Charter, Introduction, 1964: "We,
the Palestinian Arab people, who believe in its Arabism and in its
right to regain its homeland, to realize its freedom and dignity,
and who have determined to amass its forces and mobilize its efforts
and capabilities in order to continue its struggle and to move forward
on the path of holy war (al-jihad)
until complete and final victory has been attained,"
Authority TV Sermon, May 13, 2005:
"Muslims Will Rule America, Britain ... and the Entire World;
Israel is a Cancer;
Jews are a Virus Resembling AIDS; Muslims Will Finish Them Off"
The clash we are witnessing around the world is not a clash of civilizations.
It is a clash between civilization and backwardness, between the
civilized and the primitive, between barbarity and rationality.
is a clash between freedom and oppression, between democracy and
dictatorship. It is a clash between human rights, on the one hand,
and the violation of these rights, on other hand. It is a clash
between those who treat women like beasts, and those who treat them
like human beings. What we see today is not a clash of civilizations.
Civilizations do not clash, but compete.

Beheaded Christian girl in
Sulawesi/Indonesia | Islamist incitement to murder in
The girls' heads were left at a church, each with a note that vowed,
will murder 100 more Christian teenagers and their heads will be
presented as presents." (Freedom House, 12/19/05).

Danish flag: bleeding Cross
pierced through with Islam's sword,
Feb 7, 2006
Saudi Arabian flag: "Muhammad is the Messenger of God"
& Islam's sword

Hitler's Muslim
SS Handschar Division emblems: Nazi
swastika & Islam's sword,

Four Iranian
stamps: Islam's sword
chopping off
a demon's hand symbolizing the
Nations Security Council permanent members China, Russia, France,
Slogan ISLAM
IS VICTORIOUS with automatic gun shooting bullets in all directions
Islam's sword
Shi`ite Moslems in the holy mosques of the holy cities of Mecca
in 1987 (Saudi Arabia) and Kerbala
(Iraq) in 1991 | Ashura
massacre in Kerbala, 2004:

Incitement to
genocide of Europeans, London, Feb 3, 2006 (Yahoo/AP):
you will pay, demolition is on it's way"
"Be prepared for the real Holocaust"
those who mock Islam"| "We
want Danish blood"
is the cancer, Islam is the answer"
"Exterminate those who slander Islam"

woman survivor of July 7, 2005 London terror attack
of London Center for Islamic History Hani Siba'i, July 8, 2005:

"The term 'civilians' does not exist in Islamic religious law
... There is no such term as 'civilians'
in the modern Western sense. People are either of Dar
Al-Harb or not."
Mass at Westminster Cathedral in London (Catholic
Londoner Blog, Sep 17, 2006)
- Christianity
speaks about the idea that every single person in the world can
be saved from his sins
- Judaism
speaks about national salvation - namely, that at the end of the
story, when the world becomes a better place, Israel will be in
its own land, ruled by its own king and serving God
- Islam
speaks about ruling the world, as summarized in a phrase: "Allah
sent Muhammad with the true religion so that it should rule over
all the religions" | “No
Substitute for Victory” The Defeat of Islamic Totalitarianism
(John Lewis, Winter 2006–2007 issue of TOS)
divides the world into the Dar-al-Islam (House of Islam), where
the faithful rule, and the Dar-al-Harb
(House of War), ruled by infidels. The Moslem belief is that
the latter should become the former. These "houses" are
in a permanent state of war interrupted only by temporary tactical
truces (Hudna). There is no question as to whether actual war should
be waged. The only question is when and the answer to that is a
purely tactical one.This conflict will not cease until the whole
world is brought into the Dar-al-Islam with institutionalized
discrimination (dhimmitude) that targets Jews and Christians.
Others, such as Hindus and Buddhists, have a choice to convert or
to be slaughtered. These regulations prohibit the non-Muslim from
possessing arms, ringing church bells, testifying in courts, building
and restoring houses of worship and require them to wear special
identifying clothes.In obedience to core teachings of the Islamic
faith, Muslims
armies overran the predominantly Christian Middle East, then drove
deep into Europe long before any Crusade was even contemplated.

Italian cathedral in Tripoli (Libya) converted
into a mosque, after rebuilding in 2004
stamp with the same "Zaoviat Amura
from left)

Palestinian "armed forces" praying in front of plundered
and burning synagogues in Neve Dekalim and Netzarim, following Israeli
handover of Gaza Strip to Palestinian Authority (Reuters, 9/11/2005,
AFP 9/12/2005)
Muslims live in countries that are not free
Most Arab states and Iran do not recognize Israel's right to exist
the 57 member states of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC)
only 29 have established diplomatic relations with Israel -
161 out of 191 UN-member states maintain diplomatic relations with
does one differentiate between militant and moderate Islam?
"The principles of Islamic Shari’a shall be a major
source of legislation." (Draft
of Palestinian Constitution - c. 1, art. 7, PA official website,
Sep 14, 2005)

Sharia justice: chopped off hand and foot of "convict",
Association of the Women of Afghanistan - RAWA, Feb 7, 2006)
Sharia (Center for Religious Freedom/Freedom House, Mar-Jun 2002
Newsletter): "In its most recent survey on the state of
political freedom and civil liberties around the world, Freedom
House found that there is a dramatic, expanding gap in the levels
of freedom and democracy between Islamic countries and the rest
of the world. Only 11 of the world's 47 Muslim
countries can be categorized as "democracies." This means
that a non-Islamic state is more than three times more likely to
be democratic as an Islamic state. There
are no electoral democracies at all among the 16 Arabic states of
the Middle East and northern Africa. There is
an even more dramatic freedom gap between majority Islamic countries
and the rest of the world. In countries
with a Muslim majority, there is just one Free country,
Mali, while 18 are rated Partly Free and 28 are Not Free. Of
the ten lowest ranking countries in civil liberties, most are Muslim.
This defies the trend in the rest
of the world with 2001 being a high water mark for democracy and
freedom in general. The Center for Religious
Freedom's own survey on religious freedom found that the
religious areas with the largest current restrictions on religious
freedom are the Islamic countries. In July,
the UN released its "Arab Development Report" validating
our findings and warning that Arab
societies are being crippled by a lack of political freedom, repression
of women and intellectual isolation. One statistic that stands out:
In the last 1,000 years the whole Arab world translated as many
books as Spain does in one year. Another is the fact that half of
Arab women are illiterate."
and Islam (Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post, Dec 6, 2002):
"The world of Islam has bloody
borders. Most Muslims are obviously peaceful people living within
the rules of civilized behavior. But the actual violence, bloodletting
against nearly every non-Muslim civilization from Hindu, Christian,
Jewish, Chinese to African animist, demands attention."
of the Islamic Conference (OIC) official website, Sep 6, 2003:
"... is an inter-governmental
organization grouping fifty-six States. These States decided to
pool their resources together, combine their efforts ... in absolute
priority, with liberating Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa from Zionist occupation."
to close all 944 schools in Muslim south (Channelnewsasia, Nov 27,
hate civilization (Charles Krauthammer, New York Post, Oct 16, 2001):
"If poverty and destitution,
colonialism and capitalism are animating radical Islam, explain
this: In March, the Taliban went to the Afghan desert where stood
great monuments of human culture, two massive Buddhas carved out
of a cliff. At first, Taliban soldiers tried artillery. The 1,500-year-old
masterpieces proved too hardy. The Taliban had to resort to dynamite.
They blew the statues to bits, then slaughtered 100 cows in atonement--for
having taken so long to finish the job. Buddhism is hardly a representative
of the West. It is hardly a cause of poverty and destitution. It
is hardly a symbol of colonialism."
if it's not Israel they loathe? (Paris-based Iranian Amir Taheri,
JP, Dec 2, 2004): "There are no free elections or reliable
opinion polls in the Arab world. So no one knows what the silent
majority really thinks. The best one can do is rely on anecdotal
evidence. On that basis, I came to believe that the Palestine-Israel
issue was low down on the list of priorities for the man in the
street but something approaching an obsession for the political,
business, and intellectual elites. ... The reason why the elites
fake passion about this issue is that it is the only one on which
they agree. In many cases, it is also the only political issue that
people can discuss without running into trouble with the secret
you believe in modernity? (Daniel Pipes, JP, Nov 26, 2003):
"If militant Islam is the
problem and moderate Islam is the solution,
... how does one differentiate
between these two forms of Islam?"
a Jew for Allah. The Mideast problem. (John Derbyshire, NRO, Mar
22, 2002): "Look: Possibly there would be some abstract
justice in closing down the settlements, I don't know. I don't see
it myself, I must admit. Why should
Jews not live among Arabs? Lots of Arabs live in Israel,
and do very well there. There are rich Israeli Arabs; there are
Israeli-Arab pop stars and comedians; there are Israeli-Arab intellectuals,
teachers, writers, businessmen, athletes. Why, when the whole thing
gets sorted out, should there not be Jews living in Arab territory
— as there were for centuries past? What, exactly, is wrong
with the settlements? I don't see it."
clarifies the Middle East (Dennis Prager, WND, Dec 30, 2003):
"If you want to understand
the Middle East conflict, Iran has just provided all you need to
know. A massive earthquake kills between 20,000 and 40,000 Iranians,
and the government of Iran announces that help is welcome from every
country in the world ... except Israel.
This little-reported news item is of great significance. It begs
commentary. Israel not only has the world's most experienced crews
in quickly finding survivors in bombed out buildings, it is also
a mere two-hour flight from Iran. In other words, no
country in the world would come close to Israel in its ability to
save Iranian lives quickly. But none of this
means anything to the rulers of Iran. The Islamic government of
Iran has announced to the world that it
is better for fellow countrymen and fellow Muslims – men,
women and children – to die buried under rubble than to be
saved by a Jew from Israel."
National Authority Official Website, Jul 2, 2003: "President
Arafat Condemns Israeli Decision to Allow Non-Muslims into Al-Aqsa
... Officials from the Waqf—the Islamic trust running the
site—banned Jews and other non-Muslims from visiting the site
Sermons on Palestinian Authority Television (MPG,
4.2 MB): "... I
pray to Allah that we live to see the usurping Knesseth [Israeli
Parliament] collapse on the heads of the Jews ..."
is Great, Oh Little Ones (Palestinian TV Satellite, June 26, 2001)
(MPG, 16.2 MB):
"... I gladly welcome my Martyrdom ..."
is Jihad (Daniel Pipes, New York Post, Dec 31, 2002): "Jihad
is "holy war." Or, more precisely: It means the legal,
compulsory, communal effort to expand the territories ruled by Muslims
at the expense of territories ruled by non-Muslims. The purpose
of jihad, in other words, is not directly to spread the Islamic
faith but to extend sovereign Muslim power (faith, of course, often
follows the flag). Jihad is thus unabashedly offensive in nature,
with the eventual goal of achieving Muslim dominion over the entire
of “Countries of Particular Concern” Under the International
Religious Freedom Act. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell has
designated six countries as “countries of particular concern”
for particularly severe violations of religious freedom under the
International Religious Freedom Act. Those countries are Burma,
China, Iran, Iraq,
North Korea, and Sudan.
of the Bahá'ís in Iran (The Bahá'í World)):
"The 300,000-member Bahá'í
community comprises the largest religious minority in that country,
and Bahá'ís have been oppressed solely because of
religious intolerance. Islamic leaders in Iran and elsewhere have
long viewed the Bahá'í Faith as a threat to Islam
and have branded the Bahá'ís as heretics."
Secret Blueprint for the Destruction of the Bahá'í
Community (The Bahá'í World): "Stamped
"confidential," the document indicates clearly that it
was prepared at the request of the Leader of the Islamic Republic
of Iran, Ali Khamenei, and the President of Iran, Hahsemi Rafsanjani.
The memorandum was signed by Hujjatu'l Islam Siyyid Mohammad Gulpaygani,
Secretary of the Council, and approved by Mr. Khamenei, who added
his signature to the document."
Dhimmi: An Overview (The Victims of Muslim Religious Apartheid):
"DEFINITION: The status of People of the Book (Jews and
Christians) unders Islamic rule. Over the centuries, the ideology
of Dhimmitude expanded into a formal system of religious apartheid.
apartheid: In Shari’a law,
there are official discriminations against the Dhimmi, such as the
poll-tax or jizya. No legal rights. Jews may not testify in court
against a Muslim and have no legal right to dispute or challenge
anything done to them by Muslims. There is no such thing as a Muslim
raping a Jewish woman; there is no such thing as a Muslim murdering
a Jew (at most, it can be manslaughter). In contrast, a Jew who
strikes a Muslim is killed Conditional protection. The protection
of the Dhimmi is withdrawn if the Dhimmi rebels against Islamic
law, gives allegiance to non-Muslim power (such as Israel), refuses
to pay the poll-tax, entices a Muslim from his faith, or harms a
Muslim or his property. If the protection is lifted, jihad resumes.
For example, Islamists in Egypt who pillage
and kill the Copts do so because they no longer pay their poll-tax
and therefore are no longer protected."
(The Status of Non-Muslim Minorities Under Islamic Rule)
Jewish Temple (Arab-American journalist Joseph Farah, WND, August
14, 2003: "Not only are Arafat's minions in Jerusalem today
attempting to rewrite the history of Arabs and Jews in the region
as told by others, they are attempting to rewrite the history of
Arabs and Jews in the region as told by Arabs."
mosque in Rome? Sure. A non-Muslim in Mecca? No. (Jonathan V. Last,
Wall Street Journal, Aug 29, 2003): "If you judge by the
pictures, the Makkah Hilton is a nice place to stay. There's just
one catch, as the Web site notes. The five-star hotel 'is exclusively
sited within the Holy City which, by
national and religious law, is only accessible to visitors of the
Muslim Religion.' This law is something of a
singularity among major religions, because it isn't merely the Grand
Mosque that is off-limits to nonbelievers, the way, for instance,
a Mormon Temple is. It's a city--a major city with hotels, supermarkets,
schools and a population of 1.2 million people. (The city of Medina,
population 700,000, also forbids non-Muslims.) ... The ban sometimes
creates logistical woes. Companies that rely on skilled workers
often resort to using auxiliary offices outside the city. Ms. Mackey
tells of the building of a hotel
designed by a Western architect. The Saudis refused to allow him
into the city and, she writes, 'insisted that he stand on a hill
outside of town and direct the work through a telescope.'
... But even at the State Department, the ban rankles. 'Every religion
needs to have its own freedom of assembly and be able to protect
the integrity of its holy places,' said one State Department expert.
'But it's just absurd that it goes to these great lengths. . . .
Even if you don't care about lofty
ideals like religious freedom or openness, we're starting to see
some real connections between religious intolerance and terrorism.'"
website of Makkah Hilton Hotel, Saudi Arabia (Aug 30, 2003):
"... this hotel is only accessible to visitors of Muslim religion."
website of Madinah Hilton Hotel, Saudi Arabia (Aug 30, 2003):
"... this hotel is only accessible to visitors of Muslim religion."
Arabia's Apartheid (Colbert I. King, Washington Post, Dec 22, 2001):
"He said he and his wife were amused
to read early press reports from Afghanistan about the oppression
of women and religious minorities. 'Virtually everything described
there was taking place in Saudi Arabia, with the exception that
at least the Taliban permitted other religions to exist in their
country. This is absolutely forbidden in Saudi Arabia.'
.... One
of the (still) untold stories, however, is the cooperation
of U.S. and other Western companies in enforcing sexual apartheid
in Saudi Arabia. McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, and other U.S.
firms, for instance, maintain strictly segregated eating zones in
their restaurants. The men's sections are typically
lavish, comfortable and up to Western standards, whereas the women's
or families' sections are often run-down, neglected and, in the
case of Starbucks, have no seats. Worse, these firms will bar entrance
to Western women who show up without their husbands. My wife and
other [U.S. government affiliated] women were regularly forbidden
entrance to the local McDonald's unless there was a man with them."
Saudi Cleric Denounces Riyadh Bombings [of Muslims] (Adnan Malik,
AP, Apr 22, 2004): ""Whoever kills an (Islamic) believer
on purpose will be punished by being burned in hell, punished by
God's anger and will be cursed and suffer great pain."
Islam's second holiest city, was originally a Jewish "settlement":
"The city of Medina, some
280 miles north of Mecca, had originally been settled by Jewish
tribes from the north, especially the Banu Nadir
and Banu Quraiza. The comparative richness of the town attracted
an infiltration of pagan Arabs who came at first as clients of the
Jews and ultimately succeeded in dominating them. Medina, or, as
it was known before Islam, Yathrib, had no form of stable government
at all. The town was tom by the feuds of the rival Arab tribes of
Aus and Khazraj, with the Jews maintaining an uneasy balance of
power. The latter, engaged mainly in agriculture and handicrafts,
were economically and culturally superior to the Arabs, and were
consequently disliked.... as soon as the Arabs had attained unity
through the agency of Muhammad they attacked and ultimately eliminated
the Jews." (Professor
Bernard Lewis, Arabs in History, p. 40).
in the Middle. Alive but oppressed (Bat Yeor, NRO, Mar 3, 2003):
"The light of freedom sparkled for the oppressed Christian
minorities in the Middle East after World War I. It was quickly
extinguished by France and Britain in their eagerness to appease
Muslim hostility in their Arab colonial dominions. Sacrificed were
the legitimate aspirations of the Armenians, Kurds, Assyrians, and
Copts. Their ancestral homelands were arbitrarily lumped into enormous
Arab-Islamic entities, while concessions to Islamic demands violated
their rights. Some, like the Armenians, Assyrians, and Jacobites,
were simply abandoned to bloody reprisals, while the promises they
had been given were broken. Only the Maronites and the Jews were
given a chance; even for these, it was a delusion and a snare. British
pro-Arab policy in the 1930s in Palestine, the gestation of the
Shoah in Europe, and the closure of all routes of escape for the
Jews at the Evian Conference in 1938 seemed to have delivered the
last blow to the Zionist dream of national liberation. The Maronites
had to wait a generation to experience the bitterness of world abandonment
and the betrayal of their friends. Hence, among
all the dhimmi peoples, only Israel survived the lethal Euro-Arab
alliance against the indigenous Middle Eastern minorities.
Rights and Human Wrongs. Sharia can’t be an exception to international
human-rights norms. (David Littman, NRO, Jan 19, 2003):
"The principal aim of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR) was to create a framework for a universal code based
on mutual consent."
Charter, article 7 (Palestine Center, Aug 9, 2003): “The
prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The
time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them);
until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim!
there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!”
Charter, article 22 (Palestine Center, Aug 9. 2003): "The
enemies have been scheming for a long time, and they have consolidated
their schemes, in order to achieve what they have achieved. They
took advantage of key elements in unfolding events, and accumulated
a huge and influential material wealth which they put to the service
of implementing their dream. This
wealth [permitted them to] take over control of the world media
such as news agencies, the press, publication houses, broadcasting
and the like. [They also used this] wealth to stir
revolutions in various parts of the globe in
order to fulfill their interests and pick the fruits. They
stood behind the French and the Communist Revolutions and behind
most of the revolutions we hear about here and there.
They also used the money to establish
clandestine organizations which are spreading around the world,
in order to destroy societies and carry out Zionist interests. Such
organizations are: the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs,
B’nai B’rith and the like. All
of them are destructive spying organizations.
They also used the money to take over control
of the Imperialist states and made them colonize many countries
in order to exploit the wealth of those countries and spread their
corruption therein. As regards local and world wars, it has come
to pass and no one objects, that they
stood behind World War I, so as to wipe out
the Islamic Caliphate. They collected material gains and took control
of many sources of wealth. They obtained the Balfour Declaration
and established the League of Nations
in order to rule the world by means of that
organization. They also stood behind
World War II, where they collected immense benefits
from trading with war materials and prepared for the establishment
of their state. They inspired the
establishment of the United Nations and the Security Council to
replace the League of Nations, in order to rule the world
by their intermediary. There was
no war that broke out anywhere without their fingerprints on it:
“…As often as they light a fire for war, Allah extinguishes
it. Their efforts are for corruption in the land and Allah loves
not corrupters.” Sura V (Al-Ma’ida—the Tablespread),
verse 64 The forces of Imperialism
in both the Capitalist West and the Communist East support the enemy
with all their might, in material and human
terms, taking turns between themselves. When Islam appears, all
the forces of Unbelief unite to confront it, because the Community
of Unbelief is one. “Oh ye who believe! Take not for intimates
others than your own folk, who would spare no pain to ruin you.
Hatred is revealed by [the utterance of] their mouth, but that which
their breasts hide is greater. We have made plain for you the revelations
if you will understand.” Sura III, (Al-Imran), verse 118 It
is not in vain that the verse ends with God’s saying: “If
you will understand.”
truth about Christians in 'Palestine' (Arab-American journalist
Joseph Farah. WND, Feb 28, 2003: "Arafat's Islamo-fascist
storm troopers have shown nothing but contempt for Christians and
their holy sites – particularly in the last five or six years."
Crimes and Massacres Committed by the PLO and the Syrians Against
the Lebanese, 1975-2002 (Guardians of the Cedars)
Terror Comes To India’s Streets (Swapan Dasgupta, Wall Street
Journal, Aug 27, 2003): "The new terrorists are not preoccupied
with the "liberation" of Kashmir from India, their objective
is a wider jihad aimed at the re-establishment of a Caliphate and
a war against the West, Israel and India."
demonology of SE Asian Islamists (Australian MP Michael Danby, Jerusalem
Post, Aug 31, 31, 2003): "Sue and Donna lived in Elwood
and Port Melbourne respectively, suburbs in my constituency in Melbourne,
where I serve as a federal member of parliament. Sue and Donna were
killed whilst enjoying a holiday in Bali, and now Donna leaves behind
a disabled four-year-old. As justification for their murderous acts
in Bali, two of the known perpetrators, Amrozi bin Nurhasyim and
Imam Samudra, have focused their
rhetoric on revenge 'against the Jews,' despite the fact that, to
the best of my knowledge, there are no Jews in Indonesia.
... Where European anti-Semites saw the Jews as the sworn enemies
of Christianity, the Indonesian
anti-Semites see the Jews and Christians as allies. Imam Samudra
says the Bali bombing was designed 'to carry out my responsibility
to wage global jihad against Jews and Christians throughout the
world.' When Samudra was led from court on 26
June, he yelled: 'Destroy Christians,
destroy America, destroy Jews!' ... Poor Indonesian
youth are attending religious schools (madrassas) and some of them
are being indoctrinated by Wahabist
preachers funded from Saudi Arabia.
The result has been to reconnect Indonesian Islam with the Islamist
strand of the Arab world, with its prevalent strains of anti-Western
and anti-Semitic ideology."
(Louis Rene Beres, FrontPageMagazine, Sep 4, 2003): "Readers
of daily newspapers are now well acquainted with unending Palestinian
calls for the annihilation of Israel. What might not be apparent,
however, is that such calls - sometimes in the carefully whispered
voice of the Palestine Authority, more often in the strident voice
of PA accomplices in Hamas and other related terror groups - constitute
an especially serious crime under international law. ... For example,
the Fatah organization website still calls openly for the "eradication"
of Israel. This call echoes earlier genocidal codifications in the
still unchanged Palestinian National Charter, in Fatah's ongoing
calls for Inqirad mujtama (the extinction of Israeli society), and
in the Charter of Hamas ("There is no solution to the Palestinian
problem except by Jihad....I swear by that who holds in His Hands
the Soul of Muhammad! I indeed wish to go to war for the sake of
Allah! I will assault and kill, assault and kill, assault and kill.")"
Peace Act (U.S. Congress, H.R.5531, Oct 7, 2002):
"The Government of Sudan has intensified its prosecution
of the war against areas outside of its control, which has already
cost more than 2,000,000 lives and has displaced more than 4,000,000
people. ... The Government of Sudan utilizes and organizes militias,
Popular Defense Forces, and other irregular units for raiding and
enslaving parties in areas outside of the control of the Government
of Sudan in an effort to disrupt severely the ability of the populations
in those areas to sustain themselves. ... The acts of the Government
of Sudan, including the acts described in this section, constitute
genocide as defined by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of Genocide (78 U.N.T.S. 277). ... The Congress hereby--
(1) condemns--
(A) violations of human rights on all sides of the conflict in Sudan;
(B) the Government of Sudan's overall human rights record, with
regard to both the prosecution of the war and the denial of basic
human and political rights to all Sudanese;
(C) the ongoing slave trade in Sudan and the role of the Government
of Sudan in abetting and tolerating the practice;
(D) the Government of Sudan's use and organization of `murahalliin'
or `mujahadeen', Popular Defense Forces, and regular Sudanese Army
units into organized and coordinated raiding and slaving parties
in Bahr al Ghazal, the Nuba Mountains, and the Upper Nile and the
Blue Nile regions; and
(E) aerial bombardment of civilian targets that is sponsored by
the Government of Sudan; and
(2) recognizes that, along with selective bans on air transport
relief flights by the Government of Sudan, the use of raiding and
slaving parties is a tool for creating food shortages and is used
as a systematic means to destroy the societies, culture, and economies
of the Dinka, Nuer, and Nuba peoples in a policy of low-intensity
ethnic cleansing." The
[Sudan Peace] Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives on October
7, 2002 by a vote of 359-8. The Senate passed the same language
by unanimous consent on October 9, 2002 (U.S. Department of State,
Oct 21, 2002).
QAEDA'S AGENDA FOR IRAQ (Paris based Iranian journalist Amir Taheri,
New York Post, Sep 3, 2003): "'It is not the American war
machine that should be of the utmost concern to Muslims. What
threatens the future of Islam, in fact its very survival, is American
democracy." This is the message of a new
book, just published by al Qaeda in several Arab countries. The
author of "The Future of Iraq and The Arabian Peninsula After
The Fall of Baghdad" is Yussuf al-Ayyeri, one of Osama bin
Laden's closest associates since the early '90s."
religious and morality police launch website (MEMRI, May 13, 2003)
: "... the arrest of an
Asian man belonging to the Sufi sect of Islam who "engaged
in witchcraft," a study on the role of the Authority in the
struggle against "ideological invasion, ... On the photo, under
the heading "The Jewish Doll," is a story titled "The
Strange Request." The story reads: "One girl said to her
mother: 'Mother, I want jeans and a shirt open at the top, like
Barbie's!!' The dolls of the Jewish Barbie in her naked garb [sic],
their disgraceful appearance, and their various accessories are
a symbol of the dissolution of values in the West. We must fully
comprehend the danger in them."
Muslim bigotry (Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, Oct 23, 2003): Mahathir
delivered his diatribe at an Islamic summit meeting on Oct. 16.
His theme was the anti-Semite's timeless plaint: The Jews are few
but crafty, and the world is in their grip. "The Europeans
killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million, but today the Jews rule
the world by proxy," Mahathir told the leaders of 57 Muslim
nations. "They get others to fight and die for them."
He lamented that Jews are an enemy "who think. They survived
2,000 years of pogroms not by hitting back, but by thinking. They
invented . . . socialism, communism, human rights, and democracy
so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong -- so they may
enjoy equal rights with others. With these they have now gained
control of the most powerful countries." And
how should the world's Muslims deal with the Jews? Mahathir urged
them to learn from Mohammed's example -- to buy time by making "strategic
retreats" and signing peace accords, then building up their
strength until they are ready to launch a "counterattack"
that will lead to "final victory."
[Prime Minister of Malaysia] Mahathir Mohamad (Amos Asa-El, JP,
Oct. 23, 2003): "The question, therefore, is not why
you are after the Jews - that's because of your
insecurity and our perceived vulnerability - and also not what the
Jews will do in response, because today's Jews, unlike their forefathers,
can be counted on to confront people like you and the challenge
they represent. The question is why you are so frustrated?
And the answer in one word is: envy. Not only has Western civilization
advanced as dramatically as it has; in recent years non-Western
Japan, China, and India, as well as semi-Western Russia and Latin
America have also joined the future. Most Muslim countries, at the
same time, have not only stagnated, but in fact backtracked, seeing
the gaps between them and much of the rest of the world grow even
deeper than they were a century ago."
Children the Truth (Overseas Moslems expose the roots of
today's jihad)
Earliest Terrorists | Lessons from America’s first war against
Islamic terror (Joshua E. London, NRO, Dec 16, 2005): "As
timely and familiar as these events may seem, they occurred more
than two centuries ago.
The president was Thomas Jefferson, and the terrorists were the
Barbary pirates. Unfortunately, many of the easy lessons to be plucked
from this experience have yet to be fully learned. The Barbary states,
modern-day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia,
and Libya, are collectively known to the Arab
world as the Maghrib (“Land of Sunset”), denoting Islam’s
territorial holdings west of Egypt. With the advance of Mohammed’s
armies into the Christian Levant in the seventh century, the Mediterranean
was slowly transformed into the backwater frontier of the battles
between crescent and cross. Battles raged on both land and sea,
and religious piracy flourished. ... These future United States
presidents questioned the ambassador as to why his government was
so hostile to the new American republic even though America had
done nothing to provoke any such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered
them, as they reported to the Continental Congress, 'that
it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written
in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged
their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to
make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves
of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who
should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.'"
U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative (Secretary Colin L. Powell,
Dec 12, 2002): Building Hope for the Years Ahead
Sheet Outlines U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative. Supports
educational, economic, political reform in Arab World (Dec 12, 2002)
Religious Freedom Report for 2002 (U.S. Department of State)